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Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:45 am
Joined: 13 Oct 2006 Posts: 1696 Location: Roaming, but dangerous!!!
In the darkness, many shadows could be seen stirring. Especially after the great battle. Two of these shadows were goblins, probably stranded from their group. One talked to each other:
"Are you sure you saw the elf here?"
"Yes, by my blood Hothel, i am sure i saw a dead elf here."
"Then let the sacking begin", replied the first one, and both started laughing faintly.

But their laughter soon came to an abrupt end. Both were stabbed from behind, one with a sword, and one with a dagger, almost as big as a shortsword. The weapons’ owner retrieved his weapons silently, without even giving a glance on the goblins. He walked with secure, slow steps all the way to the corner. There he saw an elven warrior with a sword on his side trying to pull himself together.

Corvus watched him for a second, until the elf noticed him. Then Corvus smiled and said: "Namarie Lyon."
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Far, Far beyond the island we dwelt in shapes of twilight
Through draught and weary days
Through grief and endless pain
Felipe Musco
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:45 pm
Joined: 18 May 2006 Posts: 2434 Location: Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
Berethor was sitting in the dark, watching as Durail was tortured. He could have jumped on the Goblins earlier, but there was no guarantee that they’d both survive the army’s assault, so he chose to let’em take him to the deeper levels. He took the no-longer-red sword Durail always carried from a dark corner, where he had dumped it earlier (Had he seen him? Was he expecting him to pick it up and help? Or just to hold on to it for now?), and then saw where the Goblins stored the rest of his equipment. He wanted to jump out of the darkness and kill them all, taking Durail’s equipment back, but he wasn’t sure he could do it, and he didn’t want to risk Durail’s life. He had to plan it, so he could free him and take the stuff from the other room at the same time.
On the torture room, only a lone Goblin, but a big one, for that matter, bearing a whip on his waist, as a belt, and a small, serrilated dagger, which he was now using to stab the poor man. On the next room, 2 sentries, sorting the equipment they salvaged from the dead earlier. If one of them screamed, the others would hear.
What could he do? He was powerless alone...
And as he sat in the dark, deep in thought, he could still hear the awful sound of the blade slashing and piercing through Durail’s flesh every now and then. Time was running out...
I don't like YOU.
elf lvr
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:46 pm
Joined: 13 Jun 2006 Posts: 3065 Location: Rivendell
Lyon looked up, and for the first time in many years, smiled. He stood up, sheathed both his swords, and embraced the elf.

"It has been a long time since I saw you last, Corvus. But now may not be a good time to catch up. I fear a battle still rages somewhere around us, and we need to help our fellows. Do you know where we are? In this blasted darkness, I cannot tell."
Happy Hunting! Elf Lvr
Winner of Best Personality in the FPCA. Thanks!
Archduke Elf Lvr - Archidoux of the Chosen Ones
AMV Maker In-Training! Check out my newest production, Katsu!- A Diedara Tribute!
And behold, EL declared it good. And there was morning, and there was evening, the first (new) day. ~ DainIronfoot
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:14 pm
Joined: 13 Oct 2006 Posts: 1696 Location: Roaming, but dangerous!!!
Happy though he was to see a friend of old, Corvus seemed quite disturbed.
"I cannot agree more with you Lyon." After taking a quick look around the small hallways, he carried on to say: "Lord Elrond has told me of your perilous venture, and i thought that i might be of help. I tracked you down which was quite easy since you have too many clumsy dwarves with you and followed you from afar. When i saw the monstrous watcher in the water lying dead, i knew i had arrived late, but in my heart there was still hope to find you."

Corvus turned his back to his friend and went on: "You know, i still try to forget, but this land seems to have its ways. It makes you remember. Every moment. Every second. I shall never redeem myself from my past, but at least i can carry on for the sake of others. Like in this deed..."

Facing his comrade, the elf said: "We have no time. I saw the establishment the Dunedain and the Naugrim have built. It will hold." Looking at his confused kinsman, Corvus explained: "On my way here i saw a horde of no less than two hundred foul folk marching towards your forces on your rear through the secret passage i myself used to come closer. When i noticed them i quickly fled the other way, and marched through the main passage. There i saw your fort, but again nobody noticed me for i wanted them not to".

"You should turn back southwards (he pointed the direction) and warn them of the danger or you may have numerous casualties. I have business of my own to take care of. Later i shall join you and stand by your side like old times. Farewell to thee."

