Hey in desperate need to pick these 2 cards up to finish my deck. My list is here if theres anything you want please let me know and ill see what i can do, ill trade well for it as it is an excellent ...
Seen a similar deck in my local meta and it works really well, the only downfall it seemed to have was swarm as directed archery isnt so useful when you just need a lot of it instead, i don’t know w...
Hey Corvus! Nice to see you, I’ve finally moved over here from the d boards as people actually seem to be bothered about deck posts over here! 46 is because in my local game with 3 other people in m...
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Ive seen a few decks of late that use the Mumak commander to hurt the free peoples in a variety of ways, which isnt too hard to be fair; the guy is a beast. Two exertions or 4 wit...