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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:01 am
Joined: 28 Dec 2006 Posts: 5468 Location: I don't know...
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The Ithilien Blade has reigned supreme over all decks. However, corsairs have the proper mechanism for killing the Ithilien Blade
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35 Cards


Corsair Marauder x 4
Corsair Brute x 4
Corsair Gunners x 3
Corsair Boatswain x 2
Castamir of Umbar x 4


Black Sails of Umbar x 4
Corsair War Galley x 2
Raider Bow x 4

Wind that Sped Ships x 3
Fierce in Despair x 4

All right, this deck is a monster IB killer. First off, play Black Sails of Umbar and Corsair War Galley. Your Corsair Boatswains are in there to ensure you get these in play.

Okay, now for the fun part. Assuming you have one of your ships in play, you get your corsair marauder and another minion in play, and discard an Ithilien Blade to add two tokens. So, repeat the procedure discarding your Black Ships of Umbar as neccessary to play your Corsair Marauders back and knock out all the IB, and even Aragorn’s Bow, Ranger’s Longbow.

All right, now that the IBs and Aragorn’s Bow, Ranger’s Longbow are knocked out, you get to the archery phase. Raider bow is the weapon of choice here as it wounds a companion, but most importantly, it is ambush 5. This is very critical as we will see later.

All right, moving to the assignment phase, you get to add your 5 twilight from Raider Bow, and then get assgned. Now you get to have some fun wounding guys. Corsair Brute can easily dish out his wound, and then with Wind that Sped Ships, you can easily win the skirmish, and stack the event back on your draw deck (having initiative is no problem with Corsair War Galley). But, with corsair gunners, he’s fierce, which means he gets to fight again. So, your corsairs may not have the best skirmish performance out there, but they at least get to the skirmish against IB. And remember, your opponents don’t have their strength +2 bonuses from IB either, they’re fighting your corsairs with their bare hands.

After you own the fellowship in the skirmish phase, potentially overwhelming a companion, which triggers IB’s necessary threats, you move to the regroup phase, and play Fierce in Despair. Although 7 to play and not toil, its easy because of your Raider Bow. Discard Madril, and your minions are no longer roaming.

From then on, your corsairs become a bomb deck, kncoking out the weak companions, of which there are many, due to your disabling of the IB.

Oh yeah, Castimir of Umbar. Twisted Evil Who doesn’t like a self-exhausting enduring minion that adds tokens like crazy? Especially when you can put them to good use with your Corsair Brute and Corsair Gunners. Or, you can just play him again next turn for free.


Ithilien Blade: As seen, a killer. The Ithilien Blades get discarded in the shadow phase, and then you get to wound companions like crazy.

The Run: Another easy kill, the run adds tons of twilight allowing you to easily play Fierce in Despair and knock out several crucial companions (Radagast, for example)

Dwarves: Toughest matchup so far, Blood Runs Chill can easily decimate your complex support system, especially since they get the first play. Tough to play Fierce in Despair as well. Well...knock out any possessions that increases damage and try to overwhelm Durin.

Elf Archery: Gone. Completely. All their elven bows toast, leaving them...Legolas? One archer? Maybe three wounds with Rumil and the right Legolas. But hey, leave Castamir some vitality and they’ll be wishing they were running some other deck.

Solo...anything: Once again, not the easiest match-up, but your minions are relatively cheap, and reinforce Black Ships of Umbar, allowing you to play minions from your discard pile. You may have to discard Castamir and then play him with your Black Ships.

Knight Fortifications: Um...you’re toast. They can easily deplete the vitality out of you with seventh level and Citadel of the Stars. But hey, you can’t win ’em all. However, if you discard the right possessions and they don’t get the right draw you might be able to do some damage.
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:03 am
Joined: 28 Dec 2006 Posts: 5468 Location: I don't know...
Hey, I just realized this is standard legal too! Mr. Green
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What if the hokey pokey really IS what its all about? Shocked
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:15 am
Joined: 08 Dec 2006 Posts: 127 Location:
It is not big discovery that Corsairs doesn’t have any problem with killing Ib rangers. Corsairs have Corsair Marauder for discarting Weaapons, Ships of Great Draught which loves threats(you don’t have any in your shadow!?!).
Shadow would be better if it Would look like this:

Minions 17:
Castamir of Umbar x 4
Corsair Marauder x 4
Corsair Plunderer x3
Corsair Boatswain x 3
Black Numenorean x 2
Corsair Freebooter x 1

Possessions 10:
Black Sails of Umbar x 4
Ships of Great Draught x 2
Corsair War Galley x 2
Raider Halberd x 3

Events 7:
Wind that Sped Ships x 3
Fierce in Despair x 1
Red wrath x 2
Quelled x 1

With this shadow I also will discard every possession that boders me on ranger.
Because most of the rangers are strenght 5 + hunter 1, 6 + hunter 1 or 7, Castamir with Raider Halberd and Wind that Sped Ships will take 2 lifes every time he comes.
Rangers an survive against this shadow only with extreemly terrible shadow draw, and this shadow would be better against some other fellowship.
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:10 am
Joined: 28 Nov 2006 Posts: 861 Location: In a place that is beyond your imagination
cards like Roll of Thunder and Turn of the Tide would also be a bad matchup and Hama, Captain of the King’s Guard could be a hazard
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:56 am
Joined: 28 Dec 2006 Posts: 5468 Location: I don't know...
Well...I don’t really deal with threat manipulation, as part of my strategy is direct wounding, and threats help that a lot.

Plus, if I don’t manage to discard Aragorn’s bow, all I’m doing is reloading it for him.

So, the point is to wound with a little archery, come in and wound a couple guys with Corsair Brute, make him fierce with Corsair Gunners, knock off with Castamir, and let their own threats destroy the fellowship.

This pumps the fellowship full of wounds, so simply winning skirmishes kills companions, and if I can simply survive to the regrou phase, I knock out the rest with Fierce in Despair and voila, next turn I’m on their RB. (and hard, because my ships allow me to throw a couple minions back for free, including Castamir of Umbar.)
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Popcorn Add the popcorn smiley to your sig, help it achieve world domination.
What if the hokey pokey really IS what its all about? Shocked
As I lay in bed staring at the stars last night, I thought to myself, "where the heck is the ceiling?"
Arrow Spotlight on....Sense of Obligation.
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:14 pm
Joined: 23 Mar 2006 Posts: 7750 Location: somwhere, over the rainbow way up high. There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
but if you use it, say he has 8 threats, you add 8 tokens, then play a marauder and ditch the bow. now you can run your thing the next site and have 4 more ways to recur the marauders.
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:49 pm
Joined: 06 Jan 2007 Posts: 351 Location: Mirkwood
how much will all this cost?
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