Hi all, here's the deck that has won the last two Expanded Leagues on Gemp. Be warned: you won't make friends playing this one, and it is fairly complicated to get it just right, but it does win. A lot. I only use it for leagues, where I believe anything goes, but never casual games which I think should be for getting something a bit off the metagame.
Galadriel, Bearer of WisdomRing:
The One Ring, The Great RingAdventure deck:
Buckland HomesteadThe AngleWoody-EndHill of SightCaras GaladhonOld Forest RoadDammed Gate-streamTrollshaw ForestSirannon RuinsFree Peoples Draw Deck:
Arwen, She-Elf (starting)
Cirdan, The Shipwright4x
Gil-galad, High King of the Noldor2x
Glorfindel, Eldarin Lord1x
Smeagol, Poor Creature (starting)
Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg (starting)
Asfaloth, Swift Blossom3x
Elven Armaments1x
Erkenbrand's Horn1x
Galadriel's Silver Ewer1x
Gift of the Evenstar, Blessed Light1x
Nenya, Ring of Adamant4x
Final Shot2x
One Good Turn Deserves Another3x
Something Slimy4x
Hosts of the Last Alliance2x
Leaving Forever1x
Secluded Homestead1x
Shadow Between1x
Songs of the Blessed Realm2x
Strength of Arms1x
Uncertain Future1x
Follow Smeagol4x
There's Another Way2x
Celebring, Elven-smith1x
Woodhall Elf, ExileShadow Draw Deck:
Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow3x
The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders1x
The Witch-king, Morgul King1x Úlairë Attëa,
Keeper of Dol Guldur2x Úlairë Cantëa, Faster Than Winds
1x Úlairë Enquëa, Lieutenant of Morgul
3x Úlairë Enquëa,
Sixth of the Nine Riders3x Úlairë
Lemenya, Eternally Threatening4x Úlairë
Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders3x Úlairë Nertëa,
Dark Horseman3x Úlairë Otsëa,
Duplicitous Specter3x Úlairë Toldëa,
Black Shadow2x
Ring of Terror2x
All Life Flees4x
Dark Approach1x
Return to Its Master3x
Too Great and Terrible1x
Flung Into the Fray1x
Ghastly Host1x
Hatred Stirred4x
Lost in the Woods2x
Moving This Way1x
Out of Sight and Shot2x
They Feel the PreciousThe Free Peoples are centred around
High King of the Noldor. It's boring, but he is just that good. Bid 0 and start
Dammed Gate Stream if you go first or play it when possible. Gamling pulls his horn, exerts twice to pull the
Woodhall Elf and
Celebring, Elven Smith who should pull
Gift of the Evenstar, Blessed Light if you think you can win a skirmish, or The Silver Ewer if you don't feel so bold.
But don't kill Gamling just yet. Blow his horn once again to discard
Celebring, so that once you pull the
Coif next turn, you can call on
Celebring again, and he will give you the other artifact. Then let him become a disappointing snack to the biggest minion on the board (though he can be kept alive against Troll Swarm if you really like).
Keep Smeagol alive as sitepath control is key in Expanded. Once you have
Songs of the Blessed Realm out (can be pulled with
Something Slimy)
One Good Turn Deserves Another will be essentially free, but
Follow Smeagol works well enough until then.
There's Another Way is a great card for getting forests out, and also strengthens Smeagol, which does help a lot against Nertea.
When you have Gil-Galad out with a few forests (or rivers), you can remove all burdens, discard all Shadow conditions and set up the perfect hand each Regroup phase by looping
Secluded Homestead and
Uncertain Future with
Leaving Forever.
Gift of the Evenstar allows you to reset everything if
Saruman's Power hits.
Note this deck has strengths against most things. Arwen can kill any big minions without batting an eyelid, and the is so much wound prevention that Archery falls fast. The only real problem I've had is Grond as there is no possession discard, but if you play well there shouldn't be any Sauron minions alive at Regroup.
The Shadow is a mix of Forest and Threat Nazgul. I find that they are pretty destructive, particularly in the late game when there will be a few Forests on the board. The only thing to say is that when playing against
Powerful Guide (who you will see a lot in leagues), make sure that Grimboern is not allowed to keep his axe. Keep discarding it with Cantea and you will eventually wear them out. Otherwise just keep hitting the Fellowship with several chunky minions per turn that can swarm so will late game.
If you opponent tries to run, you can set up the perfect hand by drawing tons of cards with
Leaving Forever. You can play 6
Dark Approach in a turn with the
Ring of Terror and
Black Shadow, meaning you can get 7 minions out for only 4 Twilight with perfect set up!
Too Great and Terrible is there as Gandalf is so popular.
Feel free to comment or use this deck, though I'll be annoyed if I end up playing against it too much in casual. It does take some getting used to, however. It's a big deck, but it cycles so well (and you pull so many important cards out of it, anyway) that you never really feel clogged.