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Author Topic: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC  (Read 13233 times)

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December 15, 2009, 12:26:06 PM
Reply #15


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2009, 12:26:06 PM »
One last thing, this is not a criticism of TLHH but a suggestion for improvement (if it can happen). It took me a long time before i found half of the stuff available for download on this site (GCCG, Zorbec's etc). Perhaps the links to resources could be made more obvious rather than within a forum that new players may or may not check.

QFT. This is important.

December 15, 2009, 12:28:14 PM
Reply #16


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2009, 12:28:14 PM »
http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php/topic,991.0.html...there are most of them ;-) But I agree they could be more obvious.
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December 15, 2009, 12:33:31 PM
Reply #17


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2009, 12:33:31 PM »
I know everybody's excited about getting the PC together and all, especially after the note from Warren, but if you don't take things one step at a time, things are going to fall apart - ok? This isn't a case of "if you build it, they will come."

One step at a time still implies that another step is taken at some point - when is this going to happen - and who will decide. We need a leader IMO, assuming we have the right person for the job. If we don't then we are hoping to attract one with marketing ... this seems ambitious.

"If you build it, theyt will come" - Not sure about this, once the PC is formally established, I anticipate the player base will expand faster than it currently is.

Care is the key idea here - we must not rush things - but seriously, discussion on a PC can only go so far and I have heard rumours this has been 2 years in the making.

Just my thoughts - they may be right or wrong.

December 15, 2009, 12:39:50 PM
Reply #18


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2009, 12:39:50 PM »
...assuming the second quarter next year equals April...

aw, c'mon, you know how Decipher's calendars work, don't you? Second Quarter 2010 really means this time next year at the earliest.

December 15, 2009, 01:35:50 PM
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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2009, 01:35:50 PM »
Increasing the player base is also my main aim, being in the UK we have a very small player base.
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December 15, 2009, 02:35:53 PM
Reply #20


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2009, 02:35:53 PM »
While I agree that a full slate of managers is putting the cart before the horse, there has to be some structure defined in order to formalize a proposal. The only items on this list that are absolutely necessary prior to approval from Decipher are (a) and (B), and thus those are the two things to focus on as far as the PC is concerned. Grassroots efforts to build up the player base is good, but trying to bring in new players with promises of a PC before Decipher approves said PC isn't a great idea.

December 15, 2009, 08:42:13 PM
Reply #21


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2009, 08:42:13 PM »
I fully support the marketing push for TLHH, GCCG and LOTR TCG in general.

I hope to re-establish the player base in Sydney Australia. Our current playing group numbers 3-4 with several other players that play infrequently and I will be introducing a new player to GCCG in January (I hope he likes it).

If the proposed PC can wait it out while we promote the game - when do we revisit the concept of formalising it, and forming a formal pitch to put to Decipher. Decipher are a professional organisation (be it with some current issues) and they are not going to hand-over their game to a disorganised group of fans. Be it 3 months or 9 months time before the PC speaks to Decipher, or even longer ... at some point the proposed PC has to move forward (or .... there will be no PC :()

December 15, 2009, 08:56:41 PM
Reply #22


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2009, 08:56:41 PM »
I fully support the marketing push for TLHH, GCCG and LOTR TCG in general.

I agree with Chompers, I propose we set up a PC, and for now we focus only on the marketing aspect, which is the Magazine and other forms of promoting LotR: TCG.

December 15, 2009, 09:08:51 PM
Reply #23


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2009, 09:08:51 PM »
don't get me wrong chompers, i completely agree that there must be some organization, i just don't think that anybody needs to be thinking about erratas, x-listings, rules, v-cards, or anything of the sort until we get some more people playing the game.

i think we can go about finding new players and bringing back ones who left in the past while we get a basic infrastructure set up. somebody talked about having a website for new and returning players to gather at - one that offers them tools (like a player locator, a tournament listing and ratings system, a centralized download center, etc) in addition to great forums like we have here at TLHH - Kralik?

certainly, we can expect that every player (new or returning, or even current!) will enjoy a different type of meta or format. some may want new erratas and clarifications to a lot of the cards from Hunters onward, and some may want their player base to be able to play with the cards exactly as printed. we need to be able to accomodate for both groups. in that sense, it may be wise to have a team in place who are able to come up with, playtest, and publish unofficial errata for various formats. that said, it might be easier in the early goings to just let player groups come up with and use their own house rules until the PC is able to get off the ground and create official publications for all the various formats.

i've got nothing against the magazine idea, i just don't know how often you could publish something like that, no matter how many players there were and how many formats were being played. like i've said though, it is all about getting the word out there and spreading the game, so more power to you! somebody should definitely write something up about the FotR League everybody's been enjoying on GCCG for the first issue!

