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Author Topic: Help with Twilight Nazzies  (Read 6843 times)

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April 04, 2020, 04:06:20 PM
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Help with Twilight Nazzies
« on: April 04, 2020, 04:06:20 PM »
Hey guys!

Been taking a look at an old twilight nazgul deck and wondering how to make it better. First of all, here's the list:

4x The Witch King, Lord of the Nazgul
3x Enquea, Ringwraith in Twilight
3x Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight
1x Second of the Nine Riders
1x Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow
1x Gollum, Stinker
1x Gollum, Dark as Darkness
4x We Must have it
2x His Terrible Servants
4x It Wants to be Found
2x Wraith World
3x Resistance Becomes Unbearable
1x The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame
3x Fell Beast
2x Ring of Asperity
1x Return to Its Master
1x The Twilight World

So, a few considerations:

 - I'm not sure about the gollum package, but I feel the exert from Gollum, Dark as Darkness is very useful with Resistance becomes unbearable.
 - Would keening wail help in this?
 - I thought about adding 3x Bill Ferny, Agent of Saruman to help nazzies win battles, but wouldn't a nazgul skirmish event do the same?
 - I've read about adding Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul and Toldea, Messenger of Dol Guldur, but wanted to have as many twilight minions as possible to be in theme... any thoughts about this?
 - Return to its master is in mostly for theme. Is it so bad I should remove it?

Anyway, if anybody could chime it, it would be great!

April 05, 2020, 04:14:16 AM
Reply #1


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Re: Help with Twilight Nazzies
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2020, 04:14:16 AM »
My thoughts:

- Use Captured by the Ring for Gollum and Ring of Terror to pull back key cards.
- Include some other nazgul: Eternally Threatening and Ulaire Cantea, Faster than Winds for more threats. Then you can run Morgul Destroyer to further threaten the Ring-bearer. Black Shadow will help you replay events and Ulaire Nertea, Winged Hunter hurts the RB more.
- Either focus on corrupting or on using RTiM, as they are very different win conditions, and trying to focus both will give you a huge deck. The latter prefers Black Lord for WK as he won't prevent RTIM, the former likes Morgul Brute and Keening Wail. If you want more recursion, there's also Morgul King.
- Bill Ferny punishes alternate RBs more than anything else.
- Honestly, RTIM is probably better than corruption; it isn't stalled by cards like GotM and you have enough recursion to spam RB exertions and then just play RTIM when you need it.
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