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NBarden |
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:43 am |
Joined: 28 Dec 2006
Posts: 5468
Location: I don't know...
--- description ---
Deck your opponent out!
--- end description ---
Duskmantle, House of Shadow x 4
Island x 11
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth x 2
Swamp x 3
Magus of the Jar x 2
Ambassador Laquatus x 4
Belltower Sphinx x 4
Enigma Eidolon x 4
Scalpelexis x 4
Vedalken Entrancer x 4
Jace Beleren x 2
Whetwheel x 2
Other Spells:
Traumatize x 4
Induce Paranioa x 4
Extirpate x 4
I always wanted to build a deck like this. Traumatize is your main kicker. Once you play a couple copies, your opponent will have about 10 cards in his deck. Then, use the rest of the cards that discard from the library to kill.
Jace Beleren is your biggest asset. Helping you AND your opponent cycle, and then slamming them with discarding the top 20 cards of their drawdeck.
If you’re not able to deck out that way, your creatures all deck your opponent out anyway.
Magus of the Jar can be a sweet finisher, forcing your opponent to draw 7 cards, which can easily mean they have to draw decked out cards.
Anyway, you also cycle well, so you can grab the cards you need fast. Enjoy.
The black part is rather small, but can really help your strategy. |
Last edited by NBarden on Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total -Trade With Me
Add the popcorn smiley to your sig, help it achieve world domination.
What if the hokey pokey really IS what its all about?
As I lay in bed staring at the stars last night, I thought to myself, "where the heck is the ceiling?"
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Felipe Musco |
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:26 am |
Joined: 18 May 2006
Posts: 2434
Location: Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
Dude, you have to start playing IRL. Manabases are hard to build. This deck (by the way, this strategy is called "milling") is a control deck of sorts, and as such, needs to hit a land drop each turn in order to have mana available to play their big spells. I’d pack Damnation to clear the board, and lose the milling creatures in favor of Glimpse the Unthinkable, Millstone, etc. I’d also pack Gigadrowse and storage lands, so you can ’drowse a control deck’s lands eot to play Traumatize during your own turn. Infernal Tutor might help find the pieces faster, as well, and I’d pack at least some other cards with counters that matter, to pack 1-2 Clockspinning (or pack some useful instants for a Mystical Teachings package) to speed up Jace’s counters. I’d pack Diabolic Tutor, and 2 Traumatizes most, since those are the only ones that’ss matter anyway. Also, Leyline of the Void in the sideboard is mandatory, in case you face a deck that benefits from your strategy, like Dredge or Reanimator. 1-2 Extirpate in the main might be good also, since you’ll have a large array of things to hit. Tolaria West can transmute for some Pacts, other lands (like Urborg to power out powerful Tendrils of Corruption) or a singleton Tormod’s Crypt against nasty Tarmogoyfs, althoguh I think it won’t be necessary. I’d stuff the rest with countermagic, and take it from there. |
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NBarden |
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:29 am |
Joined: 28 Dec 2006
Posts: 5468
Location: I don't know...
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