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Battle of Helm's Deep
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Dunland Culture
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LDC File Format Specification
Bill the Pony (P) (0P2)
Balin's Tomb (P) (0P6)
Book of Mazarbul (P) (0P7)
Saruman, Servant of the Eye (P) (0P11)
Gimli, Son of Gloin (P) (0P12)
Legolas, Greenleaf (P) (0P13)
Aragorn, Ranger of the North (P) (0P14)
Legolas, Son of Thranduil (P) (0P15)
Faramir, Son of Denethor (P) (0P16)
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan (P) (0P17)
Smeagol, Old Noser (P) (0P18)
Theoden, King of the Golden Hall (P) (0P19)
Black Rider (P) (0P20)
Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest (P) (0P21)
Aragorn, Captain of Gondor (P) (0P23)
Legolas, Elven Stalwart (P) (0P24)
Denethor, Wizened Steward (P) (0P25)
Gandalf, Defender of the West (P) (0P26)
Frodo, Resolute Hobbit (P) (0P27)
Arwen, Fair Elf Maiden (P) (0P28)
Eowyn, Dernhelm (P) (0P29)
The Balrog, Terror of Flame and Shadow (P) (0P30)
Gandalf, Mithrandir (P) (0P32)
Faramir, Captain of Gondor (P) (0P35)
Eowyn, Sister-daughter of Theoden (P) (0P39)
Eomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark (P) (0P45)
Gimli, Skilled Defender (P) (0P46)
Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples (P) (0P47)
Eomer, Keeper of Oaths (P) (0P49)
Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath (P) (0P50)
Radagast, The Brown (P) (0P51)
Goldberry, River-daughter (P) (0P52)
Tom Bombadil, The Master (P) (0P53)
Gorgoroth Swarm (P) (0P55)
Ghan-buri-Ghan, Chieftain of the Woses (P) (0P56)
Anarion, Lord of Anorien (P) (0P58)
Erkenbrand, Master of Westfold (P) (0P59)
Tom Bombadil's Hat (P) (0P60)
Gimli, Dwarven Delegate (P) (0P62)
Arwen, Maiden of Rivendell (P) (0P63)
Gandalf, Stormcrow (P) (0P64)
Boromir, Steward's Heir (P) (0P65)
Eomer, Forthwith Banished (P) (0P66)
Frodo, Mr. Underhill (P) (0P67)
Gandalf, Leader of the Company (P) (0P70)
Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath (P) (0P71)
Riders of the Mark (P) (0P77)
Sam, Steadfast Friend (P) (0P78)
Arwen, Staunch Defender (P) (0P79)
Eomer, Eored Leader (P) (0P80)
Sting, Weapon of Heritage (P) (0P84)
Pippin, Brave Decoy (P) (0P86)
Legolas, Companion of the Ring (P) (0P87)
Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan (P) (0P88)
Jarnsmid, Barding Emissary (P) (0P89)
Vapour and Steam (P) (0P90)
Morgul Tormentor (P) (0P92)
Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish (P) (0P93)
Saruman, Agent of the Dark Lord (P) (0P95)
Orophin, Brother of Haldir (P) (0P101)
Grima, Footman of Saruman (P) (0P102)
Saruman, Of Many Colours (P) (0P104)
Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders (P) (0P105)
Hama, Captain of the King's Guard (P) (0P106)
Guard of the White Tree (P) (0P107)
Ulaire Enquea, Sixth of the Nine Riders (P) (0P113)
Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders (P) (0P114)
Ulaire Nertea, Ninth of the Nine Riders (P) (0P116)
Faramir, Prince of Ithilien (P) (0P117)
Eowyn, Restless Warrior (P) (0P118)
