Brown Lands (1U357)

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Set: Fellowship of the Ring
Kind: None
Twilight: 6
Card Type: Site
Game Text: River. For each minion archer at Brown Lands, the minion archery total is +1 (limit +4).
Rarity: U

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General Strategy

Commonly seen in [moria] archery decks, Brown Lands can be a devastating site. With its ability effectively doubling the archery total per archer up to four, Brown Lands can dish out wounds on the Free Peoples player. While commonly played with [Moria] archery, Brown Lands can even be a nasty surprise when coupled with Orthanc Assassin or Lurtz, Servant of Isengard. Be wary of Legolas, Greenleaf and Aragorn's Bow, as these cards can kill archer minions before the archery total is calculated.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

  • Potentially devastating archery effect when combined with archer minions
  • The One Ring, the Ruling Ring
  • [6] twilight is great for choke decks
  • River keyword

Weak Versus...

  • Ineffective without archery minions