I take pride in my DCs, and I put a lot of time and research into getting them right, all the way down to the lore I choose. I would pit my DCs against the last couple Decipher sets any time. Do I get paid for it? Heck no. But I try to be "professional" about it. Have you bothered to
look through my cards, or just blown them off as "plain crazy" by the simple fact that they're "dream" cards?
You want to diss DCs, that's fine. But keep this in mind...what's one the coolest versions of Gandalf out there? I think a lot of people would rank
Gandalf, Returned right near the top of their lists. Guess what? That card was created not by Decipher's staff, but by our own Menace64.
Gandalf Returned is a "dream" card.
Give a few of us DCers the keys to LOTR TCG and I think it'd still be thriving today. I firmly believe that.
You say most DCs wouldn't make it to release? I'm still wondering how cards like
Frenzy of Arrows,
Prized Lagan,
Destroyers and Usurpers,
Erkenbrand's Shield,
Vile Pit, and
Orkish Warg-master ever got released...and I could go on and on. Let's face it: the mistakes and overpowered cards in those sets was nothing short of pathetic. "Professional card designing process" my butt. Nevermind his mistake-ridden text: the
Warg-master has
"Argh!!" as his lore, for crying out loud! You call that "professional"?! I call it an absolute joke.
Decipher lost its creativity and imagination near the end of LOTR TCG's run. They still had a good idea every now and then, yes, but their people became blinded by the almighty dollar and the perceived gullibility of their fanbase, and their product clearly showed it. They become disinterested in being truly creative anymore, as long as their product was selling. They lost the
passion for the story and the game that we DCers have. That is the biggest difference, I think.
Boys and men? I feel confident in where
I stand. I think the flurry of activity on the X-list and revision list with the last few sets indicates otherwise for Decipher's typing monkeys.