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MR. Lurtzy |
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:01 am |
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 423
Location: Living with the Governator
Ok, here are some of my haves. These are mainly cards that I don’t have in decks so as long as the deal’s fair, I’ll trade them away. I doubt I’ll be doing that much trading but for people that have been asking what I have, here it is. Also, I do sell cards, so if you don’t have anything [useful] for me to trade, I will sell for very resonable prices.
I would like to trade no less than 2-3 of my cards at a time
New cards in Bold!!
* means the card is in the process of being traded.
Elessar’s Socks x2
Anonymous Prodigy
MythDracon x2
Hawkeyespf x2
NappyKorn x2
Sauron, The lord of the rings 0P54
Gandalf, Defender of the West 0P26
Arwen, Staunch Defender 0P79
Foreign Cards
Gloin Ami de Thorin
Gandalf, le Pelerin Gris x2
Celeborn, Senor de Lorien (lol)
Boromir, Senor de Gondor (meh)
Ulaire Enquea, Spectre Crepusculaire
Ulaire Nelya, Spectre Crepusculaire
Lugarteniente Uruk
Wild Men of the Hills x1
Hillman Horde x1
Leaping Blaze x1
Wild Man Raid x1
Constantly Threatening x1
Gimli, Skilled Defender x1
Sindri, Dwarven Lord x2 foil
Uri, Dwarven Lord x2 foil
Linnar, Dwarven Lord x4 foil
Ring of Guile x5 foil
Ring of Retribution x2 foil
Ring of Fury x1 foil
Ring of Accretion foil
Well-Crafted Armor x1 foil
Gimli’s Battle Axe, Vicious Weapon x2
Great Day, Great Hour x1
Baruk Khazad x1
Baruk Khazad x2 (alternate picture)
Well-Equipped x1
No Pauses, No Spills x1
Toss Me x1
Restless Axe x2
My Axe is Notched x1
Balin Avenged x1
Make Light of Burdens x1
Realm of Dwarrowdelf x1
Hall of our Fathers x1
Khazad Ai-Menu foil
Legolas, of the Grey Company x1 foil
Legolas, of the Grey Company x1
Legolas, of the Woodland Realm x1
Legolas, Dauntless Hunter x1
Elrond, Venerable Lord x1
Elrond, Keeper of Vilya x1
Galadriel, Keeper of Nenya x1
Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land x1
Galadriel, Lady Redeemed x1
Celeborn, Lord of the Galadhrim x1
Cirdan, The Shipwright x1
Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men x1
Arwen, Reflection of Luthien x2
Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath x2
Nenya, Ring of Adamant x4
Narya, Ring of Fire x2
Vilya, Ring of Air x2
Aiglos x2
Phial of Galadriel, Star-Glass x1
Elven Rope x2
Strands of Elven Hair x2
Pippin’s Dagger x2
Merry’s Dagger x2
Hadafang x1
Long-Knives of Legolas x1 (black rider version)
Legolas’ Bow x2
Knife of the Galadhrim x2
Night without End x1
Break the Charge x1 (alternate picture)
Might of the Elf-Lords x1
Release the Angry Flood x1
The Last Alliance of Elves and Men x1
Take up the Bow x1
Secluded Homestead x1
Legolas, Greenleaf x1
Gil-Galad, Elven High King x1 foil
Elven Marksmanship x1
Gildor Inglorion, of the house of Finrod x1
Gandalf, Mithrandir x1
Gandalf, Returned x1 (not willing to really trade this guy)
Gandalf, Greyhame x1
Gandalf, Powerful Guide x1
Gandalf, The Grey Wizard x1
Jarnsmid, Barding Emissary x1
Treebeard, Keeper of the Watchwood x1
Ent Horde x1
SkinBark, Fladrif x1
Lindenroot, Elder Shepherd x1
Birchseed, Tall Statesman x1 foil
Quickbeam, Bregalad x1 foil
Quickbeam, Hastiest of all Ents x1 foil
Huorn x1 foil
Meneldor, Misty Mountain Eagle x2
Alatar, Final Envoy x2
Gandalf’s Staff, Walking Stick x1
The Palantir of Orthanc, Recovered Seeing Stone x1
Glamdring, Orc Beater x1
Shadowfax x1
Shadowfax, Roaring Wind x1
Grown Suddenly Tall x1
Well met indeed x1
Fury of the White Rider x1
Borne Far Away x1
Out of the High Airs x1
Down from the Hills x1
Discoveries x1
Ent Moot x1 foil
Enraged x1
Ent Draught x4
Sent Back x4 foil
The Nine Walkers x1
Radagast, The Brown x1 foil
Glamdring, Foe-hammer x1 foil
Shelob, Her Ladyship x1
Gollum, Stinker x1
Smeagol, Slinker x1
Smeagol, Scout and Guide x1 foil
Smeagol, Wretched and Hungry x1 foil
Smeagol, Bearer of Great Secrets x1 foil
Fishing Boat x1
Safe Paths x1
A Dark Shape Sprang x1
Be Back Soon x1
Trap is Sprung x1
Master Broke His Promise x1
