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Takeo |
Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 12:37 pm |
Joined: 21 Jan 2007
Posts: 123
Location: Hidden in FBI's basement
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Meet the different types of the shaman! Don’t be frightened by them, they wont do anything to you.. Yet..
--- end description ---
The sides of the shaman
1.The Healing One
2.The Striking One
3.The Elemental One
4.The End
Shamanism refers to a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit world, mostly animal spirits. With this as a guide, WoW has reconstructed the shaman in a digital form. We all feel his presence. Shamans have been worshipped in many ages. And there have been many different types of shamans along the time. WoW has resurrected the age of the shamans once again.
Shamans are powerful people, that destroy you and those you care about most, or they can save your life. This depends on who they are, and how you treat them. So be careful, they can bite you at the end.
Here are the main shaman decks:
The Healing One
Phadalus the Enlightened
Allies: 22
Apprentice Merry x4
Parvink x4
"Chipper" Ironbane x4
Bretander of the Claw x2
Field Commander Olinnae x2
Raul "Fingers" Maldren x2
Freya Lightsworn x2
Lady Courtney Noel x2
Abilities: 21
Healing Wave x4
Mana Tide Totem x4
Earthbind Totem x4
Searing Totem x3
Totemic Call x3
Surge of Life x3
Equipments: 5
Helmet of Ten Storms x2
Will of Arlokk x3
Quests: 17
Chasing A-Me 01 x4
In Dreams x1
Zapped Giants x2
It’s a Secret to Everybody x4
Inoculation x3
The Perfect Stout x3
Total: 65
In WoW TCG it is hard to say how you should play a deck, since it’s impossible to know what you are going to draw. So I’m just explaining how you are going to use these cards once you have them, and what they can do. But this is a pretty easy deck to play for new players. It’s a regular build with an understandable strategy.
There are really no cards you especially look for on you starting hand, although you have an advantage if you start with an Apprentice Merry and a couple of quests. You should just consider your hand, and how playable it is. If you start with high cost allies and no quests, you might want to mulligan. But that’s basic TCG knowledge that you should already know, if you play another TCG like Magic.
If we start looking at the quests, you can find a similarity. They all either get cards to your hand, or set up cards you are going to get. This is a handy ability, so you don’t end up with few cards on your hand. You can also see that I’ve chosen The Perfect stout instead of a quest like Your fortune Awaits You, since it has multiple choices. And with Inoculation I can choose both.
I had some problems choosing which allies to use, since there are many allies suitable for this deck. Parvink and ”Chipper” Ironbane are easy choices. They are a must in all decks. You don’t really have a shortage of protectors in this deck, even without Field Commander Olinnae in play. Protectors are an essential part of this deck, since you need to be able to keep your totems alive.
All the totems have different abilities, and you can only have one totem of one element in play at the time. That’s why I don’t use Healing Stream Totem, because I can’t have that one and Mana Tide Totem in play at the same time. Mana Tide Totem suites this deck much better, since it’s a talent specced ability for Phadalus. I will also mention that it is the best totem so far for shamans, since you have the ability to draw a lot more cards. Earthbind Totem is a good way to stop ”rushing” decks, because if they lose the power to ”untap” their allies, you have a big advantage. The Searing Totem is really good at the start of a game, since it kills almost every ally in the first rounds.
I don’t think this deck has any problems dealing with rush like decks, or direct targeting decks. I think it will have more problems facing a similar deck, like restoration druid, or priest.
The Striking One
Haruka Skycaller
Allies: 17
Rak Skyfury x4
Taz’dingo x2
Vesh’ral x2
Elder Moorf x2
Field Repair Bot 74A x1
Tanwa the Marksman x2
Guardian Steppestrider x3
Warmaster Hork x1
Abilities: 17
Windfury Weapon x3
Flametongue Weapon x3
Lightning Shield x2
Stormstrike x4
Blood Fury x2
Rockbiter Weapon x3
Equipments: 13
Skibi’s Pendant x2
Aegis of the Blood God x2
Viking Warhammer x3
Fel Iron Hatchet x4
Deathdealer Breastplate x1
Edgemaster’s Handguards x1
Quests: 17
Hidden Enemies x4
For the Horde! x4
Chasing A-Me 01 x4
It’s a Secret to Everybody x4
In Dreams x1
Total: 64
Haruka is a master of weapons. His power can be very good, if you have the right setup. He almost abuses the rules of the using of weapons. That rule is that by using a weapon (exhausting it), your adding the power of that weapon to your hero. That power remains until end of that turn. Now that’s explained, we can start with an example:
You start with a Viking Warhammer and let’s say a Rockbiter Weapon, adding 3 to your hero’s power, and you attack anyone. Now, you should either play Rak Skyfury or Stormstrike to untap your weapon, and hero, of its exhausted. This gives you the opportunity to again add 3 more power to your hero. Your hero has now 6 power. It has given total 9 damage. To add even more power, you can play another weapon, if you have it on your hand. Like a Fel Iron Hatchet, but remember that you lose the effect of Rockbiter Weapon. You can strike with a weapon immediately, so you add now 2 more power to your hero’s power. It has a total of 8 power, and this round your hero has done 17 damage, on one turn. Even though you need to have 7 resources to do all this, it is a lot of damage when heroes in WoW only have 25-30 health. You can shorten the cost by again playing a Viking Warhammer instead of a Fel Iron Hatchet. That saves you 3 resources, giving a result of 16 damage on 4 resources!
