The Nazgul (W) (0W10)

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The Nazgul (W) (0W10) Card Image

Set: Promotional
Kind: Shadow
Culture: Wraith
Twilight: 14
Card Type: Minion • Nazgul
Strength: 20
Vitality: 5
Site: 3
Game Text: Fierce. To play, spot a Nazgul. Menace - When you play this minion add 2 burdens.
Rarity: W
Notes: Triumph and Menace Series for LOTRO. No physical card exists.

The information presented above about LoTR TCG, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Decipher Inc. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Decipher.

The Nazgul (W) (0W10) Wiki

This card is part of the Lord of the Rings Online set of cards released by Decipher for their online-only LotR-TCG game product. It was thankfully never produced physically and is not legal in current electronic formats.


This page has been moved, the new location is The Nazgul (W) (0W10).