Slippery as Fishes x1 foil
Gladden Homestead x2
Incited x2
Come Away x1
Don’t Look at Them x2
Not Yet Vanquished x1 *
Aragorn, Swift Hunter x1
Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar x2
Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples x1
Aragorn, Isildur’s Heir x1
Aragorn, Strider x1 foil
Boromir, Lord of Gondor x1
Boromir, Doomed Heir x2
Faramir, Bearer of Quality x1
Faramir, Dunadan of Gondor x1
Faramir, Captain of Gondor x1
Denethor, Last Ruling Steward x1
Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith x2
Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth x1
Alcarin, Warrior of Lamedon x1
Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms x2
Elendil, The Tall x2 Anarion, Lord of Anorien x2
Ring of Barahir x1
Seeing Stone of Minas Anor x4 foil
Scroll of Isildur x2 foil
Seeing Stone of Orthanc x4 foil
Sapling of the White Tree x2 foil
Faramir’s Cloak x1
Shield of Boromir x1
The Highest Quality x1
Stone Tower x1
The Saga of Elendil x1
Henneth Annun x1
Ancient Roads x1
Ancient Roads x2 (alternate picture)
Forbidden Pool x1
Denethor, Last Ruling Steward x1 foil
Flaming Brand x1 foil
Flaming Brand x1
Aragorn Strider x2 foil
Crown of Gondor x1
Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth x1 foil
No Lurtzies for sale!
Saruman, Black Traitor x1
Grima, Wormtongue x1
Grima, Chief Counselor x1
Lieutenant of Orthanc x1
Orthanc Champion x1
Isengard Mechanics x1
Isengard Mechanics x2 (alternate picture)
Foul Horde x1
Foul Horde x1 (alternate picture)
Sharku, Warg-Captain x1
Uruk Lieutenant x1
Troop of Uruk-Hai x1
Elite Crossbowmen x1
Uruk Vanguard (not all that inclined to trade)
Saruman’s Staff, Wizar’s Device x1
Library of Orthanc x2 foil
Sharku’s Warg x1
Driven Back x1
Volley Fire x1
New Power Rising x1
Sack of the Shire x2 foil
Evil Afoot x1 foil
Too much Attention x1 foil
Radagast Deceived x1
Pallando Deceived x2
Alatar Deceived x2
Pillage of Rohan x1
Leechcraft x2
Devilry of Orthanc x1
Assault Ladder x1 foil
Come Down x1
Lurtz’s Sword x1 foil
Orthanc Berserker x1 foil
Orthanc Champion x1 foil
Saruman, Coldly Still x8
Corsair Champion x1
Fletcher of Harad x1 foil
Desert Wind x1
Armored Easterling x1
Stampeding Chief x1 foil
Castamir of Umbar, Corsair Vandal x1
In the Wild Men’s Wake x1
Bloodthirsty x1 foil
Bloodthirsty x1
The Balrog, Terror of Flame and Shadow x1 (0p30, alternate template)
The Balrog, Terror of Flame and Shadow x1
Whip of Many Thongs x1 (0p36, alternate template)
Whip of Many Thongs, Weapon of Flame and Shadow x1
Archer Commander x1
Huge Tentacle x1
Guard Commander x1
Cave Troll’s Hammer x1
Cave Troll’s Chain x1
Watcher in the Water, Keeper of Westgate x1
Cave Troll of Moria, Savage Menace x1 foil (not trading willingly)
Cave Troll of Moria, Savage Menace x1
Gorbag, Filthy Rebel x1 foil
Gorbag, Filthy Rebel x1
Beastly Olog-Hai
Grishnakh, Treacherous Captain x1
Orkish Fiend x1
Orkish Worker x1
Orkish Smith x4
Undisciplined x1 foil
The Beckoning Shadow x1
A Defiled Charge x1
Retribution x1
Black Land Chieftain x1 foil
Desert Stalker x1
Desert Legion x1
Army of Haradrim x1 (alternate picture)
Army of Haradrim x1
Southron Runner z1 foil
Company of Haradrim x1
Easterling Captain x1
Easterling Army x2
War Mumak x1
Trample x1
Discovered x2
New Fear x1
Cast unto the Winds x1 foil
Wrath of Harad x1
Easterling Trooper foil
Far Harad Mercenaries x1 foil
Theoden, The Renowned x1
Theoden, Northman, King of Rohan
Theodred, Second Marshal of the Mark x1
Eomer, Heir to Meduseld x1 foil
Eomer, Heir to Meduseld x1
Eomer, Horsemaster x1
Eowyn, Lady of Ithilien x1
Eoywn, Daughter of Eomund x1
Hama, Doorward of Theoden x2
Gamling, Warrior of Rohan x1
Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg x1
Riders of the Mark x1
Throne of the Golden Hall x1
The Red Arrow x2
Snowmane, Noble Mearas x1
Firefoot x1
Rohirrim Helm x1 (alternate picture)
Rohirrim Helm x1
Coif x1
Horn of the Mark x4 foil
Erkenbrand’s Horn x1
Burial Mounds x1
Thundering Host x2
Weapon Store x1
Valleys of the Mark x1
Theoden, Tall and Proud foil
Grishnakh, Orc Captain x1
Orc Captain x2
