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freedo |
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:54 pm |
Joined: 30 Jul 2005
Posts: 9
Galadriel, bearer of wisdom
the one ring, the ring of rings
adventure deck:
westemnet village
caras galadhon
pelennor flat
neekerbreekers’ bog
valley of the silverlode
green dragon inn
east road
buckland homestead
the angle
legolas, woodland emissary (starting)
glorfindel, revealed in wrath (starting)
(1)gil-galad, elven high king
(2)aegnor, elven escort
(2)celeborn, lord of the galadhrim
(3)orophin, brother of haldir
(3)rumil, brother of haldir
(1)elrond, witness to history
(2)long-knives of legolas
(2)taking the high ground
(4)elven bow
(2)legolas’ bow
(2) elven marksmanship
(1) vilya ring of air
(1) nenya ring of adamant
(1)the witch-king, captain of the nine riders
(3)the witch-king, black captain
(3)ring of rancor
(3)the witch-king’s beast, fell creature
(3)the pale blade, sword of flame
(2)ulaire enquea thrall of the one
(2)ulaire toldea thrall of the one
(1)ulaire attea thrall of the one
(1)ulaire nertea thrall of the one
(1)ulaire cantea black assassin
(3)black rider
(2)sauron the lord of the rings
(1)drawn to its power
(2)dark swooping shadows
(2)between nazgul and prey
(1)flung into the fray
(2)beyond all darkness
so there ya have it. i think its pretty cool,i usualy win or it a very tense game.
the nazgul are brutal on the board and the elves dont fight(unless i move from an undergrond site).the taking high ground is usful somtimes. and the extra companions are nice in lots of can discard them to ad to the archery total and get them out quickley to. the shadow is all about what i call the "witch king combo" it the black captin, the kings beast, the pale blade, and the ring of rancor. it makes the witch king HUGE. it has its issues but it woks quite well.the enquea and toldea are awesome and dark swooping shadows makes every nazgul dangerous(somewhat) but what make it nasty is the combo (of course)a and the drawn to its power. it works in so many ways. the elves just puke up archery all over the place. and all the nice moving on they will do when bloodlines comes out they’ll be even more powerful. so, as i said before, ther ya have it.  |
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dexterngo |
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:59 pm |
Joined: 20 Jul 2005
Posts: 60
Location: Manila, Philippines
you dont have condition removal for your freeps
use seclusion or company of archers
also, Alliance Reforged would be good for your deck |
Do or do not, there is no try |
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david_robertson |
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:08 am |
Joined: 15 Jul 2005
Posts: 65
Location: Eastern Europe
I think you really need at least two Company of Archers (as dex wrote)
and why not a few Double shot?
What about a Hadafang for elrond and the uncommon Asfaloth from FOTR for Glorfindel, just to make them more powerful?
But your deck is good and I liked your Shadow  |
East Stirling FC RULES!!! |
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freedo |
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:42 am |
Joined: 30 Jul 2005
Posts: 9
one thing is, this is a standard deck. i dont play expanded all that much, but i did play with it to night and yes, i do NEED condition removal. but im glad that u like it  |
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freedo |
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:47 am |
Joined: 30 Jul 2005
Posts: 9
also, it's going to be tweeked quite a bit when bloodlines comes out |
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david_robertson |
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:07 am |
Joined: 15 Jul 2005
Posts: 65
Location: Eastern Europe
Good. With some new BL cards it's going to be impressive
Keep it up, Elves are the best  |
East Stirling FC RULES!!! |
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