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Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:35 pm
Joined: 31 May 2006 Posts: 189 Location: Iowa
Ithildon received his command with not only zeal, but disappointment.
He took the dwarves and Gondorians to within 50 yards of the doors. He set the dwarves to work building a fortified base. As the dwarves finished with the wall facing the opposite side of the Great Doors, a small party of goblins attacked the Gondorians. The Gondorians killed them all with ease, one man being slightly injured.
One Ring to rule them all
One Ring to find them
One thing to bring them all
And In the darkness bind them
Felipe Musco
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:52 pm
Joined: 18 May 2006 Posts: 2434 Location: Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
Berethor slowly moved towards the deeper levels, quietly following the small party of Elves while avoiding the occasional arrow flicked at him out of nowhere, when one scratched his left elbow, and he moaned in pain. He then stumped (again) and fell to the ground. He quickly lept to his feet, sword in hand, and turned to see his ambusher. It was a dead body. An Elf. "Probably a youngling drifter, must’ve gotten separated from the group trying to prove something", he thought. He then glanced at his still-bleeding elbow, and realized the elf was about the same size as him. "That’s it, I’m tired of getting cut!". He started stripping the elf of his armor, leaving his old breastplate behind, and because of its lightness, he was donned and ready in no time. "It’s light, but I still feel clumsy", he thought to himself, as he started to move again, rotating his arms and leaping a little to get used to it. Centuries spent fighting bare-chested have its price.
I don't like YOU.
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:26 pm
Joined: 10 Oct 2005 Posts: 1199 Location: Out on the front line
Durial watched as the two hundred elves approached. Durail motioned the elves into the room, then went in after them.

"Tuilin, Lyon. I found where a goblin camp is, and it is not far from here. if we hurry we can break their unorganized lines quickly. the way dark, but not too dangerous. We must hurry! all the elves have bows i presume. i have found that they have no tactics except to herd us into the chamber of dwarodelf. it was a dear price to pay for such information."

Durail opened his coat and revealed a long jagged looking wound.

"not deep, but lightly poisoned. WE got the poison under control before it was too late. enough of me though we must move fast!"

with that the elves and rangers slipped into the shadows with such skill that not even a goblin could see them.

after arriving at the destination the elves formed on one side of the goblins and the rangers on another. with one accord, the rangers and elves fired five vollies of shots into the goblin armies, sending all of them scattering. the rangers then pulled back into the dark halls and proceeded back to the soldiers and Ithildon. the camp was in sight when out of no where goblins began to scream, armor clashed together, and swords were drawn from their sheths.

"RUN!" Yelled Durial. the group had walked right into a goblin base, without knowing it. Very soon the elves and rangers were surrounded. Durial pulled Flame from its scabbard. it burned a fierce red in the darkness. upon seeing the blade, the goblins gave a bit of ground, but then surgged forward as one. Flame came down, smashing and tearing into goblins. The rest of the rangers and elves were fighting with such vigor that the goblins were falling on all sides. pain stabbed Durial from his chest wound, and a newly added cut on his leg. Durail lifted a horn to his lips and blew three sharp times. hopefully Ithildon would come with men soon!
elf lvr
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:47 pm
Joined: 13 Jun 2006 Posts: 3065 Location: Rivendell
Lyon was one of those on the front line, and in seconds his body and blades were covered with dark goblin blood. He had amassed a number of small injuries, but fought on as if unwounded. Many goblins fell before him, yet there were always more to take their place. He felt himself growing weaker with each swing of his swords, and the wounds the goblins inflicted upon him before thier deaths grew more and more severe. He began to fall back, cursing himself for his weakness.
Happy Hunting! Elf Lvr
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And behold, EL declared it good. And there was morning, and there was evening, the first (new) day. ~ DainIronfoot
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:12 pm
Joined: 14 Mar 2006 Posts: 846 Location: Ames, Iowa
Gognut was furious that the orc could not penetrate the pink-flesh. HE sent all of his archers to fire at the intruders. Goblins might not be as strong as elves. But the intruders could not go any deeper if they wanted to get back to the door of durin. The Flame-god was coming, nothing that the elves had could callange such an awsome beast. He was coming, darker and more evil than any living creature since Sauron the great had been killed. They would need wizards to take out the creation of morgoth. And the Wizards were gone across the sea, or were they?
I don't have an avatar, I don't have a sig, my posts speak for themselves.
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:12 pm
Joined: 23 Mar 2006 Posts: 7750 Location: somwhere, over the rainbow way up high. There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
Tuilin seriously thought he was going to die. Not to say at the moment that he cared a wit.
he had stayed in the center picking the goblins off with arrows when he realized that aside from maybe the trolls who were nto visible at the moment, none of the minions deaths would stop the other’s from attacking. "While I guess it is time for some swordplay" he said dryly and charged he only had one sword and it didn’t have magical properties but hundreds of years of honing his skill had made quite good enough with it to kill goblins. The only problem was there was a awful lot of Goblins to kill. His sword flashed goblin limbs heads and bodies fell. He took some minor wounds including but not limited to a gash to his forehead, a slash on his left side, a puncture wound on his right leg and bite wounds on his left arm. Tuilin whirled and sliced Goblins falling unless reinforcements arive soon we will be overwhelmed. The bleak thought entered his mind he quickly pushed it aside and continued his task of making sure he gave the goblins what he got, and worse.
ArrowSop's haves/ top wantsExclamation
(mm)"SoP: you will always be the Official CC Spammer in my heart"
Spammers really are amazing creatures. You can learn all there is to know about their ways in a month. And yet, after a hundred years, they can still surprise you. Razz
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:35 pm
Joined: 10 Oct 2005 Posts: 1199 Location: Out on the front line
A roar pierced the air, and the goblins ran in everyway. Durail knew imediatly what this was though none of the others knew except a hooded ranger. The goblins flame god, or as it was more commonly known, a Balrog.