Orc Infantry x1 foil
Orc Patrol x1 foil
Gate Picket x1
Gate Troll x2
Troll of Udun x2
Siege Commander x1
Great Hill Troll x1 foil
Olog-Hai of Mordor x1
Troll of Gorgoroth, Abomination of Sauron x1
Gorgoroth Keeper x1 foil
Mordor Wretch x1 foil
Orc Ravager x1
Orc Slaughterer x1 foil
Orc Slaughterer x1
Shagrat, Captain of Cirith Ungol x1
Troll of Cirith Gorgor x3
The Mouth of Sauron, Lieutenant of Barad-Dur x1
Sauron, Dark Lord of Mordor x1 foil
Sceptre of the Dark Lord x1
Gothmog’s Warg x1
Hate x1
Orc Butchery x1
Speak no more to me x1
Desperate Defense of the Ring x1
Journey into Danger x1
Strength Born of Fear x1
Dead Marshes x1
Mordor enraged x1
Morannon x1
Frodo, Resolute Hobbit x2
Frodo, Courteous Halfling x2
Frodo, Frenzied Fighter x1 foil
Sam, Great Elf Warrior x1
Sam, Bearer of Great Need x1
Rosie Cotton, Barmaid x1
Bilbo, Bearer of Things Burgled x2 foil
Tom Bombadil, The Master x2 foil
Bilbo Baggins, Retired Adventurer x1
The Gaffer, Sam’s Father x1
Phial of Galadriel, The Light of Earendil x2
Hobbit Sword x44 (no joke)
Bill the Pony, Dearly Loved x1
Brace of Coneys x1 foil
No Use that Way x1
No Help for It x1
Orc-Bane x1
Held x1
Relaxation x2
Escape x1
Everyone Knows x2 foil
Consorting with Wizards x1
Cliffs of Emyn Muil x1
Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver x1
Fredegar Bolger, Fatty x1 foil
No Lurtzies for sale
Determined Uruk x1
Uruk Slaughterer x1
Uruk Blitz x1
Saruman, Curunir x4
Saruman, Master of the White Hand x2
Invincible Uruk x1
White Hand Captain x1
Assault Commander x1
White Hand Legion x1
Uruk Zealot x1 foil
Uruk Zealot x2
Uruk Decimator x1
White Hand Destroyer x1
Lurtz’s Bow, Black-fletch Bow x2
White Hand Marchers x1
Shagrat, Tower Captain x1 foil
The Witch-King, Conqueror of Arthedain x1
The Witch-King, Black Lord x1 foil
The Witch-King, Black Lord x1
The Witch-King, Morgul King x1
The Witch-King, Lord of the Nazgul (0p37, alternate template)
Ulaire Attea, Desirous of Power x1
Ulaire Attea, Black Predator x1
Ulaire Cantea, Lieutenant of Dol Guldur x1 foil, foreign language
Ulaire Cantea, Lieutenant of Dol Guldur x1
Ulaire Cantea, Thrall of the One x1
Ulaire Cantea, Duplicitous Assassin x1
Ulaire Otsea, Black Specter x1
Ulaire Otsea, Duplicitous Assassin x1 foil
Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders x1
Ulaire Enquea, Duplicitous Lieutenant x1
Ulaire Enquea, Thrall of The One x1 foil
Ulaire Enquea, Thrall of The One x1
Ulaire Toldea, Thrall of The One x1
Ulaire Toldea, Winged Sentry x1
Gorbag, Lieutenant of Cirith Ungol x1
Morgul Vanguard x1
Sword of Dol Guldur x1 foil
Sword of Dol Guldur x1
Ring of Asperity x4 foil
Ring of Rancor x4
Gorbag’s Sword x3
The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame x1
Ring of Savagry x2
Dark fell about Him x1
Shadow in the East x1
Wraith-World x1
Beauty is Fading x1
A shadow Rises x1
Winged and Ominous x2
His Terrible Servants x1
A Shadow fell over Them x1
Morgul Brute x1
Ulaire Nertea, Dark Horseman x1 foil
Ulaire Enquea, Black Threat x1 foil
Ulaire Attea, Black Predator x1 foil
Gothmog, Morgul Commander x1 foil
Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow x1
Gorbag, Covetous Captain x2
Ettenmoors x1 foil
Orthanc Library x1 foil
Mount Doom x1
Masterworks Foils:
Gandalf, The White Rider x1
Theoden, The Renowned x1
Faramir, Dunadan of Gondor x2
Faramir’s Sword x1
The Balrog, The Terror of Khazad-Dum x2
Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin x1
Ulaire Enquea, Black Threat x1
Ulaire Attea, Black Predator x1
The Witch-King, Black Lord x1
Ring of Savagry x1
Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land x1
-The Ugluk from Hunters
-Aragorn, Defender of Rohan MasterWorks Foil
-Gandalf, bearer of Obligation Masterworks foil and Gwaihir Masterworks foil. *Top wants right now
-Rare foils, specially Lurtzies and Gandalfs
-TD and RoS rares and foils
-I’ll find anything that I want from your haves. ![Wink](images/smiles/icon_wink.gif) |
Last edited by MR. Lurtzy on Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:39 pm; edited 39 times in total'On and on old war shall go,
