I assume there is only meant to be one line of text? Also, it seems a little weak when compared to, oh, say, Quag Sickness which is a permanent, costs the same, and usually does much more than -1/-1. I'd make it only cost , replace -1/-1 with -2/-2 and be an Instant.
No no,
that's two lines of text, which is why it's costed that way, since you can target two independent creatures, if you want, or target the same creature twice. It's pretty good (considering the fact it can kill 2 creatures), but not stellar, not every card can have the same power level for Constructed play, and this is more of a Limited card (could still show up in builds, though, like Arc Trail did a while back, mainly to fight Caw-Blade).
Aren't all Zombies black? I believe they are, and if so, this is definitely better than Terror if you want four more of Doom Blade. In fact this would basically allow someone to effectively pack x8 Doom Blades.
Players can already do that, since they printed Go For the Throat (which is actually even better than Doom Blade most of the time, and in most formats). And no, not all zombies are black, Lorwyn Block's changelings come in every color, and Mistform Ultimus is blue (off the top of my head). And since the set is colorbleeding, this is actually foreshadowing of the fact that other colors will have their share of necromancy attempts.
Mind Rot? I thought they reprinted you... Oh wait, yes they did. Stress Out, however is only instead of . Meaning that if this card actually existed, it would immediately go into my discard deck.
Yes, I didn't wat a straight reprint, so I tweaked the effect. FOr your deck, pack Hymn to Tourach, it's way better than Stress Out, and exists.
I basically got a cost that existed, for a very similar effect, and toned it down for the
current version of that effect to keep it in check. Plus, Mind Rot is not that great of a card, and I don't expect this to be either, more of a niche card, maybe a sideboard in Limited against bombs you can't really do something about, so you have to hope to get them before they hit play, when the opponent is light on cards.
Thanks for chipping in, GT, it was getting lonely here, now I can keep on trucking!