The Last Homely House

Middle-Earth => Lothlórien => Expanded => Topic started by: Deckhunter on February 21, 2017, 11:12:33 PM

Title: Elven tanks and Oaths Cast
Post by: Deckhunter on February 21, 2017, 11:12:33 PM
This is my elven tanks deck. No archery, no elven events, no tokens, and no absurd card revealing (only four cards do so, and only two of those will ever really get used). The shadow is a fun one I cooked up when experimenting with combining evil men and southrons.

Ring-bearer: Galadriel, Bearer of Wisdom
Ring: The One Ring, The Great Ring

1x Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath
1x Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg

Adventure deck:
Anduin Banks
Morannon Plains
City Gates
Fords of Isen
Wold Battlefield
Trollshaw Forest
Mount Doom

Free Peoples Draw Deck:
3x Elrond, Venerable Lord
3x Elven Guardian
3x Gil-galad, Elven High King
3x Éomer, Keeper of Oaths
1x Arwen's Bow
2x Arwen's Dagger
2x Elven Armaments
4x Elven Brooch
4x Elven Cloak
2x Elven Rope
3x Lembas
4x Lembas Bread
4x Naith Longbow
2x Phial of Galadriel
4x Sword of the Fallen
2x Brego
1x Erkenbrand's Horn
4x Horse of Rohan
2x Riding Armor
2x Aiglos
2x Galadriel's Silver Ewer
2x Nenya
2x Vilya, Ring of Air
3x Power According to His Stature
3x Shadow Between
2x Celebring, Elven-smith
1x Woodhall Elf, Exile
2x Rohirrim Doorwarden

Shadow Draw Deck:
4x Easterling Dispatcher
2x Engrossed Hillman
3x Mumak Commander, Giant Among the Swertings
3x Rapt Hillman
4x The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor
4x Vengeful Wild Man
3x Desert Runner
3x Desert Scout
3x Desert Sneak
4x Southron Archer
2x Southron Bandit
3x Southron Marksmen
1x Beast of War
2x Corsair Grappling Hook
3x Fleet of Corsair Ships
3x Pavise
3x Corsair War Galley
3x Ships of Great Draught
2x Mumakil of the Harad
2x War Towers
3x Countless Companies
3x Oath Sworn
3x Rapid Reload
3x Cast Unto the Winds
3x Rallying Call
2x Seasoned Leader

the fellowship is pretty simple, pull the followers and possessions with Gamling, doth and pile stuff on galadriel. I've been toying with having the PATHS and woodhall elf to get them to deal with swarms (the mountain troll/massing strength one mostly).

The shadow is more complex but real nice once you get the hang of it. The evil men grab sites and use Gats, oaths sworn and rapid reload to exhaust the fellowship while the southrons use various archery and assignment texts to wound. Vengeful wild man and rallying call add threats for ships of great draught or for a regroup kill with cast unto the wind. corsair war galley grabs initiative and fleet of corsair ships can retrieve powerful evil men cards, like easterling dispatcher. with rapid reload he can lay waste to dwarven or rohan fellowships, very powerful.

This deck is fun because the elves do ridiculous things like a twenty strength galadriel, cycle for the perfect hand using lembas when you cant outrun your opponent, or put twenty archery vs an exhausted fellowship.:twisted: Good times, hope you enjoy the deck too.
Title: Re: Elven tanks and Oaths Cast
Post by: Ringbearer on February 23, 2017, 01:38:36 PM
I am a bit off on the size of the deck and your companion count. One in every 12 cards is a companion (not counting doubles)...
The same is with minions. 38 minions in 144 cards is one in four, so an average hand will have just two minions.
I would cut down much more on the side stuff and focus, trimming it down to a decent size. Also, note how much cards there are left after you finish a game.
Title: Re: Elven tanks and Oaths Cast
Post by: Deckhunter on February 24, 2017, 09:52:38 AM
I never really have too much of a problem cycling, gamling pulls out the possessions, mouth of sauron pulls stuff for the minion side at least once, and I don't mind discarding most of the cards in this deck. It tends to pull maybe three minions a hand and I save the important ones for good combos, it works out pretty well. I have so many companions because I like to play at least three or four as a buffer for more important companions. While the deck could probably be downsized a bit it wouldn't need to be very much.
At the end of a game it isn't uncommon to have 50 or 60 cards left in the deck and most of what I need has been in play for a while either pulled or drawn.
Title: Re: Elven tanks and Oaths Cast
Post by: Ringbearer on February 26, 2017, 10:43:44 AM
If you have 50 cards lefts your deck is too large. Each card added decreases the chance of finding the mouth. You will have more games where the key cards will just be buried down deep.