Joined: 30 Jul 2005
Posts: 9
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Hobbit / Gondor Wraith deck using the "Pippin Engine."
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This is a little so’m so’m i cooked up with a friend of mine useing a mutant form of the pippen engine.
the one ring, the ring of ring
frodo, hope of the free peoples
pippen, wearer of black and silver
cursed of erech
1x arogorn, driven by need
1x anduril, flame of the west
1x shadow host
2x king of the dead, oathbreaker
2x dead man of dunarrow
2x sleepless dead
2x kings foil
2x dagger strike
2x end of the game
2x sting, bane of eight legs
2x home and harth
2x pallando
3x stroger and more terrible
4x swept away
4x spectral sword
i changed it a bit from when i played it. but i think that this is a very good deck. first your probably noticed the pippen and home and harths. well thats how you deal with burdens and archery. bounce pippen back into your hand for no efect, but if your going against archery, be sure to load him and frodo up. when play him and you have two home and harths you can remove two burdens and if at a dwelling site you can heal the frodo!!! yaaayy. you could also use isuldor and replace the two stings with narsils and have the same basic combo. the rest of the deck is pretty much a bing der, but pallando is what makes the deck shine. move him to the king of the dead and your all good, oh he’s fierce, ok another condition.
the kings fiol is somthing i just wanted to through in. so there ya have it. its a fun deck to play i promise.