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Author Topic: CC Decks compilation  (Read 2212 times)

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August 05, 2008, 10:18:08 AM
Read 2212 times


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CC Decks compilation
« on: August 05, 2008, 10:18:08 AM »
Hi there folks :D

There's something I've always wanted to do with decipher's board's deck library: take everything in there, summarize and compile a huge PDF with all of the decks found there. But do like a decent thing, a uniform presentation for all the decks with its author and stuff. Anyway I never got the chance or time to do it and it would be so much work I'd get sick  ???

Buuut... still I'd love to do this, maybe with all of the decks on old CC, along with all decks found in articles. Most of them have a title, which would make it very easy to summarize, author, and almost all of them have the correct card titles.

Anybody out there would like to give a shot at helping me doing this? We could have a team going and sort of split tasks. I know it sounds like a huge deal of work for a dead game, but would be a great legacy for the future memory of CC and I'm sure we all could use a deck encyclopedia for our own :D