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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:21 am
Joined: 12 Apr 2006 Posts: 836 Location: Wichita, Kansas
Okay, so I saw this Shadow build once on LotRO and I *had* to put my own spin on it.

This deck’s whole premise is to play as many possessions as possible, then start dropping Covetous Uruk and Troll of Cirith Gorgor like there’s no freakin’ tomorrow. By the end, you’ve got 40-strength damage +1 fierce trolls running loose.

Quite the scene.

And just to complete the deck, here’s my favorite Free Peoples side to date. It’s goal is to get as many [Shire] tokens out as possible, then abuse Westfarthing Businessmen.

I don’t have an adventure path listed, because I haven’t decided on one yet.

Frodo, Protected By Many (with The One Ring, Answer to All Riddles)

Free Peoples (38)
Companions (4):
Westfarthing Businessman x4 (x2 Starting)

Conditions (18):
Faith in Friendship x3
Good Work x2
Humble Homestead
Kept Safe x3
Measure of Comfort x2
Sudden Fury x4
There and Back Again x3

Events (12):
Crouched Down x4
Hobbit Intuition x4
Power According to His Stature
Sworn Companion x3

Possessions (4):
Hobbit Sword x4

The Measure of Comforts are in here to boost the Hobbits’ resistances a bit, so I can perhaps cancel a few skirmishes with low-strength minion swarms using Crouched Down.

Shadow (38)
Minions (20):
Mordor Soldier x4
Orc Ambusher x3
Orc Pursuer (RotK) x2
Orc Slaughterer
Orc Slayer x2
Troll of Cirith Gorgor x4
Covetous Uruk x4

Possessions (18):
Black Sails of Umbar x4
Corsair War Galley x4
Ships of Great Draught x2
Spider Poison x4
Web x4

I don’t have as many sites as I would like, but I think I’ll start trading for all of the post-Shadows ones. I need options.

What do ya think?
Last edited by menace64 on Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in totalRiddle 9
When I came to Abraham I let him live just a moment longer. When I came to Moses I saved his life more than once. But the salmon... I regret to say I had a hand in its death.

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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:42 am
Joined: 28 Nov 2006 Posts: 861 Location: In a place that is beyond your imagination
wouldnt Saruman’s Power kill your freepeeps?
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:04 am
Joined: 12 Apr 2006 Posts: 836 Location: Wichita, Kansas
It sure would, but that’s just one risk I have to take.

Plus, I haven’t seen that card come up around here in years. I think everyone forgot about it. Wink
Riddle 9
When I came to Abraham I let him live just a moment longer. When I came to Moses I saved his life more than once. But the salmon... I regret to say I had a hand in its death.

Who am I?
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:27 pm
Joined: 28 Nov 2006 Posts: 861 Location: In a place that is beyond your imagination
true the last time i played that card was when my friend had made a aragornDOFP deck (with conditions) so just to make things intresting i put in a couple of Saruman’s Power
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:35 pm
Joined: 15 Jul 2005 Posts: 3947 Location: Maryland
Cool Shadow side. You just listed the possessions under ’Conditions’ in your deck list, so it had me mixed up for a bit. Smile

If you’re looking for ways to recycle the Trolls + Covetous Uruk, look no farther than Evil-smelling Fens. It’s the perfect way to recycle minions from multiple cultures.

- AC

P.S. Hides x4 would be much better than Black Sails x4 - Hides is cheaper and draws a card when you play it. Larder & Scaffolding are 2 other cheap support area possessions.
MODS RULE. - lem0nhead
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:17 pm
Joined: 12 Apr 2006 Posts: 836 Location: Wichita, Kansas
Scaffolding is a great idea, but I only have one Hides.

Also, I’m reluctant to include Evil-smelling Fens in the deck, because that would require including Gollum, and I don’t feel there’s room for him.
Riddle 9
When I came to Abraham I let him live just a moment longer. When I came to Moses I saved his life more than once. But the salmon... I regret to say I had a hand in its death.

Who am I?
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:27 pm
Joined: 28 Dec 2006 Posts: 5468 Location: I don't know...
Pull 4 minions and throw in shelob, and then toss in larder instead of another possession. Shelob becomes huge! And a great "pincushion" for archery.
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What if the hokey pokey really IS what its all about? Shocked
As I lay in bed staring at the stars last night, I thought to myself, "where the heck is the ceiling?"
Arrow Spotlight on....Sense of Obligation.
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:53 am
Joined: 08 Dec 2006 Posts: 127 Location:
I like shadow idea. Fellowship is fun, but t can’t survive against many serius shadows. Deck with 76 cards is too big even with filters, and you have none filters.

Try to play your shadow like this:

Shelob, Eater of Light x 2 or 3
Spider Poison x 4
Web x 4
Larder x 3
Grond x 1 or 2
Advance Marauder x 4
Advance Captain x 2
Mordor Veteran x 4
Troll of Cirith Gorgor x 4
Orc Ravager x 1
Orc Savage x 3
Orc Seeker x 1

Now you will have 2 strong fierce minions. You can play Shelb over and over, and with her you can play Gollum possession from draw deck.
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:22 am
Joined: 12 Apr 2006 Posts: 836 Location: Wichita, Kansas
Gillian, that would change the whole idea of my deck. I’m not trying to build some Grand Master deck (FP or SH) that could be an unstoppable force. There’s no fun in that.

Thanks for your input (in the future I may use it), but I’d rather stick with what I’ve got for now.

Oh, and I finally got a chance to use the deck last night. Not only did the Hobbits come through (tanks!), but I was overwhelming Ents.
Riddle 9
When I came to Abraham I let him live just a moment longer. When I came to Moses I saved his life more than once. But the salmon... I regret to say I had a hand in its death.

Who am I?
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:24 pm
Joined: 13 Jan 2007 Posts: 6 Location: Under the Bridge
I love this idea! Cool and original idea! (kudos to whomever you saw playing it on LOTRO) Applause

Even though it sounds like you are not uber-competitive (like some of us), I would say that Hides is a must add, because of the card draw it gives you.

Quick question, did the person on LOTRO have basically the same deck?

I’ve been experimenting with this and have two versions:
1. Orc minions and Dunland guys who should help get the cheap and weak Orc trackers initiative. Dunlending Rampager, Dunlending Renegade and Wild Men of the Hills + Hides with Orc Chaser, Orc Pursuer and Orc Stalker. This plus loads of possessions and, of course, Troll of Cirith Gorgor should be nice.
2. Orcs/Gollum/Shelob
A pretty similar take on what Gillian said, so I’ll just post it.

Minions (16):
Gollum, DaD x1
Advance Captain x2
Advance Marauder x4
Gorgoroth Servitor x1
Orc Ravager x1
Mordor Veteran x1
Shelob, EoL x2
Troll of Cirith Gorgor x4

Possessions (14):
Hides x4
Grond x2
Web x4
Spider Poison x4

Conditions (3):
Final Strike x1
Evil Smelling Fens x2

Events (4):
Captured by the Ring x4

As Gillian said, this gives potentially 2 HUGE minions. Final Strike would be important in case you face some Rangers who like to get rid of your minions. Grond and the Ravager can kill your opponent’s key support cards. Evil Smelling Fens makes it possible to play the Troll six times (in a perfect world). The biggest thing that worries me are choke decks (twilight could be an issue) and those stupid IB rangers.

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