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Author Topic: LOTR World Championship List of Decklists  (Read 8237 times)

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August 19, 2022, 11:14:18 AM
Read 8237 times


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LOTR World Championship List of Decklists
« on: August 19, 2022, 11:14:18 AM »
Back in the day, Decipher ran regular World Championships for each of their games, and LOTR was no exception.  They also had the tradition of posting the decklists for the top 16 contenders for those events (first at decipher.com, and later at dgma.com).  Some enterprising fans in the past have made individual topics here on TLHH for some of those decklists, but I wanted to have a single place that could be linked to gather all the known information on these tournaments. 

Below are links to all of the information that I am aware of, including links to TLHH posts where possible, Wayback pages where they were preserved, and information on winners (pulled of all places from Wikipedia).  If you have anything to add to this listing, please post it below and I will see what I can do.

Worlds 2002 - Fellowship Block
Wiki article.

Champion: Mathieu Brochu
Runner-up: Alex Tennet

TLHH Top 16 Thread
Day 3 Top 16 Wayback Link - Check out the car the champ won!
Day 2 Top 16 Wayback Link

Worlds 2003
Wiki article.

Towers Standard

Champion: Michael Dalton
Runner-up: Robert Schiermeyer

TLHH Top 2 Thread
TLHH Top 16 Thread
Top 16 Wayback Link

Fellowship Block

1st Place - Naryan Cook
2nd Place - Yannick LaPointe

TLHH Top 5 Thread
Top 5 Wayback Link

Worlds 2004 - Movie Block

Champion: Emir Delic
Runner-up: Josh Cornwell-Mott

TLHH Top 2 Thread
TLHH Top 16 Thread
Wayback Link -Day 3

Worlds 2005 - War of the Ring Standard

Champion: Kyle George
Runner-up: Lee Clarke

TLHH Top 15 Thread
Places 1-2 Wayback Link - Not Found (the ones above were probably sourced from LOTRO)
Places 3-4 Wayback Link
Places 5-8 Wayback Link
Places 9-16 Wayback Link

Worlds 2006 - Standard?

Champion: Christian Kriesel
Runner-up: Seth Maser

No information is known about this tourney except the winners.  If you have this information, please post it below.

Wayback Link - Not Found

Worlds 2007 - Standard?

Champion(S): Vince Accetturo & Chris Thompson

This particular event was the last held by Decipher and was held after the license had officially been lost.  The winners were both on the same team and decided to split the prize rather than compete. If you have any other information, please post it below.

Wayback Link - Not Found, probably doesn't exist

Worlds 2010 - Movie

Champion: Brian Fred
Runner-up: Casey Anis

Unlike other events, this one was ran by the Star Wars CCG Players Committee. 

TLHH Thread (announcement + approximate decklists)


World Championships beyond this point are ran by the Player's Council on Gemp.  As such, the replays for all games are posted and available, making them far more well documented than Worlds of previous years.  The below pages have links to each replay, so you can see the decks in action.

Worlds 2023
Wiki article.

World Champion: basmelis
World Challenger: thefaker

The Group Stage (intended to be the 64 invitees, but only 30 people qualified) was 8 rounds of Swiss: 4 in PC-FOTR, 4 in PC-Movie.

Group Stage (Top 30) PC-FOTR decklists + replays.
Group Stage (Top 30) PC-Movie decklists + replays.

The Top 8 played in a double-elimination knockout tournament, with undefeated players in the Upper Bracket playing PC-Movie, and players with 1 loss in the Lower Bracket playing PC-FOTR.  (Players with 2 losses are eliminated.)

Championship Tournament (Top 8) Lower Bracket PC-FOTR decklists + replays.
Championship Tournament (Top 8) Upper Bracket PC-Movie decklists + replays.

Worlds 2024
Wiki article.

World Champion: basmelis
World Challenger: rbranco

The Group Stage was 10 rounds of Swiss: 2 Sealed, 4 in PC-FOTR, 4 in PC-Movie.

Group Stage Phase 1 Movie Block Sealed decklists + replays
Group Stage Phase 2 PC-FOTR decklists + replays.
Group Stage Phase 3 PC-Movie decklists + replays.

The Top 8 played in a double-elimination knockout tournament, with undefeated players in the Upper Bracket playing PC-Movie, and players with 1 loss in the Lower Bracket playing PC-FOTR.  (Players with 2 losses are eliminated.)

Championship Tournament (Top 8) Lower Bracket PC-FOTR decklists + replays.
Championship Tournament (Top 8) Upper Bracket PC-Movie decklists + replays.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2024, 05:04:28 PM by TelTura »
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