Joined: 01 Aug 2005
Posts: 1
Location: Paris
Hello guys, here is my version of the new evil men archery coming with bloodlines, with a Noble leader fellowship as support
Boromir,bearer of council
Ring of rings
Aragorn, Strider
Pippin, Hobbit of some intelligence
Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith
Elendil the tall
Faramir, son of Denethor x2
Gandalf, leader of the company x4
Narsil, blade of the faithful
Anduril FotW x2
Sapling of the white tree x4
Scroll of Isildur
Noble leader x3
Watch and wait
New awakened x2
gondorian blade x2
Glamdring foe-hammer
travelled leader x2
King’s legacy
banner’s blowing x2
Out high of the airs
Archer of Harad x4
Mumak Rider x4
Ferocious haradrim x3
Corsair Champion x2
Fletcher of harad x3
Footman of dunland x2
Precision targeting x4
Elevated fire x4
Howdah x4
whistling death x2
wielding the ring x3
This deck is 35/35 because the shadow cycles very well and I often have 2 or 3 cards in my deck left at the end of the game.
The strategy is to bid 2 so you choose your opponent to go first (You have only one burden because of Pippin). Then you play plains and battlegrounds to use the mumak’s rider’s ability and the fletcher of harad too. If you can’t because your opponent controls the sitepath there are 2 footmen of dunland to allow you to be at a plain site. The corsair champion is very usefull too, especially if you have him at the start of the game because your opponent will have to exert a companion each time he plays a possession. Whistling death is there to try to kill key companions that are exhausted and it works well against some fellowships that rely on one big companion like dwarves. But the best card of this deck is howdah : it’s very powerfull to increase archery each turn when you have this card in play (Play it only when you can spot at least two archers).
The free people side is a good fighting one and it’ main weakness is corruption. That’s the reason because I splashed one Jarnsmid who can save your life when removing 2 burdens (And there is one watch and wait to help too). The travelled leader is there to allow you to play the anduin banks more than once (or neekerbreeker’s bog if your opponent choose to take burden instead of wounds) and it’s very efficient. Gandalf takes care of condition removal. I think that banners blowing is better than sharpen your swords because you can play it twice so I add two of them. With Denethor you can play the 2 cards you need at the sanctuaries so you can adapt to the shadow you’re against (I often play Elendil and Narsil except against corruption or Ninja Gollum because Faramir or scroll of Isildur can be very usefull). At the end of the game if you see that you won’t kill your opponent, you can try to double move with out high of the airs.
What do you think of it ?
bye |