I'd nominate Tbiesty for rules as well, if he's interested. (Not me for the position, though.)
And to toss this in, I think we should have an outline to both introduce incoming players to the project and get some more organization going. I think the lack of organization is one reason things have slowed down a bit.
Thoughts on what to cover:
- Describe what the TLHH players' group is, its structure (including the teams, team leaders, and responsibilities), and the formats supported by it.
- Describe who has permission to open polls/discussions, how the next ones are chosen, how many polls can be open at once, and when they close; also describe what else is needed for a vote to count (e.g. a post giving the reason for the vote), and the percentage needed for a change to pass.
- Describe when changes will be added to the playtesting table, and the process for changes to migrate to official TLHH tables.
- Probably in each sub-forum, have a post noting the topics currently under discussion, and the currently open polls.
- Gather all final changes in one location/document. A player should be able to stop by there and have everything they need to play in TLHH formats.