December 16, 2009, 12:06:55 AM
Reply #24


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2009, 12:06:55 AM »
Somebody should definitely write something up about the FotR League everybody's been enjoying on GCCG for the first issue!

Good point. Now we have more articles for the Magazine. I've alreaady written one by the way. Do check and give your views. :)

December 16, 2009, 01:51:09 AM
Reply #25


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2009, 01:51:09 AM »
I would be interested to know if Kralik has the capacity to expand what is on offer at TLHH. I mean no disprespect, because this website is fantastic, but if possible it would be nice if there were accessable resources that would easily be downloaded (tournament support, etc). Nothing that infringes copyright as I know Kralik is wary of that - and fair enough. I also realise that Kralik is busy with a young family (and having one myself I understand the difficulty of juggling hobbies, work and family life).

Essentially, what I am asking is .... is there any chance that TLHH can add some quick links to valuable resources (GCCG, Zorbecs) and also downloadable materials to support tournaments.

If possible - it would be nice to have this available on outside of the forums - where it can be easily accessed.

December 16, 2009, 02:30:39 AM
Reply #26


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2009, 02:30:39 AM »
Tried to respond 2 times, gave me an error both times...grrr, there went my effort.

I have had contact with Arco, the manager from www.cardexchange.com, and he is adding us to the website. He is also willing to add flyers to all the orders from lotr cards, so customers know we excist.

I agree with Hawk in a lot that he is saying. No matter what my input will be, bringing players back or new players in, is the main concern. Organizing small tournaments, contacting shopowners and such, is a way to do this.

From a marketing point of view, I think it would be good to have a new website. I know people who could build one, but maybe there are members that are willing to contribute. Why a new website? Kralik has provided us with this, and it is good! It should stay no matter what, but I guess a website could offer more oversight. What should be the content of this site (imho)?

- Introducing LotR. What is the book/movie relation with the game, what is a TCG? How is it played?
- Decipher introduced new sets with an article, in which an preview was given in what to expect. We could break every set down in an article, describing what is to be expected and to give some simple deck ideas, that are totally worked out, with which especially new players could see, what is possible.
- A link to the forum, as a part of the website
- Players per country and how to contact, so new players can see whether there are players in their surrounding.
- Downloads. Simple overview from the possible programs that are available. GCCG, SDA, Lakey, Zorbec and others.

I would say that www.thelasthomelyhouse.org is the way to go!

No offense to Kralik in any way, and he knows it! He is our hero for making this forum and giving us a place. But I think, especially for newbees, it can be hard to find your way through this site and trying to learn LotR.

Just my 2 cents
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December 16, 2009, 03:39:48 AM
Reply #27


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2009, 03:39:48 AM »
Apparently Ranfoer is doing a new website. I have to release this document to you all now that we have reached a stage where everyone is involved.


December 16, 2009, 12:06:44 PM
Reply #28


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2009, 12:06:44 PM »
Whilst I gave what I believe is the whole picture of the proposed PC at the start of this forum - I never said that every aspect has to be acted on immediately. What I foresee as the biggest stumbling block for the proposed PC is that the current group is fractured. There are lots of ideas out there and if there are two or three or more small subgroups all acting indepedently of each other we may end up with two or three or more small PCs. Everyones ideas are fantastic, the work everyone is putting in is fantastic, but we need leadership and a framework to continue - IMO.

Providing a structure and framework for this project, no matter how small or big it may end up, is a major challenge in itself.

It has been suggested by many that we need to market (its happening), we need a website (it may be happening?), we need rules support (it happens through TLHH forums, but it should expand), we need tournaments (the league helps with GCCG, but also with real cards, we need support material).

We also need a plan and accepted guidance (leadership, management, this seems beyond us at the moment).

The roles above will change as the PC changes.

What we don't need is v-cards, and anything that changes the game extensively, until the PC evolves to a point where it is accepted. I think most believe in this basic model, give or take a bit.

But, if the PC is not going to tackle some of the serious issues with the game (errata cards, r and x lists, etc), and provide a framework for continuing players to play the game (through structured tournaments, rules support), and perhaps expand the game (v-cards) .... then there is no need for a PC (IMO).

If the PC is going to pitch an idea to Decipher - I see no reason that they should not pitch the idea to them showing what we are capable of and hope to achieve (and providing examples of v-cards would be part of this - they need to know that we have people on board capable of doing so.

Just my daily ramblings ....

December 16, 2009, 12:30:50 PM
Reply #29


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Re: Management team - election of the chairman of the PC
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2009, 12:30:50 PM »
^ Completely agree.