Seems like our little group once again gonna start playing, so I want to try new stuff and there is this idea I always had yet never really made come to life (mostly because
Wise Guide exists...). Also maybe I can get a discussion going on these boards again, they seem to be dying recently...
Admittedly I'm inspired by my MW foil Black Lords.
So the idea is a combo kill with a series of events in a weird mash of a nazgul deck. In a nutshell it's pretty simple: exhaust the RB, play
Resistance Becomes Unbearable, then play
Return to Its Master for the win. I made it work in movie block back in the GCCG days, but expanded can be a considerably toughr nut to crack. The upside is that the cards used to create the shell of this deck are already ridiculously strong.
The following cards would be pretty much mandatory in varying quantities:
Return to Its MasterResistance Becomes Unbearable----------------------------------------- these two are simple - they are the combo
Gollum, Dark as DarknessCaptured by the RingEvil-Smelling FensSudden Strike----------------------------------------- 2 points for a threat + 1 exert on the RB is amazing deal,
ESF and
Sudden Strike are just because why not if we can
The Witch-King, Black LordNelya, Third of The Nine Riders (maybe mixed with Ringwraith
in Twilight... but just maybe)
Toldea, Black ShadowAttea, The EasterlingEnquea, Ringwraith in Twilight - a mixture of him and shotgun
Nertea, Dark Horseman----------------------------------------- the most basic nazgul selection with some twilight addon so we can play
RBUSaruman, Servant of SauronIsengard Ruined----------------------------------------- That's 2 exerts,
RBU is the 3rd, that exhausts most ring-bearers already enabling a kill, they are also both very solid choices in general. Also playes around
Wise Guide if necessary.
Too Great and Terrible-----------------------------------------
Wise Guide MUST die,
Black Shadow helps here
For the rest: nazgul heathcare package in the form of
Winged Mount (love this card),
They Feel the Precious,
Final Strike. Then some
Lemenya, Eternally Threatening and
Ring of Terror. Then some
Morgul Squealer for megalomanics like myself who flood the pool. Some
Southron Leader,
Demon of Might, Grima maybe. I don't want
Morgul Brute, as soon as my opponent knows what I'm up to he just adds a burden.
It's mandatory to pair this with a shadow that cycles very well, so I thought elves.
The Binding Ring on Galadriel to get
Nenya, and start with probably
Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath + Gamling and pull
Woodhall elf. Or maybe some carazy fast filtering rohan deck.
Thoughts? Has anyone tried something like this in movie?