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rhaul |
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:00 am |
Joined: 23 Jul 2005
Posts: 3
Location: Estonia
Gimli Bearer of Grudges + Ring of Rings
Durin III
Grimir Dwarven Emissary
Smeagol Always Helps
Dwarven Bracers 2
Axe of Khazad-Dum 2
Gimli’s Battle Axe, Trusted Weapon
Ring of Fury 2
Ring of Guile
Belt of Erebor
Events & Conditions:
Honed 4
Blood Runs Chill 2
Proud and Able 2
Dwarven Skill 4
Not Listening 2
Don’t follow The Lights 2
Don’t Look At Them
Follow Smeagol
Theres Another Way
Total 33
Uruk Swarm Thingy:
Regular Uruk 4
Lookout Uruk 2
Vigilant Uruk 2
Swarming Uruk 3
Feral Uruk 4
Watchman Uruk 3
Invincible Uruk 3
Orc Skulker 2
Broken In Defeat 2
Events & Conditions
Brutality 2
Fortitude 2
Suffered Much Loss 2
Shingle In a Storm
Broken In Defeat 2
Strange Device
Total 33
Well, here it is:
It doesn’t really matter, if you go first or not, but I usually bid 1, smeagol adds another burden, thats total 2 in the beginning. If you go first - good, if not you have to change your game stile a little. First Site - Dammed Gate Stream, if you start, if not, put it as site 3, then fetch Follow Smeagol or Don’t Look at Them. Now just play possessions on your companions (Durin first, Gimli second) Fully armed Durin can take almost everything and if he can’t theres also plan B - Smeagol. but if your going to use smeago,l check your hand for: Don’t Follow the lights and Not listening, if you wound Minions to death with smeagol, you have won the skirmish, so first play Don’t Follow the lights, adding a burden and discarding a minion and then Not listening, to heal smeagol and remove 2 burdens. Last thing. you are at 7th site and moving to 8th, use follow smeagol to play caras caladhon, then at regroup use theres another way to replace the curretn site and use follow smeagol again to play caras as the 9th site! Have Fun!
More then half the times I have played this deck, I have got shadow win. So I usually don’t play lot’s of minions until 5th site, Play just conditions to set you up. But if you don’t play any minions, the freeps player has to think, are you bluffing or not (i enjoy it ) if you have lot of money, play what you can. Uruks aren’t famous about their swarming abilities, so you hardly can play more than 8-10 minions (my record 10) But if you have more than 6 comps, you probly can’t swarm them, but, would you double move, if you have invincible uruk + 4-5 other uruks in table, nobody can’t take wounds! For 6 comps. theres also Shingle in a Storm, dam+1 isn’t bad. But now, my favorite combo against 6 comps: Play single Uruk, Orc Skulker, with Broken in Defeat in your Hand. usually the freeps player puts the uruk to his strongest comp. wich is very good cause you play Broken in Deafeat in his skirmish, making your Uruk +2, spot 6 comps, take it back to hand, play it, take it, play it, take it. As long as you want for archery we have Fortidude, theres not much archery in my meta so I use only 1. and 8-9th site winner card is +9 pump Brutality!
I hope I told everything! |
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dexterngo |
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:52 pm |
Joined: 20 Jul 2005
Posts: 60
Location: Manila, Philippines
it is always good to see urukhai shadow wins!!!
go urukhai!!! |
Do or do not, there is no try |
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eomer_14 |
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:32 pm |
Joined: 29 Jul 2005
Posts: 27
Location: sc
i like your shadow, but i would play more strange devices and drop the brutalities and a fortitude. also, i use 2 saruman adotl in my swarm deck. |
"I will carry a cross and song where i don't belong"
"Words that You didn't say were haunting these pages
Faces You didn't make were all I was seeing
The way that they painted You wasn't a picture
of one in control - and I don't think they know who you are"
--Mainstay |
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