With those words, Corvus smiled at his friend and carried on through the dark passage. He was calm and his glance was pertifying. He felt ready to face his destiny. Swiftly and silently, he vanished in the dark.
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Far, Far beyond the island we dwelt in shapes of twilight
Through draught and weary days
Through grief and endless pain
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 9:48 pm
Joined: 10 Oct 2005 Posts: 1199 Location: Out on the front line
Durail awoke. pain flowed freely through is body, and it almost caused Durial to black out again. a huge goblin was carrying him down a dark cold passage way, and the constant jolting wasn’t making it easy on Durail. Durial overheard a small conversation between the orc rear guards.

1st orc: "those dwarves pack a hard punch! our boys are dying fast!"

2nd orc "This looks like the leader that kept them from our ambush! if we get rid of him, we can weaken them!"

1st orc "I over heard the captain, and he says our millitary is running low. those elves are hitting the mark with arrows, more than we though they would. we may have to start dipping into our reserves for fighters."

2nd orc "Captain says it won’t be long before the battle is in our favor to the max! he has some news that no one else knows of!"

at that moment all the orcs stopped. which Durail found out was four total. the orc captain was walking towards Durial! Wait! what was that over in the corner? two people! they hadn’t spotted the goblins, and the goblins hadn’t spotted them. Durial looked hard through his constantly blurring vision. they were elves! Lyon was one of them for sure! his build, his look...before Durail could call the main goblin grabbed Durail’s face. with new energy and speed, Durail pulled a hidden dagger and sliced the guards head off. he then killed his captive with a blow to the kidney. he fell to the ground. Durail cut his flimsy bonds, and picked up the goblin captain’s head and through it into a goblin running towards him. the goblin fell like a rock. with a swift turn Durail sliced at the two goblin guards. one fell to the strike the other backed away. Durail hurled his dagger into the retreating goblin, then picked up a goblin scimitar and slew the last goblin which was a not used to fighting . Durial dropped the Scimitar and stumbled over to where the elves where. He collapsed before he made it. Durail’s only hope was that they would have heared where he collapsed. darkness passed over Durail’s eyes again.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:47 am
Joined: 13 Oct 2006 Posts: 1696 Location: Roaming, but dangerous!!!
Corvus walked down the passage his steps quiet, his vigilance roused. Suddenly, he heard the sound of clashing steel, and warcries. He could swear he heard a man’s voice. He walked back, and took the corner out of his path. His eyes were quite kin in the dark, so he stayed in the shadows.

"Could it be a prisoner?" He asked himself. During his life, he had seen a great deal of deadly traps invented by the Dark Lord’s minions, and mistrusted his enemies perhaps too much. "It could be a skirmish between the goblins and the hobgoblins, or a goblin man trying to escape." He walked in the shadows as if he were a shadow himself, his hand on his scabbard ready to unseath his blade. "Or it could be just an alluring trap".

With a sudden move, he turned around the corner, his sword almost drawn. There he saw a man clad in an elven cloak lying on the ground. His dark hair covered his face, but not enough to hide his gentle half-opened eyes. "A Dunadan...". Corvus walked past a small group of dead goblins towards the man. He seemed weaponless, but a blood-painted scimitar could explain much.

The elf lowered over the ranger’s tired body, and there he saw plenty of slashes and piercings, probably carved by a goblin torturer’s knife. "Alright, let’s get you back", said Corvus as he tried to take the man in his arms. Just as he turned the ranger on his back, one of the seemingly dead goblins, got up and holding its head, it squeaked at the sight of the noble elf. Immediately Corvus unseathed the avenger and struck the goblin with one move. The slash penetrated the goblin’s armor, the enemy pulled back, and with a scream he picked up a scimitar of a fallen monster. Not before he could raise it though, another slash cut through his head, leading sideways all the way to his eyes.

Corvus did not seath his blade. He walked up on every fallen orc’s body and pierced it. As the blood splashed all over his leather garment and his face, he felt a grim sence of satisfaction. Finally, he cleared the dark blood of the Avenger with his hand, which he passed over a goblin’s armor. The elf walked once more to the ranger and carefully layed him on his back.

