I'm glad to see you Euk bringing your valuable opinion. Welcome, please keep contributing. You are right: either X-list or... nothing. I think nothing is better.
The potential of corruption Shadows will be marvelously increased:
Gollum DaD and
Ring of Asperity (Lost to the Goblinses, Twilight Nazzies,
The Pale Blade Sword of Flame,
Fell Beast for Twilight Nazzies, non-underground Balrogs for
Must Do Without Hope, Set 16 Wraiths... even
The Art of Gandalf (can stack
Cruel Caradhras to play 3 or 4 at once while
Saruman's Ambition makes them free).
Frenzy can easily kill exhausted companions, and if you assign a goblin bearing a
Goblin Spear you'll get 1 or 2 burdens (unique
![Moria [Moria]](https://lotrtcgdb.com/forums/Smileys/classic/moria.png)
Orcs will get
Durin's Tower, plus the already present
Dark Places).
I think we'll only have 3 main options to counter corruption:
Sam SoH,
Tom Bombadil and
Tom Bombadil's Hat. Tom brings large troubles by himself, and might be R-listed.
Tom Bombadil's Hat requires 2 Hobbit comps so many decks won't play it, and has other disadvantages like possession discard (Isen Smith or
Beauty is Fading),
Black Breath on Frodo/Bilbo or the simple fact of not being able to start it; might be R-listed too, to prevent packing 4 copies. So if we remove
Sam SoH there will be only 2 options that are likely more troublesome than Sam himself.
(I know there are
Gandalf's Pipe,
Elf Song... but aren't so splashable, and corruption will be a universal threat).
Sam SoH has many counters:
Saruman SotE,
Throw Yourself in Next Time,
You Bring Great Evil. Bill Ferny if he's splashed. And as you say, R-listing a companion that can be played in either Site 1 or starting fellowship won't have almost any effect. But Dictionary's alternative versions of Sam are very interesting!
Samwise the Brave seems really cool, if we X-list SoH.
Dasron will have tokens (
Tom Bombadil's Hat and Strands) so he should be out. Erland is an alternative to adding a generic
![Gandalf [Gandalf]](https://lotrtcgdb.com/forums/Smileys/classic/gandalf.png)
pump, but if we add both they'll be overpowered.
Guidance of the Istari is very powerful but has its frailness:
Anduin Confluence,
Tower Assassin and
Their Power Is In Terror discard or kill your main force of
![Gandalf [Gandalf]](https://lotrtcgdb.com/forums/Smileys/classic/gandalf.png)
Men, leaving only your companions safe. As said before, I vote for Guidance. Even with a pump like
The Flame of Anor they'll be the weakest subculture in skirmishes (they don't heal, remove burdens, have damage bonuses, discard minions nor conditions... they only fight and only Ghan is good in that), so the pump must be very solid to correct that.
And Gandalf has only 2 event pumps (
Mysterious Wizard and
SotSF), plus
TMAYOD, I don't think a 3rd event will bring any imbalance. With
![Gandalf [Gandalf]](https://lotrtcgdb.com/forums/Smileys/classic/gandalf.png)
Men, only the very useless
The Grey Wizard will be able to bring a 3rd Gandalf signet for a
TMAYOD deck (with
Frodo OBH and
Radagast) while allowing enough companion room for Gandy Men.
It's not true that Sauron Orcs have only
Enduring Evil as pump. They have
Strength Born of Fear (Wow!
![3 [3]](https://lotrtcgdb.com/forums/Smileys/classic/3.png)
= +1 strength!)

. But your idea is magnificent! I love the
Eye of Barad-dur, and it's totally lore-consistent (Sauron vs Frodo at Amon Hen, with a little help of Gandalf).

About the generic
![Gondor [Gondor]](https://lotrtcgdb.com/forums/Smileys/classic/gondor.png)
Sword of Gondor seems fine as doesn't replace the quality of Aragorn and Boromir's swords. About
![Elven [Elven]](https://lotrtcgdb.com/forums/Smileys/classic/elven.png)
Naith Longbow has my vote, good call my friend! That, only if we are adding
![Gondor [Gondor]](https://lotrtcgdb.com/forums/Smileys/classic/gondor.png)
![Elven [Elven]](https://lotrtcgdb.com/forums/Smileys/classic/elven.png)
generic weapons.
Hadafang is too powerful I think. To counter Elven condition discard in FOTR, you must get rid of allies and that's hard to achieve. Should we give them another option? I'd like to see Elrond wileding that saber, but the cons are mighty.
Nice review my fellows!