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Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 10:45 am
Joined: 15 Jul 2005 Posts: 3947 Location: Maryland
Everyone is new to online trading at one point or another. This guide is for all "Trading n00bs", and it will (hopefully) answer all your questions.

1: Posting Your List

The easiest way to trade is to make a list of the cards you have and the cards you want. Generally, users will only post their Rares, Foils, and Promotional cards, but some users will also post their commons, uncommons, and premiums.

Cards are usually listed by culture or by set.

Check out a couple traders’ threads for some good examples of these lists.

2: How to Trade

Once you have your list of wants, browse other users’ Haves lists, looking for cards you want. If you see something you want, post a reply to that list with a list of the cards you want from them. If that user has a Wants list, you can look it over and find out if you have anything they want; if so, add a list of those cards to your post.

You can work out a deal either in someone’s trading topic or by Private Messaging ("PMs"). The most basic way to find if a deal is "fair" is to check the prices of the cards on Cobra Cards. If the total prices for each side of deal are about the same, some users will accept the deal. However, other factors must be added in: how much you want a card, whether a card is sold out on CC and thus cannot be bought, whether the card is decked, etc.

Once you confirm a deal, you have to work out how to send the cards...

3: Who Sends First?

Generally, if both users have several references (and no negative references), the cards can be simultaneously sent. However, if Trader #1 has no (or a small amount) of references, then Trader #2 may ask that Trader #1 sends his cards first, and once those cards are received, Trader #2 will send his part of the deal.

Check out the Trading References Thread to see how many references a trader has.

4: Addressing and Packaging the Cards

A sloppily-sent envelope can ruin a trade, and so everyone should be careful when sending cards.

When addressing an envelope, always either A) use a pen, or B) print off a label. Using a pencil is not a good idea since it can be erased easily.

Always write your return address on the envelope. That way, if you accidentally send the cards to the wrong address, your envelope will be returned to you and you can re-send them. This is also very important if you miscalculate postage.

When packaging cards, remember that the more secure the cards are the more likely they are to stay undamaged. The safest way to send cards is to use a hard, plastic case, but be warned that this will make your package heavier and can occasionally cause a non-machinable charge (meaning that the envelope is too stiff to make its way through the post office by machine). Another common way to package cards is to tape an index card to either side of the cards. This gives less protection than a plastic case, but it still is very protective and is not nearly as heavy.

5: Postage

Postage in the United States for an envelope is currently:

1 ounce or less = $0.41
2 ounces or less = $0.59
3 ounces or less = $0.75

If you are unsure as to how much an envelope weighs, then go to a post office and ask for your envelope to be weighed.

Also, be sure to check usps.com if you need some info, or if you need to calculate international postage.

6: When you Receive the Cards

Once you receive the cards you bargained for, it is a good idea to PM the other trader or post on their topic informing them that you received the cards.

A fun and nice way to end a good deal is to award a Gold Piece (GP GP) to the other user in recognition of a successful trade.

And most importantly, be sure to add the other trader to your list of references!


If you have a question about trading (or if you think something should be added to this post), just post a reply here or PM me.

Thanks, and good luck trading!

- AC
Last edited by AnxiousChieftain on Sun Jun 24, 2007 1:44 pm; edited 3 times in totalMODS RULE. - lem0nhead

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