"Go. Tuilin Lyon take them back to the fort. good luck! Go! Fly!"

with that Durail and the ranger near him turned and walked toward an orange glow. Lyon and Tuilin saw Durial draw his great blade flame that now no longer glowed, but burned like real fire!

Durial looked at flame. this was an almost hopeless fight, but Tuilin, Lyon and the rest of the troops had to return to the fort safely! Durail looked up as the beast drew near. both sides had a few surprises to throw at each other. just ten miniutes and Lyon, Tuilin and the others would reach safety. Durial hoped he and his companion could last that long...
Felipe Musco
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:44 pm
Joined: 18 May 2006 Posts: 2434 Location: Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
Berethor was dazed. "A... Balrog? There’s a Balrog HERE? How’s that even possible? Well, I guess reasoning is out of the question now..." He then unsheated his still-nameless katana sword, and leapt forward, moving towards the two lone Men that stayed behind, as the others started fleeing. Every now and then, a Goblin would leap out of nowhere to block his path, quickly meeting its demise by his blade, but eventually leaving a souvenir in the form of a deep cut. When he finally got close enough to the two characters, he was so soaked in blood that it was almost impossible to tell his from the goblins’, due to the darkness of Moria. "Well, I guess this is it", he thought, as he shouted to the two Men: "Do you know what you’re going up against? Be careful!" Those were his last words, as he forgot to listen to his own advice, and a black-headed arrow flinged out of nowhere, aimed directly at his heart, piercing his wool cloak and making him fall to the ground, with a loud thumping noise, his eyes still widened in surprise.
I don't like YOU.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:37 pm
Joined: 10 Oct 2005 Posts: 1199 Location: Out on the front line
Durail never had time to look back at the man. as soon as the man shouted the Balrog had charged them. Flame burned with fury as did both the men’s anger. stabbing and jabbing, the balrog took several wounds, but swords against darkness were nearly useless. After three more minutes of fighting, the Balrog advanced with a sword of flame strinking. Durial blocked several blows, but was soon thrown into a piller. felt pain swell up in him, with his blurring eyes he watched with great pride as his "ranger" friend revealed his true identity.

The man Shouted. "flee dark creature! or face the rage of Radagast the great!" Then both Blarog and man attacked. both chased eachother all over the room. Then the balrog ran and Radagast chased. Darkness overcame Durail, and he fell into unconciousness.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:49 pm
Joined: 14 Mar 2006 Posts: 846 Location: Ames, Iowa
What was the thing that attacked their god? It was like an elf, but it seemed to be more cloak, than flesh. Their god fled down to the depths, the elf will be dead soon enough Gognut thought to himself. He turned to his leigion. "Finish them off, do not flee or I will eat you alive, attack them till they are destroyed" Gognut let out a roar of such ferosity that it sent his goblins scurrying towards the group of men and elves. The archers let out one more volly, then pick up their knives and joined the hoard of beasts.
I don't have an avatar, I don't have a sig, my posts speak for themselves.

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