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Author Topic: A New Star Wars Card Game - Possible?  (Read 2914 times)

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August 09, 2008, 03:32:14 AM
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A New Star Wars Card Game - Possible?
« on: August 09, 2008, 03:32:14 AM »
I've been tinkering around in my head a bit about a new card game for Star Wars. Sure, there have already been four card games and three miniature games, but I mean... come on! It's Star Wars!

(Yes, that's my best argument.)

I haven't come up with much as of yet. I think a character-centric game is a must, and I imagined each deck focused around a main character struggling to obtain a single goal (be it knighthood, Jedi-slaughtering, evading Imperial patrols, and so on), with the opponent using various characters/events to stop you (a la Star Trek 2E... kind of).

Basically, I have no ideas.

What do you think? Is there something you've wanted to see in a card game but haven't? What would be the best way to capture the essence of Star Wars (not just the movies, but *all* of Star Wars) by way of a card game?


Should I be asleep right now?

August 09, 2008, 07:36:49 AM
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Re: A New Star Wars Card Game - Possible?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2008, 07:36:49 AM »
you should definitly be asleep...;)
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August 09, 2008, 01:08:54 PM
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Re: A New Star Wars Card Game - Possible?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2008, 01:08:54 PM »
Hmm, Star Wars. I think you're on to something with the hero idea. Something that's been lacking in CCGs in general is the concept of main hero. Teamwork is nice and all, but there's something to be said about a game that focuses on one hero. The main exception being World of Warcraft TCG. Even there, though, it's all about PvP combat.

Furthermore, when you incorporate one hero, you can add in some more complicated stuff, like multiple stats and such, because you only have one character to work off of.

What I think would be cool is the idea of a hero quest. You have a character who isn't very powerful, and they gain experience in life, honing their attributes accordingly. They gain and lose companions, until they finally achieve a Destiny. Which can vary.

I think you could easily incorporate the LOTR-ish mechanic of each player being a good guy, and having bad guy cards as well, so that good guys and bad guys alternate. So you have your hero, and he goes up against the obstacles and minions played by the bad guys.

As far as advancement goes, it shouldn't be like a game where you level-up a character. That's too MMO-grinding for me. What would be cool to see is an advancement system that alters aspects of a character through experiences. In fact, I bet that you could make that a card type. An "Experience", a card that plays to some area, and modifies the stats/abilities of your main character. This could represent minor events, skills, or even big things like mini-quests or missions that you complete.

Also, any advancement system should be story-driven and character-driven.

Lemme know if you need me to toss out some more ideas. I think this is definitely something that needs to be explored.

August 09, 2008, 02:13:12 PM
Reply #3


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Re: A New Star Wars Card Game - Possible?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2008, 02:13:12 PM »
Oo oo oo! You just gave me an idea, CG.

All right, so the deck (as you suggested) has a good/bad split like LotR. However, instead of throwing random minions/dilemmas at your opponent during his turn, the 'bad' part of your deck is also focused around one character. So you could have an 'Anakin/Boba Fett' deck that uses Anakin Skywalker during your turn and Fett during your opponent's.

As for an advancement system, I think any kind of experience-garnering card has to up the ante for any opponent as well. As your character becomes stronger, the cost for that strength must become more dangerous. This is the reasoning behind the twilight pool.

Argh, I gotta go to work now. I'll roll some ideas around in my head tonight.

August 09, 2008, 02:34:21 PM
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Re: A New Star Wars Card Game - Possible?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2008, 02:34:21 PM »
Hmm, advancement. The two ways you could solve this are...

1. An advancement card modifies, but doesn't substantially increase the strength of, the character.

2. At the start of each turn, an advancement card generates resources for the bad guys.

I think you could actually hybridize the two. Have a resource cost, but have advancements with 0 cost, which represent little tweaks that maybe give a tiny little ability, or are limited in some way.

Nice idea on the protagonist/nemesis split. Building up two characters would be even more challenging than building up one, and more interesting to balance.

It would also be cool to have an option for people to make their own main character, through a balancing system.