Gandalf's Pipe (1U74)

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Gandalf's Pipe (1U74) Card Image

Set: The Fellowship of the Ring
Kind: Free People
Culture: Gandalf
Twilight: 0
Card Type: PossessionPipe
Game Text: Bearer must be Gandalf. Fellowship: Discard a pipeweed possession and spot X pipes to remove X burdens.
Lore: ”'I know what is the matter with me,' he muttered, as he sat down by the door. 'I need smoke!'”
Rarity: U

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Gandalf's Pipe (1U74) Wiki

General Strategy

The burden-removing pipe, Gandalf's Pipe can potentially remove up to six burdens per Pipeweed possession through Movie Block format. Commonly run with Frodo signets to take advantage of Frodo's Pipe, Pipeweed decks are potentially susceptible to multicultural hate, such as Mordor Pillager or Agents of Orthanc.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

  • Powerful burden removal support in Pipeweed strategy

Weak Versus...

Example Decks