Easterling Guard (4C226) Wiki

General Strategy

Easterling Guard and Easterling Lieutenant make up the backbone of the Easterling corruption machine. Along with Gathering to the Summons and Vision from Afar, these four cards are capable of corrupting the Ring-bearer on their own. Just 5 burdens is often seen as the tipping point for a Fellowship as this puts companions in danger of being killed by Shotgun Enquea, making this new subculture incredibly potent in Towers Standard. Easterling Guard fits naturally with Gollum, Stinker, and can be replayed by Evil-smelling Fens for even greater corruption opportunity.

Because the burdening occurs when this minion is assigned to a skirmish rather than at the start of a skirmish, he is unhindered by Rohan mounts. If there are at least two burdens, Easterling Polearm renders him immune to wounds and practically guarantees a burden will be added if there are no Ring-bound companions capable of fighting him.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

Weak Versus...

Example Decks

Rules and Clarifications

Extra Information


This page has been moved, the new location is Easterling Guard (4C226).