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Author Topic: New Lord of the Rings Living Card Game by Fantasy Flight  (Read 12853 times)

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August 06, 2010, 12:49:30 PM
Reply #15


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Re: New Lord of the Rings Living Card Game by Fantasy Flight
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2010, 12:49:30 PM »
Game impressions from Random_Person on the FFG Forum:

 Okay, honestly, my first question to the dude in blue was, "how many base sets do I need to buy to get a full playset."  The dude's obivious no-clue answer was, "we have not determined that yet."  What!?  How is it possible that the game is "on the boat" and you have no clue how many copies of the cards are in it?


Okay.  Gameplay stuff:

Players take simultaneous turns with one being the Active player, which passes back and forth.

Players are battling a "Quest" deck which is really 3 cards that get progressively harder to beat (have more "hit-points").  Each turn, you flip 1 card per player from the Shadow deck which could be a creature (which blocks for the quest deck), a location (which blocks for the quest deck), or some events which can be really nasty.  The tricky part is that the Quest phase and Combat phase are separate events and use separate hero abilities, so I'll describe the hero,s a bit:

In the upper left box of the hero cards there are three stats.  The crossed axes is attack, the shield is defence, and the sun is your -I do't remember what it is called- attack on quests.

Before you flip shadow cards you must choose which characters are going on the quest.  They exhaust to do this, so they are not available for combat after the quest phase.  After you commit, you flip shadow cards.  So the shadow may flip more blockers or not.  Add up your suns, add up the shadows block, deal any extra suns as  "damage" to the quest.

Monsters in the center jump out and attack.  They attack first, you chose a blocker and must exhaust to block.  If you have anyone left un-exhausted after blocking, you may exhaust to attack back.


That's basically it.  Repeat until you die or win.  Of course, the demo decks were tuned in the players favor, but I don't think the real game will be.

Also, unique is unique.  Players cannot have the same characters in play.

 The quests have story written on them.  You read one side, then flip, read the rest and do whatever it says.  It may give bonuses to things, or put more shadow cards in play or whatever.  The demo quest was a travel through Mirkwood.  So, there were tons of spiders and such.

There is a "travel" in which locations that come out on a quest, you may travel too.  Instead of being a blocker for hte quest, they add hit points to the quest.  You may assign damage as you like, so you can chose to kill the location first.  The ones I saw did nothing other than block.  Really, you must exhaust a hero to travel to the site and you move it up towards the quest stack to signify it is no longer blocking.

The artwork is just as awesome as you've seen.

I did not see any "items" but that does not mean they don't exist.  Given the theme, I'm certain they do because there were "attachments" that were themed as blessings or spells.

There is "Thread Level" in this game that is similar to corruption I guess.  You start with 3 Heroes and your threat level is the total of their cost (upper right I think.)  You gain 1 threat per turn and can play things to reduce or increase threat based on their power.  Monsters attack whomever has the highest threat and also will not attack unless a player has threat equal to or greater than the monsters threat (upper right again, I think)

Yes there are allies and factions.  Factions mean nothing by themselves, you can combine whatever you want, but there are cards that may only be played on factions.  The resourcing of the game is based on your heroes.  Each hero generates 1 resource per turn of their "Sphere of Influence."  You get to keep leftovers, so the pool builds up.  To pay for a card, it's entire cost must be paid with the appropriate sphere's resources.


August 12, 2010, 08:46:09 AM
Reply #16


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Re: New Lord of the Rings Living Card Game by Fantasy Flight
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2010, 08:46:09 AM »
Looks interesting, though I will still love the photography and iconography of the LOTR TCG game, this one does have admittedly awesome hand-crafted imagery. The gameplay looks decent too, though I'd hesitate to call it revolutionary at this point in time.
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August 24, 2010, 07:22:09 PM
Reply #17


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Re: New Lord of the Rings Living Card Game by Fantasy Flight
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2010, 07:22:09 PM »
Hopefully it'll spark a revival in LoTR: TCG as well! :D

September 03, 2010, 09:25:29 AM
Reply #18

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Re: New Lord of the Rings Living Card Game by Fantasy Flight
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2010, 09:25:29 AM »
I'm a big fan of FFG, and I play a couple of their games, including the Game of Thrones LCG.  Let me just say, LCG is the best thing ever for card games.  They come out with new packs every month or so with fixed cards inside, so you always have access to any card you want.  People post the contents and text of every card online almost immediately (or sometimes before they come out, with European players posting the cards before the American release date), so you can decide what packs to buy.

So excited.