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Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 5:32 pm
Joined: 19 Mar 2006 Posts: 1218 Location: Wow, its hot in Iowa

Here is my list of rares that are up for trade.
Neat cards are in bold.
I am willing to trade outside of the US.

If you see any cards you want please post and then PM me.
For trading references ask the following:

AnxiousChieftain, lotr~kid, AdultLink, Chang, Pipeweed, sickofpalantirs, Anonymous Prodigy, Elf lvr, Corvus, witchkingblckcaptian, Hinigurth, Josiah_of_Rohan, The Shyzle, Fingolfin, or Gagnut.

NONE of these cards are decked, thus I am very willing to trade them

So here is the list.

Boromir, Bearer of Council
Noble Leaders
Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith
Strength of Kings
These Are My People
Valiant Man of the West
Hearts Raised

Ring of Retribution
4x Baruk Khazad (1x non-AI)
Loyalty Unshaken
2x Uri, Dwarven Lord
Rest by Blind Night
Unheard Of
Mines of Khazad-dum
Dwarven Foresight
Toss Me

Galadriel, Bearer of Wisdom
Rumil, Silvan Elf (S-rarity)

Night Without End
Narya, Ring of Fire
Break the Charge x4
Elven Rope
Vilya, Ring of Air

Death They Cried
The Red Arrow
Seeking New Foes
I Am Here
Thundering Host
Rohirrim Helm
With Strength to Fight
Burial Mounds

Gandalf, The White Wizard (tengwar)
Terrible and Evil
2x Well Met Indeed
2x Sent Back
Gandalf, Mithrandir
Shadowfax, Greatheart
Citadel to Gate
Into Dark Tunnels
The Board is Set

Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver
Merry, Impatient Hobbit
Everyone Knows
Pressing On,
Consorting With Wizards

Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow x2
Shadow in the East
Ring of Rancor
Winged and Ominous
Ring of Asperity
2x Beauty Is Fading
Too Great and Terrible

The Underdeeps of Moria
Huge Tentacle x2
Watcher in the Water, Keeper of Westgate
2x Goblin Archer
Final Cry
The Balrog’s Sword
Denizens Enraged
Guard Commander
The End Comes
Cave Troll’s Chain

Wake of Destruction
No Retreat
No Refuge
Ready to Fall
Constantly Threatening

4x Safe Paths
Don’t Look at Them
Secret Paths
Serving the Precious

Grima, Betrayer of Rohan
Last Gasp
Swarming Hillman
Messenger’s Mount

Force of Uruk-hai
Uruk Zealot x2 (One FOIL)
Dark Alliance
Army of Uruk-hai x3
Uruk Decimator
Lurtz, Minion of the White Wizard.
Uruk Blitz x2
Uruk Slaughterer

Men of Harad
Regiment of Haradrim
Army of Haradrim (Slightly played)

The Mouth of Sauron, Lieutenant of Barad-Dur
Speak No More to Me
Mordor Fighter
Orc War Band
Orc Seeker
Verily I Come
Orc Banner

Lurtz’s Sword
Uruk Lieutenant x3
Uruk Captain
Ugluk, Servant of Saruman
Uruk Spy
Rest While You Can
2x Fires and Foul Fumes
Beyond the Height of Men
New Power Rising
No Dawn for Men
Where Has Grima Stowed It??
Saruman’s Reach
Race Across the Mark
Weapons of Isengard
Lieutenant of Orthanc
Orc Commander x2
Foul Horde
Come Down
Alive and Unspoiled
Lieutenant of Orthanc
2x Volley Fire
Driven Back
The Misadventure of Mr. Underhill
Wolves of Isengard
Radagast Deceived
Pallando Deceived

My small list of FOILS

Pippin, Just a Nuisance

We Left None Alive

Ent Avenger

Sam, Samwise the Brave

Knocked on the Head

Mustering for Battle

Great Works Begun There

MY wants
First off, I often can find stuff on your haves list that isn’t on my wants list, so if you want something on my list, please post, and I will look at your trade list.
Ceremonial Armor x3
Ring of Barahir
Anduril, King’s Blade
Anduril, Sword that was Broken
Broken in Defeat x2
Last edited by bobtheorc on Tue May 15, 2007 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in totalExclamation Ban the Overpowered OrcsExclamation
"Don't panic, I have paper!" - Taipan Popcorn
Is that Grima, Grief Counselor? - legolamb
Bobtheorcs Uruk-Hai Dcs
Bob’s wonderful !! updated !! Trade list
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 6:54 pm
Joined: 27 Jul 2006 Posts: 1303 Location: minnesota
I have KB i want Borimir bearer of counsil... plus do you have any still needed or final shots.. for sweeteners
If you like LOTR then maybe you would like redemption ccg PM me for more info
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 8:00 pm
Joined: 19 Mar 2006 Posts: 1218 Location: Wow, its hot in Iowa
Sorry I am not willing to do Boromir, Boc for that Anduril..
Exclamation Ban the Overpowered OrcsExclamation
"Don't panic, I have paper!" - Taipan Popcorn
Is that Grima, Grief Counselor? - legolamb
Bobtheorcs Uruk-Hai Dcs
Bob’s wonderful !! updated !! Trade list
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 6:30 am
Joined: 11 Apr 2007 Posts: 313 Location: Finland
I’m interested in
Boromir, Bearer of Council
Rumil, Silvan Elf (S-rarity)
Cave Troll’s Chain
Uruk Captain
Noble Leaders

Check out my have list Smile
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:24 am
Joined: 19 Mar 2006 Posts: 1218 Location: Wow, its hot in Iowa
Will do.

I would want the two T&D artifacts
Exclamation Ban the Overpowered OrcsExclamation
"Don't panic, I have paper!" - Taipan Popcorn
Is that Grima, Grief Counselor? - legolamb
Bobtheorcs Uruk-Hai Dcs
Bob’s wonderful !! updated !! Trade list

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