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Grashopper |
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:51 am |
Joined: 20 Jul 2005
Posts: 44
Location: Schalbruch, Germany
Ring Bearer/Ring
Galadriel, BoW
TOR, Ring of Rings
Adventure Deck
Fortress of Orthanc
Slag mounds
Hill of Sight
Northern Pelennor
Helm’s Gate
Heights of Isengard
City of Kings
Old Forest Road
Legolas, Of the Grey Company (starting)
Eowyn, Lady of Ithilien (starting)
Aegnor, Elven Escort
Rumil, Brother of Haldir
Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men
Cirdan, The Shipwright
Elrond, Venerable Lord
3 x Elven Bow
Eowyn’s Sword, Dernhelm’s Blade
Brego (4U 263)
Legolas’ Bow
2 x Nenya, Ring of Adamant
2 x Elven Sword
2 x Uncertain Future
3 x Company of Archers (or Seclusion)
4 x Nocked
2 x Many Miles
2 x Reckless We Rode
Farewell to Lorien
2 x Valor
4 x Advance Uruk Patrol
2 x Furious Uruk
2 x Uruk Assault Band
2 x Lurtz, Minion of the White Wizard
2 x Lieutenant of Orthanc
2 x Uruk-hai Patrol
3 x Invincible Uruk
4 x Broad-bladed Sword
3 x Suffered Much Loss
3 x Down to the Last Child
Burning of the Westfold
4 x Ferocity
This deck is designed to run with the elves while using some beat-down uruks to slow down the opposing fellowship. I’ll break down each side’s strategies below:
Freeps: Bid to start 1st. In my meta, most people like to go 2nd, so if I bid nothing I can still start, but bid whatever you need to play the first site. To start off, play A BATTLEGROUND.
Hopefully you can double into site 3 on the first move. The key to the deck is to get an elven card on the top of your deck in the maneuver phase. Here’s the basic interplay between the cards. Rumil gets you a free look at the top card in the Maneuver phase. If it’s not an elven card, discard a token from Uncertain Future to place it beneath your deck. Use Rumil to get a free look again and so on until you get an elven card on top. In a pinch, if you have some wounded companions, use Nenya to heal them and place an elven card from your hand on your deck. Getting that elven card on top gets you an archer (Rumil), a free directed wound (Legolas), and possibly a free elven exertion (to used nocked or reckless) with Elrond. Eowyn is there to clean up any wounded minions remaining. There are lots of events, so if Cirdan needs to get into the action, he can dominate as well. Double as much as possible.
For the shadow side, you want to get Down to the Last Child and Suffered Much Loss out as soon as possible, and get your Uruks winning skirmishes. Take control of that first site and watch your opponent’s jaw drop as you drop a Dmg +1, Fierce, str 14 minion on him for 5 twilight, and a Dmg +1, Fierce, Str 20 minion for another 7 twilight. The rest of the Uruks are there for support. Ferocity is one of my favorite cards, use it often.
The weaknesses of this deck include burdening decks and the shadow side can be beat with a good fellowship, but if the burdening deck has to skirmish to put those burdens on ya, you’re ok. I’ve found it does really well, just make sure you’re using any events in your hand to keep is cycling.. |
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dexterngo |
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:03 am |
Joined: 20 Jul 2005
Posts: 60
Location: Manila, Philippines
i was wondering how you usually win with this deck, running to 9 or killing your opponent's FP |
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Grashopper |
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:47 am |
Joined: 20 Jul 2005
Posts: 44
Location: Schalbruch, Germany
usually by getting to site 9. It rarely get a true shadow kill, but definitely will slow a fellowship down when they start seeing str 14, fierce, dmg +1 minions start dropping. |
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Guest |
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:23 am |
Looks like a nice deck
Only advise I could possibly give, is to include more copies of your key companions... IMO, you have far too few of them, and you would have to be very lucky to draw them when you need them. |
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dexterngo |
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:05 pm |
Joined: 20 Jul 2005
Posts: 60
Location: Manila, Philippines
good advice from the guest.. add more copies of comps or card drawing.
3 or 4 alliance reforged would be big in your deck
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hblika |
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:31 am |
Joined: 20 Jul 2005
Posts: 287
Location: Norway
Maybe include a couple of Uruk Vanguards. Pretty expensive, but always fun to drop a huge, damage +2 minion  |
I'm not stupid. I'm just unlucky when I'm thinking. |
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solis |
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:02 pm |
Joined: 30 Jul 2005
Posts: 30
Location: Sweden
About the shadow, its totally useless against a deck with elendil. (so you know.)
there's 2 probs. youll only get a big pool at site 2-4 and then is the time you have to draw those conditions and win lots of skirmishes to get sites so ure minions does anything. and then he just discards a saplings or two to liberate them and that is when you are screwed as you can only afford 2-3 level 11+ minions per site which his elend-gorn-faramir trio kicks like nothing.
(a good elf deck will beat ure shadow as well, cirdan will just kill that 14 fella and glorf/arwen will kill the others:()
the fellowship looks really nice thou, just put in that alliance reforge and you will kick ass;D |
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