Isildur, Heir of Elendil (P) (0P119)
Haldir, Sentry of the Golden Wood (P) (0P122)
Gimli, Eager Hunter (P) (0P123)
Legolas, Fleet-footed Hunter (P) (0P124)
Aragorn, Swift Hunter (P) (0P125)
Lurtz, Now Perfected (P) (0P126)
Aragorn, Defender of Rohan (P) (0P127)
Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North (P) (0P129)
Faramir, Captain of Ithilien (AFD) (0AFD)
Theodred, Second Marshal of the Mark (D) (0D5)
Elendil, High-King of Gondor (D) (0D6)
Bilbo, Aged Ring-bearer (D) (0D8)
Arwen, Maiden of Rivendell (D) (0D16)
Gandalf, Stormcrow (D) (0D17)
Saruman, Many-coloured Wizard (D) (0D20)
Moria Skirmishers (D) (0D21)
Eomer, Forthwith Banished (D) (0D23)
Morgul Patrol (D) (0D24)
Goblet of the White City (SPD) (0SPD1)
Rohirrim Stein (SPD) (0SPD3)
Dwarven Escort (W) (0W2)
Legolas, Nimble Elf (W) (0W3)
Treebeard, Enemy of the Hand (W) (0W4)
Aragorn, The Dunadan (W) (0W6)
Eowyn, Daughter of Kings (W) (0W11)
Sam, Lover of Trees (W) (0W13)
Delving (1C6)
Dwarf Guard (1C7)
Dwarven Armor (1C8)
Farin, Dwarven Emissary (1C11)
Gimli, Dwarf of Erebor (1U12)
Gimli, Son of Gloin (1R13)
Gimli, Son of Gloin (T) (1R13T)
Grimir, Dwarven Elder (1U17)
Arwen, Daughter of Elrond (1R30)
Arwen, Daughter of Elrond (T) (1R30T)
Curse Their Foul Feet! (1R36)
Double Shot (1R38)
Elven Cloak (1C42)
Haldir, Elf of the Golden Wood (1U48)
Legolas, Greenleaf (1R50)
Legolas, Greenleaf (T) (1R50T)
Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood (1U51)
Lightfootedness (1C52)
Lorien Elf (1C53)
The Splendor of Their Banners (1R62)
The White Arrows of Lorien (1C68)
Gandalf, Friend of the Shirefolk (1R72)
Gandalf, Friend of the Shirefolk (T) (1R72T)
Intimidate (1C76)
Let Folly Be Our Cloak (1U77)
The Nine Walkers (1R79)
Servant of the Secret Fire (1R83)
Strength of Spirit (1C85)
Aragorn, Ranger of the North (1R89)
Aragorn, Ranger of the North (T) (1R89T)
Aragorn's Pipe (1U91)
Athelas (1U94)
Boromir, Lord of Gondor (1R96)
Boromir, Lord of Gondor (T) (1R96T)
Boromir, Son of Denethor (1U97)
Dagger Strike (1C102)
Elendil's Valor (1C103)
Gondor's Vengeance (1C106)
Pursuit Just Behind (1R111)
Ranger's Sword (1U112)
The Saga of Elendil (1R114)
The Saga of Elendil (T) (1R114T)
Swordarm of the White Tower (1C116)
Swordsman of the Northern Kingdom (1C117)
Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us (1R123)
Greed (1R125)
The Misadventure of Mr. Underhill (1R129)
No Ordinary Storm (1U130)
Saruman's Reach (1R137)
Savagery to Match Their Numbers (1R139)
Their Arrows Enrage (1C141)
Uruk Fighter (1C146)
Uruk Guard (1R147)
Uruk Warrior (1C156)
Worry (1U162)
Cave Troll of Moria, Scourge of the Black Pit (1R165)
Cave Troll of Moria, Scourge of the Black Pit (T) (1R165T)
Frenzy (1C171)
Goblin Domain (1R175)
Goblin Spear (1C182)
The Long Dark (1U188)
What Is This New Devilry? (1U202)
Beauty Is Fading (1R205)
Black Breath (1U207)
Black Steed (1R208)
Blade Tip (1U209)
Drawn to Its Power (1U211)
Morgul Blade (1R216)
Morgul Gates (1R217)
The Nine Servants of Sauron (1U219)
Not Easily Destroyed (1U220)
The Pale Blade (1R221)
Relentless Charge (1U223)
Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U231)
Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul (T) (1U231T)
Ulaire Lemenya, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U232)
Ulaire Nertea, Messenger of Dol Guldur (1U234)
Ulaire Toldea, Messenger of Morgul (1R236)
Wreathed in Shadow (1U238)
All Thought Bent on It (1U239)
Despair (1R243)
Desperate Defense of the Ring (1R244)
Hate (1R250)
A Host Avails Little (1U251)
Journey Into Danger (1R253)
Mordor Enraged (1R254)
Morgul Hunter (1R256)
Morgul Hunter (T) (1R256T)
The Number Must Be Few (1U260)
Orc Assassin (1U262)
Orc Banner (1R263)
Orc Butchery (1R265)
The Ring's Oppression (1C273)
Sauron's Defenses (1U274)
Thin and Stretched (1R279)
Under the Watching Eye (1C281)
You Bring Great Evil (1C283)
Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir (1R289)
Frodo, Son of Drogo (1C290)
Hobbit Appetite (1C294)
Merry, Friend to Sam (1R302)
Merry, From O'er the Brandywine (1C303)
Noble Intentions (1C304)
Pippin, Friend to Frodo (1C306)
Pippin, Hobbit of Some Intelligence (1R307)
Sam, Faithful Companion (1R310)
Sam, Son of Hamfast (1C311)
Sorry About Everything (1C312)
A Talent for Not Being Seen (1U316)
There and Back Again (1C317)
East Road (1U320)
Westfarthing (1C326)
Ettenmoors (1C331)
Trollshaw Forest (1U334)
Balin's Tomb (1U343)
Dwarrowdelf Chamber (1U344)
Moria Lake (1C346)
Moria Stairway (1U347)
Silverlode Banks (1U355)
Anduin Banks (1C356)
Pillars of the Kings (1U358)
Gandalf, The Grey Wizard (1P364)
Aragorn, King in Exile (1P365)
Fror, Gimli's Kinsman (2C6)
Gloin, Friend to Thorin (2R7)
Make Light of Burdens (2R11)
Tidings of Erebor (2U13)
Till Durin Wakes Again (2C14)
Hosts of the Last Alliance (2U18)
Release the Angry Flood (2R19)
Gandalf's Wisdom (2C23)
Wielder of the Flame (2U28)
Blood of Numenor (2U31)
Flaming Brand (2R32)
Flee in Terror (2U33)
Gondor Will See It Done (2U34)
No Mere Ranger (2R36)
Sentinels of Numenor (2C37)
Shield of Boromir (2R38)
Beyond the Height of Men (2R39)
Wizard Storm (2U48)
Cave Troll's Chain (2R53)
Final Cry (2R57)
Throw Yourself in Next Time (2U71)
They Will Find the Ring (2U81)
Consorting With Wizards (2R97)
Dear Friends (2U98)
Filibert Bolger, Wily Rascal (2C101)
Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (2C102)
Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (T) (2C102T)
Merry, Horticulturalist (2C104)
Pippin, Mr. Took (2C110)
Sam, Proper Poet (2C114)
Valley of the Silverlode (2U120)
Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (2P121)
Gandalf, The Grey Pilgrim (2P122)
Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (M) (2M2)
Sam, Proper Poet (M) (2M3)
Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (M) (2M4)
Book of Mazarbul (3R1)
Mines of Khazad-Dum (3R3)
A Royal Welcome (3U4)
Arwen, Elven Rider (3U7)
Arwen, Lady Undomiel (3R8)
Elrond, Herald to Gil-galad (3R13)
Master of Healing (3C22)
Trust Me as You Once Did (3U35)
Unknown Perils (3C36)
Answering the Cries (3C37)
Aragorn, Heir to the White City (3R38)
Banner of the White Tree (3R39)
Citadel of Minas Tirith (3R40)
