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DáinIronfoot |
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:37 pm |
Joined: 12 Jan 2007
Posts: 4594
Location: Beltsville, MD, USA
I figured this is a thread that will definately be useful once Realms 2 actually begins, but I wanted to start it NOW to get some ideas from folks...and share some of my own.
What I envision is the party starting together (or at least mostly together) and moving through some of the noted "other" battles of the latter days of the War of the Ring: specifically, those in the month of March, 3019.
March 11-28: Lothlórien and Mirkwood battle Sauron’s forces at Dol Guldur. Lórien faces the heaviest assaults on March 11, 15, and 23 (with Mirkwood also facing the heaviest pressue on the 15th). After the Ring was destroyed on March 25 and news reached Celeborn and Galadriel, they and the Elves of Mirkwood counter-attacked and destroyed Dol Guldur on March 28. On April 6, the forces gathered in middle Mirkwood and renamed it the Wood of the Greenleaves. I envision this whole series of battles to be the focal point of the storyline, especially since we have so many Elves...and friends that would want to help defend them.
March 15-27: On the 15th, the same day Lothlórien and Mirkwood were facing a major assault and the Battle of the Pelennor Fields was taking place, the Battle of Dale began, with Easterlings driving the Men of Dale to the foot of Erebor, the Lonely Mountain, where they were joined by their Dwarven allies. Two days later, both King Brand of Dale and Dáin Ironfoot of Erebor were killed, but the Easterlings were not able to drive the remaining forces out of the mountain, and besieged it until March 27, when news arrived of Frodo’s success at Mount Doom. Brand and Dáin’s sons led the counterattack, which routed the Easterling force and drove them back into the eastern wastelands. Behind the battles in Lórien and Mirkwood, I envision this as being the second major focus of the story...perhaps not actually being besieged (since that would be a little boring), but participating in the pre-siege defeats and/or the post-siege victory.
March 2: Second Battle of the Fords of Isen, which ended in defeat as Saruman’s forces marched on to Helm’s Deep. Might be kind of a prelude-type event, focused around Ectheow (now that I know he’s in), or perhaps even just be referenced in flashbacks. We’ll see.
Other possibilities:
March 25: The Battle of Morannon takes place outside the Black Gate. Having our group participate would be taking some serious liberties with the storyline of The Lord of the Rings, but since the Host of the West is never specifically said to include only Men of Gondor, Rohan, and the remaining members of the Fellowship of the Ring, I suppose we could fudge it. And MAN, would it be fun.
March 11-15: The defense of Osgiliath, the siege of Gondor, and the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. This, I think, is less doable than the Battle of Morannon, since it would require not being at the big battles in Lórien, Mirkwood, and Erebor (which is kind of the focus of the story), but I figured I’d at least mention it. Maybe it would be possible if we REALLY split the party up all over the place, perhaps for the rangers and/or a couple others, like Ectheow.
March 17: After the Ride of the Rohirrim, Elfhelm of Rohan leads 3,000 of the Rohirrim to retake the region of Anórien, which had been overtaken by Orcs and Easterlings on March 10th to try and prevent the Rohirrim from traveling to Gondor (and we all know how THAT turned out).
March 7: The battle between Faramir’s rangers and Southrons marching to Mordor (the one where Frodo and Sam arrive and see Oliphants). This company set out on March 1...depending on their histories, Duinihir and Dirthon may or may not wish to be a part of at least some of this.
There are many other events from earlier in the year: fighting in Bree, the First Battle of the Fords of Isen, the flooding of Isengard on March 3-4...there are LOTS of possibilities.
So...just throwing ideas out there. I definately want the Lothlórien/Mirkwood and Erebor/Dale stuff in there to some degree (they were my original thoughts for a follow-up to Realms of the North), but there are lots of possibilities, especially since the party is so varied already. What are some of YOUR thoughts and ideas?
EDIT: I should have mentioned before, but not everything will be based in LOTR history, of course. There will be plenty of purely fictional encounters, characters, and events...but it WILL be fun to have the story cross into lands like Mirkwood and Erebor and encounter (and interact with) the likes of Galadriel, Thranduil, Dáin Ironfoot (the real one!), and others, don’t you think? If we DO end up Morannon (which I’m starting to think more and more might be a cool idea), that would also potentially include the likes of Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and others!
Man, I’m getting all excited about this now, and I’ve been planning it for months!  |
Last edited by DáinIronfoot on Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:46 pm; edited 1 time in totalBest regards, Dáin, Vice Aftokrator of the Chosen Ones
Check out Lasting Alliances, The Road Ahead, and Ages of Middle-earth, three of my five dream card sets that make up Wars of the Ring. Oh, and I have a trade list now!
Also, if you're into DCs or RPGs (or even if you're not!), check out Realms of Middle-earth, the sequel to CG's "DC Adventure", Realms of the North! |
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CarpeGuitarrem |
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:36 pm |
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Dude, that sounds awesome! Good luck keeping track of it all. It would definitely work to have you take some of the lesser-known fights from LOTR, and maybe draw it into a climax. Morannon would be an excellent way to finish things.
