Gandalf, Leader of the Company (P) (0P70)

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Gandalf, Leader of the Company (P) (0P70) Card Image

Set: Promotional
Kind: Free People
Culture: Gandalf
Twilight: 4
Card Type: CompanionWizard
Strength: 7
Vitality: 4
Resistance: 7
Game Text: While Gandalf is in region 1, each other companion is strength +2. While Gandalf is in region 2, each companion is strength +1. While Gandalf is in region 3, he is strength +2.
Rarity: P

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Gandalf, Leader of the Company (P) (0P70) Wiki


This card is a promotional reprint of another card, Gandalf, Leader of the Company, from the Shadows set.

Please refer to that card for strategy and clarifications.

Extra Information

Other Versions of Gandalf

Defender of the West (P) Mithrandir (P) Stormcrow (P) Stormcrow (D) Friend of the Shirefolk Friend of the Shirefolk (T) The Grey Wizard The Grey Pilgrim Greyhame The White Wizard The White Wizard (T) Mithrandir Defender of the West Manager of Wizards Leader of Men Leader of Men (T) The White Rider The White Rider (F) The White Rider (O) Bearer of Obligation Bearer of Obligation (F) Bearer of Obligation (O) Powerful Guide Powerful Guide (H) Powerful Guide (F) Powerful Guide (O) Returned Wise Guide

Other Prints of Gandalf, Leader of the Company

Shadows Shadows (T)


This page has been moved, the new location is Gandalf, Leader of the Company (P) (0P70).