Gondor Bowmen (3R41)
Might of Numenor (3C43)
Some Who Resisted (3U45)
Still Sharp (3U46)
Voice of Rauros (3U47)
We Must Go Warily (3C48)
Isengard Retainer (3U57)
Isengard Servant (3U58)
Isengard Smith (3U60)
Isengard Warrior (3U61)
Isengard Worker (3C62)
One of You Must Do This (3C63)
Orc Commander (3R64)
Orc Overseer (3R65)
Orthanc Berserker (3R66)
Saruman, Servant of the Eye (3C69)
Tower of Orthanc (3R71)
The Trees Are Strong (3U73)
Hide and Seek (3C78)
Gates of the Dead City (3R81)
They Will Never Stop Hunting You (3C84)
Gleaming in the Snow (3U89)
Morgul Slayer (3R93)
Orc Slayer (3U97)
Bill the Pony (3U106)
Frodo's Pipe (3U107)
Meant to Be Alone (3C109)
Seek and Hide (3C112)
The Shire Countryside (3R113)
Wastes of Emyn Muil (3U120)
Legolas, Son of Thranduil (3P121)
Boromir, Defender of Minas Tirith (3P122)
Arwen, Elven Rider (M) (3M1)
Death to the Strawheads (4U8)
Dunlending Pillager (4U13)
Dunlending Ravager (4C15)
Ravage the Defeated (4R32)
Lorien Swordsman (4C78)
Roll of Thunder (4U99)
Faramir, Captain of Gondor (4R116)
Grima, Wormtongue (4R154)
Southron Veterans (4R257)
Cliffs of Emyn Muil (4R299)
Plains of Rohan (4U327)
Aragorn, Wingfoot (T) (4P364T)
Gollum, Nasty Treacherous Creature (5C24)
These Are My People (5R41)
Battering Ram (5U44)
No Use That Way (5R113)
Ent Avenger (6C27)
Gandalf, Mithrandir (6R30)
Banner of the Mark (6U90)
Rocks of Emyn Muil (6U115)
Westfold (6U116)
Elrond, Elven Lord (7R21)
Legolas, Elven Stalwart (8C10)
Not the First Halfling (8U18)
Faramir, Defender of Osgiliath (8C34)
Knight of Dol Amroth (8C39)
Oathbreaker (8C41)
Between Nazgul and Prey (8R67)
Durin III, Dwarven Lord (9R+3)
Uri, Dwarven Lord (9R11)
Gil-galad, Elven High King (9R+15)
Boromir, Bearer of Council (9R+31)
Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms (9R+33)
Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men (T) (10R6T)
Galadriel, Lady Redeemed (10R11)
Borne Far Away (10R14)
Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar (10R25)
Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar (T) (10R25T)
Drawing His Eye (10R29)
Cirith Ungol Watchman (10U57)
Morgul Vanguard (10R63)
Gorgoroth Swarm (10C87)
G for Grand (11S32)
Horribly Strong (11R43)
Madril, Ranger of Ithilien (11C62)
Beastly Olog-hai (11R108)
The More, The Merrier (11C169)
Pippin, Brave Decoy (11R170)
Furious Uruk (11R186)
Valley of the Silverlode (11S261)
Bloodthirsty (F) (11RF8)
Fletcher of Harad (F) (11RF9)
Undisciplined (F) (11RF11)
Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg (F) (11RF12)
Brawling Uruk (F) (11RF15)
Lurtz, Minion of the White Wizard (F) (11RF16)
Dwarven Warrior (12C7)
Thrarin, Smith of Erebor (12U15)
Elrond, Witness to History (12R17)
Orophin, Brother of Haldir (12C20)
Refuge (12U21)
Rumil, Brother of Haldir (12C22)
Seclusion (12U23)
Discoveries (12R26)
Gandalf, The White Rider (12R27)
Jarnsmid, Barding Emissary (12R30)
Salve (12C32)
The Terror of His Coming (12C33)
Watch and Wait (12R35)
Watch and Wait (T) (12R35T)
Boromir, Defender of Minas Tirith (12U43)
Confronting the Eye (12C45)
Elendil's Valor (12C46)