The downsides of this kind of attacking, is that if you swap you first weapon with a new one, you lose you enchantments on that weapon. You should be aware that you can play as many enchantments as you want on a weapon. That means you should maybe keep your weapon instead, unless it’s a winning factor.
As for the quests, you should think of maybe save some resources and use quests at the end of your opponents turn, instead of using them on your turn, leaving all resources tapped. This gives you an advantage because your opponent might think you have some instant ability you can use with those resources. So at the end of your opponent’s turn, when he’s got nothing to play, you use your quests.
Equipment removal is this deck’s worst enemy. It’s really a problem. If you have no weapons, lots of your cards loses their meaning in this deck. Hopefully people don’t play that a lot.
The Elemental One
Grennan Stormspeaker
Allies: 4
Halnar Stands-Alone x4
Abilities: 36
Elemental Focus x4
Frost Shock x4
Lightning Bolt x4
Chain Lightning x4
Shock and Soothe x4
Lightning Storm x4
Fire Nova Totem x2
Flame Shock x4
Earthbind Totem x2
Healing Wave x4
Equipments: 10
Helmet of Ten Storms x3
Chromatic Cloak x2
Skullflame Shield x1
Gift of the Elven Magi x2
Headmaster’s Charge x2
Quests: 16
Zapped Giants x4
Counterattack! x4
Poison Water x4
Rite of Vision x4
Total: 66
This is the first time I’ve made an all ability deck. I might be harder to play than the two other shaman decks, since you have so few allies. It can be difficult to choose which ability to use at the right time, and still be able to strike their hero.
What makes this deck so good is Elemental Focus. All of your abilities cost 1 less of each Elemental Focus you have, to a minimum of 1. That means you can use a Chain Lightning at the cost of 1! That’s pretty awesome!
Mr. Stands-Alone must really like this deck. He is the only ally in your deck, so it’s not so difficult to get his ability to work, which means you have a 5 / 5 for the cost of 4 resources.
The quests in this deck, fits this deck like a glove. When I first saw the expansion set Dark Portal, Rite of Vision was the first card I really wanted to build a deck around. Even though this deck is not about Rite of Vision, it has a good ability that can be of good use to this deck. If you need more allies, for an example, you can just get one from your collection. You can get any card from you collection that you want. Counterattack! Is in any deck where Halnar Stands-Alone is. It’s guaranteed to work. Draw two cards for 3 resources isn’t a bad investment. Zapped Giants almost guarantee ability too, since over half of the deck is abilities. Poison Water is another of those multiple choice quests that came with Dark Portal, but since if you have a tauren hero, you can choose both.
The End
As you see, at the end you will be either dead, or haunted for the rest of your life because you killed a shaman.
I finally realized my dream by making shaman decks. I hope you found this time well spent. Leave any comments good or bad, me likes criticism, the one that leaves me with the knowledge of writing more articles.
Tune in next month for my new dream! (Which I will make up when that time comes )
-- Takeo |
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Shamans, Amazingly good or Amazingly evil? |
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corvus |
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:09 am |
Joined: 13 Oct 2006
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Good stuff! 5 from me. Maybe i should write sth to compte with you as well!  |
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Takeo |
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:50 am |
Joined: 21 Jan 2007
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sickofpalantirs |
Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 4:16 pm |
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Location: somwhere, over the rainbow way up high. There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
I wonder how much credit you have made from these maybe enough toactually make one of these uber-expensive decks JK LOL
sweet have a 5! |
Sop's haves/ top wants
(mm)"SoP: you will always be the Official CC Spammer in my heart"
Spammers really are amazing creatures. You can learn all there is to know about their ways in a month. And yet, after a hundred years, they can still surprise you.  |
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Takeo |
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 2:26 am |
Joined: 21 Jan 2007
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Location: Hidden in FBI's basement
I’ve actually made two of my other posted decks (Elendril and Dizdemona) Bought them with store credit.. I have made $150 store credit.. Hehe.. I didnt look at the price of these actually, but I’ll do that I my following articles..
And next month I’ll make some good and cheap WoW decks, for you starters, so you dont have to pay a fortune for a deck.
I’d be glad to get some competition people.. Even though I got some 5’s, doesnt really mean these articles are worth them.. I personally wouldnt give me a 5. Its not that good..
Thanks for the comments SOP! And thanks for that 5!