Just remember the Iceblade plot. Maybe work that in there somehow? |
"ok, change of plans. the Cobracards christmas party is coming to my house, and we’re gunna teach FM how to hunt." (mm) |
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AgentDrake |
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:38 pm |
Joined: 01 Apr 2007
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Pardon me for what may seem like an ignorant question, but the only online RPG I’ve ever done was the DC adventure....
Do I need to worry about the race/class/armor/weapons etc. stickies above, or what? |
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DáinIronfoot |
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:43 pm |
Joined: 12 Jan 2007
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Location: Beltsville, MD, USA
CarpeGuitarrem wrote: Dude, that sounds awesome! Good luck keeping track of it all. It would definitely work to have you take some of the lesser-known fights from LOTR, and maybe draw it into a climax. Morannon would be an excellent way to finish things.
Just remember the Iceblade plot. Maybe work that in there somehow?
Absolutely...but it would be very helpful if you and EL could put your heads together and hash out how Realms of the North would have wrapped up. Then we’ll integrate that into the story as if it happened already. That IS, after all, the quest that brought all these fine Free Peoples together.
AgentDrake wrote: Pardon me for what may seem like an ignorant question, but the only online RPG I’ve ever done was the DC adventure....
Do I need to worry about the race/class/armor/weapons etc. stickies above, or what?
It would be helpful (to us AND to you) to hash out the character with a bio in the character profiles thread--which I found a GREAT help in thinking through Rorin’s history and personality and all--but it’s not necessary, no. Those of us who were a part of the DC Adventure still remember Ectheow, of course, and that he had a cool axe and a history as an exiled minstrel of Theoden’s court.  |
Best regards, Dáin, Vice Aftokrator of the Chosen Ones
Check out Lasting Alliances, The Road Ahead, and Ages of Middle-earth, three of my five dream card sets that make up Wars of the Ring. Oh, and I have a trade list now!
Also, if you're into DCs or RPGs (or even if you're not!), check out Realms of Middle-earth, the sequel to CG's "DC Adventure", Realms of the North! |
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elf lvr |
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:48 pm |
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Morannon sounds like a great finish.
I’d like the idea of doing the battles of Mirkwood, Lorien, and the Lonely mountain, and having the Fords as a flashback.
I’ll type something up fairly soon about how Realms ended. |
Happy Hunting! Elf Lvr
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AgentDrake |
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:41 pm |
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DáinIronfoot wrote: It would be helpful (to us AND to you) to hash out the character with a bio in the character profiles thread--which I found a GREAT help in thinking through Rorin’s history and personality and all--but it’s not necessary, no.
Alrighty, I’ll put Ectheow in there.
Would love to have the second Fords of Isen. Could do some fun stuff with Ectheow there.
’course, I’m biased.... Mirkwood and Dale definitely sound good.
I just got a random idea, but it would be something that you would have to plan without telling us. I dunno if it would be work at all, but I might as well mention it.
I’ll PM you. |
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NBarden |
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:28 am |
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DáinIronfoot |
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:42 am |
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Location: Beltsville, MD, USA
NBarden wrote: Erm...isn’t the OOC the discussion thread? Why is this thread here? Pardon my ignorance.
Because I don’t understand what the term OOC means? You have to remember, outside of the DC Adventure, this is all new to me.
I intend for the actual RPG to take place in the thread currently labeled "OOC". Is that wrong? |
Best regards, Dáin, Vice Aftokrator of the Chosen Ones
Check out Lasting Alliances, The Road Ahead, and Ages of Middle-earth, three of my five dream card sets that make up Wars of the Ring. Oh, and I have a trade list now!
Also, if you're into DCs or RPGs (or even if you're not!), check out Realms of Middle-earth, the sequel to CG's "DC Adventure", Realms of the North! |
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lem0nhead |
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:14 am |
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You dont know what OOC is? Its the noise a monkey makes. Clearly he is talking in a primative language to you DI.
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"Smart guy, especially considering his head is filled with lemon juice and seeds. That boy’s juicy brain is FULL of good stuff" ~ DainIronfoot
"No fair! And all I got was an oily unconscious steward!" ~ Pippin.
"Okay, stop me if you've heard this one. An elf, a man, and a dwarf walk into the Riddermark..." ~ Eomer |
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DáinIronfoot |
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:25 am |
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I only have one thing to say to that, my friend:
Ooo ooo ah ah AH! |
Best regards, Dáin, Vice Aftokrator of the Chosen Ones
Check out Lasting Alliances, The Road Ahead, and Ages of Middle-earth, three of my five dream card sets that make up Wars of the Ring. Oh, and I have a trade list now!
Also, if you're into DCs or RPGs (or even if you're not!), check out Realms of Middle-earth, the sequel to CG's "DC Adventure", Realms of the North! |
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