Faramir, Dunadan of Gondor (12R47)
Guardian (12U50)
Valorous Leader (12C53)
Saruman, Of Many Colours (12R54)
Saruman, Of Many Colours (T) (12R54T)
Brutal Easterling (12S55)
Corrupted Spy (12R57)
Crazed Hillman (12C60)
Dunlending Zealot (12U62)
Easterling Banner-bearer (12U63)
Grima, Betrayer of Rohan (12R68)
Harrying Hillman (12R69)
Hemmed In (12C70)
Trail of Terror (12U76)
War Trident (12C77)
Cave Troll's Hammer, Unwieldy Cudgel (12R86)
Great Cost (12C88)
Morgul Tormentor (12U90)
Orc Footman (12C93)
Orc Sapper (12U94)
Orc Tormentor (12C98)
Pitiless Orc (12U99)
Rallying Orc (12R100)
Aldred, Eored Soldier (12C107)
Challenging the Orc-host (12C109)
Cleaving a Path (12C110)
Coif (12R111)
Eomer, Eored Leader (12U112)
Eored Warrior (12S113)
Golden Glimmer (12C115)
Haethen, Veteran Fighter (12R116)
Leofric, Defender of the Mark (12U117)
The Mouth of Sauron, Lieutenant of Barad-dur (12R118)
Bilbo, Melancholy Hobbit (12R119)
Flotsam and Jetsam (12C121)
Long Live the Halflings (12R124)
Measure of Comfort (12S125)
Pippin, Hobbit of Some Intelligence (12R127)
Rosie Cotton, Barmaid (12R129)
Sudden Fury (12U132)
Tolman Cotton, Farmer of Bywater (12S133)
Barbaric Uruk (12U135)
Broken Heirloom (12U138)
Broken in Defeat (12R139)
Crushing Uruk (12U140)
Dark Alliance (12R141)
Merciless Uruk (12C142)
Saruman, Agent of the Dark Lord (12S144)
Shingle in a Storm (12C145)
Suppressing Uruk (12U147)
Tempest of War (12U148)
Uruk Desecrator (12S151)
Uruk Dominator (12S152)
Uruk Pikeman (12C153)
Uruk Slaughterer (12R154)
Uruk Zealot (12R155)
Uruk-hai Guard (12R156)
Black Rider (12U161)
Sense of Obligation (12U170)
Shadowy Mount (12R171)
Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin (12R174)
Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin (T) (12R174T)
Unending Life (12C181)
Unimpeded (12C182)
The Witch-king, Black Lord (12R183)
The Angle (12U185)
Hill of Sight (12S188)
Gandalf, The White Rider (F) (12RF3)
Faramir, Dunadan of Gondor (F) (12RF4)
Grima, Betrayer of Rohan (F) (12RF7)
The Mouth of Sauron, Lieutenant of Barad-dur (F) (12RF11)
Bilbo, Melancholy Hobbit (F) (12RF12)
Uruk Zealot (F) (12RF13)
Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin (F) (12RF16)
The Witch-king, Black Lord (F) (12RF18)
Gandalf, The White Rider (O) (12O1)
Faramir, Dunadan of Gondor (O) (12O2)
Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin (O) (12O7)
The Witch-king, Black Lord (O) (12O9)
Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves (13R5)
Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves (T) (13R5T)
Arwen, Reflection of Luthien (13S9)
Celeborn, The Wise (13R11)
Crashing Cavalry (13C13)
Final Shot (13C14)
Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land (13R15)
Legolas, Of the Grey Company (13R18)
Lorien Protector (13S20)
Shrouded Elf (13C23)
Standing Tall (13C25)
Alatar, Final Envoy (13U28)
Dasron, Merchant from Dorwinion (13C29)
Fear and Great Wonder (13C30)
The Flame of Anor (13U31)
For a While Less Dark (13C32)
Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation (13R33)
Look to My Coming (13U34)