Theres a typo here! I wouldnt personally give me a 5.. That sounds stupid.. I meant a 4.. At most.. hehe.. |
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Shamans, Amazingly good or Amazingly evil? |
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Sup3rZ3ro |
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:26 am |
Joined: 15 Feb 2006
Posts: 26
Location: Denmark
Hi Takeo
Great to see some different takes on the shaman. I have been wanting to do an article for a while but exams have kept me really busy.
When those are over I can asure you that I will try to compete with you:D
I will try and dig into to each build later today as I desperately need to study right away.
I hope that the effort you have put into these articles will aspire other to join this fairly young and small community. |
Lord of the Rings TCG strategy articles:
The Time of the Elves is Over!?
Rohan Rises From the Dust |
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Takeo |
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:55 am |
Joined: 21 Jan 2007
Posts: 123
Location: Hidden in FBI's basement
Yay. A comment from someone that actually has played WoW..
I know you have played Corvus..
Im looking forward to competing with you ! |
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Shamans, Amazingly good or Amazingly evil? |
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Sup3rZ3ro |
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 4:42 am |
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Quote: You start with a Viking Warhammer and let’s say a Rockbiter Weapon, adding 3 to your hero’s power, and you attack anyone. Now, you should either play Rak Skyfury or Stormstrike to untap your weapon, and hero, of its exhausted. This gives you the opportunity to again add 3 more power to your hero. Your hero has now 6 power. It has given total 9 damage. To add even more power, you can play another weapon, if you have it on your hand. Like a Fel Iron Hatchet, but remember that you lose the effect of Rockbiter Weapon. You can strike with a weapon immediately, so you add now 2 more power to your hero’s power. It has a total of 8 power, and this round your hero has done 17 damage, on one turn. Even though you need to have 7 resources to do all this, it is a lot of damage when heroes in WoW only have 25-30 health. You can shorten the cost by again playing a Viking Warhammer instead of a Fel Iron Hatchet. That saves you 3 resources, giving a result of 16 damage on 4 resources!
I just want to point out that this example cannot happen. During your non-combat action phase you can propose a combat. This adds a proposal effect to the chain which players can respond to (the turn player with priority can do this first).
Quote: 601.1 A player may propose a combat only during his or her non-combat action phase while he or she has priority and the chain is empty. Proposing a combat follows the applicable rules for adding a link (707) and adds a proposal effect to the chain.
When this link resolves the combat step begins. In the combat step a priority window called the attacker window opens. Next is the protection point where a legal protector is declared. Next is the defender window.
Quote: 602.4 A player may strike with a weapon (303.2) only while a defend window is open and his or her hero is in combat. The attack and defend windows are normal priority windows in all other ways. Any player with priority (408) may add links to the chain while either window is open.
During combat weapons cannot be played. The following rule illustrates when a weapon can be played. This is to point that your example with Fel Iron Hatchet is illegal:
Quote: 502.1 As an action phase starts, a priority window opens, and the turn player gets priority. During a player’s action phase, outside of a combat step, that player is said to be in his or her non-combat action phase. A player can do the following (in any order) only during his or her non-combat action phase while the chain is empty:
Play a non-instant card (407)
Place a resource (409)
Propose a combat (601)
In your example you assume that the ATK added during the defender window as a consequence of striking with a weapons lasts for the remainder of the turn. This is not the case:
Quote: 303.2a Striking with a weapon follows the applicable rules for adding links (707) and adds a strike effect to the chain. As a strike effect resolves, it creates a strike modifier that gives its controller’s hero both of the following for the duration of the combat step:
+X ATK, where X is the ATK of that weapon as that effect resolves.
The damage type of that weapon.
Here it is stated that the two bonusses are only granted for the duration of the combat step. So ATK added by a weapon will not persist until the next attack.
Your example would look like this:
Viking Warhammer with Rockbiter weapon attached would deal a package of 3 damage. Then that combat step ends. Afterwards during your non-combat action phase you play Rak Skyfury to ready one of your weapons and your hero. You can then propose another combat between your hero and your opponents hero. Again you will deal 3 damage. So now you have dealt a total of 6 damage this turn.
You can then play Fel Iron Hatchet during your non-combat action phase but it wont matter as your hero is exausted and therefore any combat propositions will be illegal. |
Lord of the Rings TCG strategy articles:
The Time of the Elves is Over!?
Rohan Rises From the Dust |
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Takeo |
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:27 am |
Joined: 21 Jan 2007
Posts: 123
Location: Hidden in FBI's basement
Very interesting.. I’ve looked over the gameplay book several times, but I’ve never seen it. I actually saw this weapon thing on the official WoW forum, I even asked for it, but they said it worked :S
Thanks for clearing that up matey!
Where do you find that rulebook btw? |
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Shamans, Amazingly good or Amazingly evil? |
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Sup3rZ3ro |
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 10:14 am |
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