Goblin Marksman (1C176)

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Goblin Marksman (1C176) Card Image

Set: The Fellowship of the Ring
Kind: Shadow
Culture: Moria
Twilight: 3
Card Type: Minion • Orc
Strength: 7
Vitality: 1
Site: 4
Game Text: Archer.
Lore: “Arrows fell among them. One struck Frodo and sprang back. Another pierced Gandalf's hat and stuck there like a black feather.”
Rarity: C
Notes: Italic text within parentheses is descriptive only, and has no added gameplay effect.

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Goblin Marksman (1C176) Wiki

General Strategy

A generic and simple Orc, Goblin Marksman is a 3 twilight archer minion. A natural fit in a Moria archery deck, Goblin Marksman lacks the vitality and additional game text found on future 3 twilight archer minions (Uruk Crossbowman, Southron Archer, or Southron Bowman) in exchange for a base 7 strength, uncommonly high for a Moria Orc. This can be boosted further by the presence of Archer Commander, making Goblin Marksman quite a strong orc if he bears a hand weapon as well.

The similar Goblin Bowman (strength 4, twilight cost 2) was released in the Mines of Moria expansion, alongside other Moria archers (Archer Commander, Moria Archery Troop).

Comparing Goblin Marksman to post-Shadows cards like Archer of Harad or Southron Murderer is a good example of the “power creep” in later sets.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

Weak Versus...


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