The Last Homely House

Middle-Earth => Lothlórien => Standard => Topic started by: smallman on May 01, 2009, 09:27:19 AM

Title: Evil men stacking fierce mega swarm
Post by: smallman on May 01, 2009, 09:27:19 AM
*The One Ring, The Ring of Rings(11R1) 
*Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms (RB)(9R+33) 
1x *Gandalf, Leader of the Company(11S33)   

(0)Anduin Banks(11U227) 
(0)Crags of Emyn Muil(11S234) 
(1) Doorway to Doom(18U134) 
(1)Cavern Entrance(11S232) 
(2) Mithlond(18U136) 
(2) Wold Battlefield(12U194) 
(3) Imladris(17U147) 
(3)Heights of Isengard(11U244) 
(3)The Prancing Pony(11S256) 
Fellowship (40) 
1x *Anduril, Sword that was Broken(17R27) 
1x *Gandalf's Staff, Ash Staff(11R34) 
1x *Narsil, Forged by Telchar(17R31) 
1x *Narya, Ring of Fire(9R19) 
1x *Scroll of Isildur(9R36) 
2x *Aragorn, Thorongil(15R55) 
1x *Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath(11R57) 
1x *Elendil, High-king of Gondor(13R65) 
4x *Grimbeorn, Beorning Chieftain(14R6) 
1x *Radagast, The Brown(9R+26) 
2x Ranger of Westernesse(11S65) 
1x *Brooding On Tomorrow(10U15) 
1x *New Authority(11U37) 
2x Spirit of the White Tree(17U34) 
4x Strange Meeting(13C41) 
1x Watch and Wait(12R35) 
1x A New Light(17U15) 
1x All Save One(7C31) 
1x Sharpen Your Swords(7U47) 
1x Traveled Leader(12C34) 
1x *Alatar, Final Envoy(13U28) 
1x *Elendil's Army(18R47) 
1x *Gondorian Servant, Denethor's Handman(18R52) 
2x *Pallando, Far-travelling One(13R37) 
1x *Aragorn's Bow, Ranger's Longbow(15R56) 
1x *Glamdring, Foe-hammer(11R35) 
1x *Horn of Boromir, The Great Horn(18R53) 
1x Armor of the White City(18C39) 
1x Beorning Axe(18R18) 
Shadow (40) 
1x Countless Companies(12U58) 
1x Rapid Reload(15U89) 
1x *Saruman, Coldly Still(17S48) 
1x *The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor(12S73) 
1x *Voice of the Desert, Southron Troop(13R101) 
1x Corsair Freebooter(8C54) 
1x Corsair Plunderer(8R58) 
4x Easterling Dispatcher(17U42) 
4x Stampeding Savage(17C53) 
4x Sunland Guard(17C55) 
3x Sunland Scout(17R56) 
4x Sunland Trooper(17C59) 
2x Black Sails of Umbar(8R50) 
4x Cerimonial Armor(17R41) 
3x Pavise(11C94) 
1x Poleaxe(11S95) 
4x Wildman's Oath(17C66) 

Quite an enjoyable deck to play, especially if your opponent gives you time to set it up well.  Bid 1 and go first and walk, hopefully your opponent will be keen to use his sites and walk with you.  People that don't know the shadow sure seem to.  I've had a couple of games where I've got 20 fierce minions out in region 3, and had a game where i got 14 archers out in region 2, and exhausted everyone first with rapid reload.

You need to cycle as fast as possible, and get max no of shadow possessions on the table.  Freeps is also fairly solid, and is muster focused.  Grimbeorn also helps cycle faster too.  Once you nearly decked, try to keep Sunland Guard, Easterling Dispatcher, and Pavise in hand, to release your bomb swarm.  More minions in hand the better really.  If they have 5 or less comps, then you better wait until you have a good hand of minions saved up, if they have 6+ which is common these days then you only need about 3 in hand, and the rest is easy.  Pretty much stack as much as you can early game, use scouts to discard their conditions, so they dont get a good setup to handle the bomb.

This is basically the deck that made Strange looking men get banned, as it could infinite loop, the deck is still quite decent without the loop.  Best counters are to run fast, don't play possessions, don't go over 5 comps.  I like to do the bomb at Wold Battlefield.
Title: Re: Evil men stacking fierce mega swarm
Post by: Darador on May 02, 2009, 08:03:23 AM
I saw this deck in action on Gccg yesterday. If you aren't prepared for it the swarm is massive.
Really nice concept.
Title: Re: Evil men stacking fierce mega swarm
Post by: MuadDib85 on May 02, 2009, 08:24:49 AM
I have played Smallman and fallen victim to this swarm.... Very strong deck!
Title: Re: Evil men stacking fierce mega swarm
Post by: King89 on May 02, 2009, 08:50:18 AM
hey smallman: this deck looks really pretty! i'd like to play against it in gccg :D PM me if you're ready to loose (just kidding).
Title: Re: Evil men stacking fierce mega swarm
Post by: Elrohir on May 02, 2009, 10:16:44 AM
What are the corsairs good for?
Title: Re: Evil men stacking fierce mega swarm
Post by: smallman on May 02, 2009, 10:35:40 AM
Corsairs help add to the swarm, also more possession spotting for twilight generation with easterling skirmisher.  edit - I mean Easterling Dispatcher
Title: Re: Evil men stacking fierce mega swarm
Post by: Gil-Estel on May 02, 2009, 11:29:55 AM
*dispatcher I assume ;)
Title: Re: Evil men stacking fierce mega swarm
Post by: Elrohir on May 02, 2009, 12:18:19 PM
Great Deck, eventhough corsairs still confuse me  :uh-huh:

Maybe you could add Web, Gollum Skulker, In the Wild men's wake etc...
Title: Re: Evil men stacking fierce mega swarm
Post by: smallman on May 02, 2009, 05:07:48 PM
I'd recommend not to add these cards.  Most turns you will stack everything to setup the bomb, so rarely skirmish.  Gollum is not as good as an extra men minion, which makes web only ok for an extra possession spotting.  Since the deck is already quite big, you only want possessions that will give a benefit.  If you use a freeps that can't cycle this fast I'd definitely remove all corsair cards.
Title: Re: Evil men stacking fierce mega swarm
Post by: Mythdracon on April 11, 2010, 12:36:21 PM
Removing the Corsair cards would free up 4 cards, would you add more Messenger of Mordor or Saruman, Coldly Still?