"My business can wait a bit more" he whispered, as he walked back to the fort. On his way, he spotted Lyon’s track. He was probably safe returning to the fort. The man’s weight did not bother Corvus. He carried on with the same dark look in his eyes. As he walked, he felt a precense behind him. He turned back to see another man, with a wound on his chest. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" asked the surprised elf.
Last edited by corvus on Fri Oct 27, 2006 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in totalClick here if you want to trade some foils away Wink
Far, Far beyond the island we dwelt in shapes of twilight
Through draught and weary days
Through grief and endless pain
Felipe Musco
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:15 pm
Joined: 18 May 2006 Posts: 2434 Location: Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
Berethor felt surprised that the elf would notice him, no one else did!
"I come bearing a gift for the fallen man, make sure he gets it when he wakes up", he said, as he handed the sword he had been keeping with him, alongside the equipment he retrieved when the Goblins left the room, taking Durail with them.
He then sensed something wierd, as if the dead talked to him again...
For a moment, he held his head in his hands, in deep pain, but when he looked up again, his eyes were different, "changed". "What are you really doing here?", he asked the elf, as he slowly reached for his katana’s hilt.
"And you had better tell me the truth".
I don't like YOU.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:14 pm
Joined: 13 Oct 2006 Posts: 1696 Location: Roaming, but dangerous!!!
The elf noticed the man’s hand feeling for his strange sword. He then looked him deep into his eyes. Corvus looked into the depths of his soul. He almost talked to it. "I sence it all...." He then closed his eyes and slightly jilted his head, as if he were deeply disturbed.

With a calm, fearless voice, the elven ranger spoke to the strange man: "I will see that this man shall receive this blade. But there is no point in stabbing me with yours. I am a friend. I have come only to help the rangers. I trust that you are on our side as well. Otherwise, our paths shall meet again, and it will NOT be pleasant for you secondborn".

With those words, Corvus turned the other way. "I do not know who you are and what you’ve done to be deprived of Iluvatar’s gift for your kin. Neither do i know what spirit of old you may be and whom you serve. What i do know is that i have business of my own to attend, and they are my concern alone".

The noble elf started walking southwards, right on Lyon’s track. He could still feel the man’s precense behind him. What he would do he could not predict....
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Far, Far beyond the island we dwelt in shapes of twilight
Through draught and weary days
Through grief and endless pain
elf lvr
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:22 pm
Joined: 13 Jun 2006 Posts: 3065 Location: Rivendell
Lyon walked back to the fort, following Corvus’s vague directions. He knew that his return would most likely not influence whatever battle there was for better or worse, so he walked slowly, and used the time to think.

My oldest friend has returned... this bodes well for my vengeance. But what does his returning mean? Obviously he has some purpose here...

But no matter how strange the sudden return of his friend was, Lyon was glad to see him again. The only thing that made him feel safer than having both swords in his hands was having his friend at his side. His thoughts presently strayed to other things...

That strange man I saw fighting... the one seemingly incapable of death... who is he, and from whence does he come? Does his appearance have something to do with everything happening?

Every elf, to some extent, has some power of telepathy. Lyon’s was particularly developed. While he could not conjure specific images of the future at will, he could sense it’s shape and direction.

A dark whadow is moving.... I cannot tell where it moves, but it comes from the east, and from Mirkwood... my next business shall be there... is that why these people have been given to me again? Will this be my chance.... my brother... from the east he returned, and from the east darkness comes...

However, he was brought out of his reverie by an arrow whistling by his ear. He had found his army, and they were under heavy assault from the goblin warriors. Smiling in anticipation of the battle, Lyone drew his swords.

"Now I have a purpose. Now I will not die. They have no chance."

Swords spinning, he ran into the horde of goblin warriors.
Happy Hunting! Elf Lvr
Winner of Best Personality in the FPCA. Thanks!
Archduke Elf Lvr - Archidoux of the Chosen Ones
AMV Maker In-Training! Check out my newest production, Katsu!- A Diedara Tribute!
And behold, EL declared it good. And there was morning, and there was evening, the first (new) day. ~ DainIronfoot
Felipe Musco
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:53 pm
Joined: 18 May 2006 Posts: 2434 Location: Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
Berethor tried for a moment to remember the name of the man he was following, but it slipped away from his mind. All he could think about was the pair of elves that he met in the deeper levels, who were them?
But there was no time to think! A battle was raging in camp, when he got back, so all he could do was unsheat his katana and leap forward, bouncing off of a goblin’s back to go even higher in the air, as he grasped the sword with both hands and descended, cutting a goblin in half and opening a small circle around him, now that the goblins were scared of him - enough space to maneuver. One of them decided to break the ice and stepped forward, but Berethor quickly pierced through him, maintaining the advantage.
But then, it happened. He saw the elves, those two elves, surrounded by a huge mass of Goblins, and although they were doing a fine job lowering their count, a couple of Goblins were aiming a bow at them, for they did not care for eventual casualties.
All berethor could do was shout a loud "Noooooooo!", as he advanced through the Goblins surrounding him, getting slashed several times in the process, and jumped in the middle of the fight, two black arrows piercing his chest as he fell to the ground, helpless, at the feet of the two elves.
I don't like YOU.

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