Without respite my blood will flow
O’er your eyes ‘til they cannot see
The impossibility of victory.'
MR. Lurtzy's Have/Wants |
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Anautikus |
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:05 am |
Joined: 28 Mar 2007
Posts: 687
I’m interested in:
Aragorn’s Bow, Ranger’s Longbow
Eomer, Horsemaster
Mumak Commander, GATS
Gorbag, Filthy Rebel
Grishnakh, Treacherous Cptn
Knife of the Galadhrim
Balrog, DoM
and the rest I’ll say later if you even want anything from me. Interested in anything from my list? I really want the bow mainly. |
My Haves/Wants
Let's Trade!
"Don't waste your time, or time will waste you..." |
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josiah_of_rohan |
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:42 am |
Joined: 13 Aug 2005
Posts: 723
Location: Indianapolis,Indiana
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hawkeyespf |
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:58 pm |
Joined: 25 Oct 2006
Posts: 198
Location: Round Lake IL
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gil-estel |
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:12 pm |
Joined: 25 Apr 2007
Posts: 545
Location: Groningen, the Netherlands
you know I want Mumak Commander, but I also would like Arwen She-elf 2x, Gorbag, Filthy Rebel, Grishnakh, Treacherous Captain, Easterling Sneak x1, Sunland Scout x1, Stampeding Chief x1, Ceremonial Armor x1, Black Land Chieftan, Relentless Warg, Gothmog, Morgul Commander,
EDIT: would you consider to sell cards btw? Don’t get mad...Corvus would kill me for this question |
My trading list
My main wants
My refs |
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Hobbit_Pizza |
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:59 pm |
Joined: 17 Dec 2007
Posts: 101
I would like
Well-Crafted Armor
Legolas, of the Grey Company
Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor
Stampeding Chief
Sauron, Dark Lord of Mordor
Frodo, Frenzied Fighter
Gandalf, Powerful Guide
Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land
Ring of Savagery
My List: http://trade.mahasamatman.com/Rings/list_show.pl?user=monroer
I also have Cash ![Rolling Eyes](images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif) |
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TheHobbit13 |
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:07 pm |
Joined: 27 Jul 2006
Posts: 1303
Location: minnesota
i whant your ferny(the ) and mumak commander gats. lemme know waht your looking for |
If you like LOTR then maybe you would like redemption ccg PM me for more info |
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MR. Lurtzy |
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:43 pm |
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 423
Location: Living with the Governator
Ok, Gil-Estel asked for GATS first (march 3) so I think I’ll give it to him.
Gandalf powerful guide (mw) is going to NappyKorn since he requested it last night. Ok, I’ll PM you guys with my wants when I get the chance and let’s see if we can get soem trading going! |
'On and on old war shall go,
Without respite my blood will flow
O’er your eyes ‘til they cannot see
The impossibility of victory.'
MR. Lurtzy's Have/Wants |
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TheHobbit13 |
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:13 pm |
Joined: 27 Jul 2006
Posts: 1303
Location: minnesota
what if i give you a better offer ![Think](images/smiles/eusa_think.gif) |
If you like LOTR then maybe you would like redemption ccg PM me for more info |
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MR. Lurtzy |
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:25 pm |
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 423
Location: Living with the Governator
what were you thinking? |
'On and on old war shall go,
Without respite my blood will flow
O’er your eyes ‘til they cannot see
The impossibility of victory.'
MR. Lurtzy's Have/Wants |
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