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May 10, 2012, 02:04:06 PM
Read 24022 times


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An Unexpected Journey: Cancelled.
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:04:06 PM »
I'm not sure who of you were present on the old Decipher forums, but from Battle of Helm's Deep onward I hosted a thread for each set where I put together a complete cardlist using a combination of facts and educated guesswork (like the card number on a newly-spoiled card). I always had a blast doing it, and it tended to become really challenging as more about a given set became known to the players.

What I'd like to do is build 2 blocks of cards along the same lines, utilizing information gathered from production footage, trailers, and press releases, all while maintaining the fantasy that Decipher still had a game to design and the willpower to put out quality sets. Each of the two movies will receive a base set of 365 cards, and then two expansions of 122 cards apiece.

The first block begins with An Unexpected Journey, and it includes the older cultures of Dwarven, Elven, Gandalf, Gollum, Orc, and Shire. This set also introduces Mirkwood , Mountain , and Warg as three new Shadow cultures to be further-developed in the following expansions, Goblin-town and The White Council.

After all that's done, the second block will start with There and Back Again, which will introduce the Laketown culture . I'm still kind of on the fence regarding the names of the expansions, but at the moment they are The Lonely Mountain and Battle of Five Armies.

I'm only going to reveal cultures as I complete their cardlists for each set, and after I complete a cardlist I'll jump into actually writing cards. The trick here is that as we get closer to each film's debut, these lists are going to change [a lot]. Adaptability will be key!

So here is, for now, the cardlist.

[Ring] The One Ring (2 Cards):
1. The One Ring, The Precious (The Ring, R)
2. The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (The Ring, C)

[Dwarven] Dwarven Culture (37 Cards):
3. Armor of Erebor (Possession, U)
4. At Your Service (Event, C)
5. Balin, Son of Fundin (Companion, R)
6. Battle Axe (Possession, C)
7. Bifur, Not Quite Dead (Companion, U)
8. Blue Mountain Pipe (Possession, U)
9. Bofur, Dwarf of the Blue Mountains (Companion, C)
10. Bombur, Always Counts For Two (Companion, R)
11. Dori, Begrudging Porter (Companion, U)
12. Dwalin, Brother of Balin (Companion, C)
13. Dwarven Bow (Possession, U)
14. Dwarven Vambrace (Possession, C)
15. Fili, Tree-climber (Companion, U)
16. Gloin, Able Traveler (Companion, U)
17. Guests of Distinction (Event, R)
18. Harps and Flutes (Event, C)
19. The Ingenious Wizard (Condition, U)
20. Kili, Bowman of the Company (Companion, R)
21. Laden Pony (Possession, C)
22. Leader of Many (Condition, R)
23. The Misty Mountains Call (Event, C)
24. Nori, Friend of Bilbo (Companion, C)
25. Oin, Grizzled Elder (Companion, C)
26. Orcrist (Possession, R)
27. Ori, Young and Adventurous (Companion, U)
28. Over Hill and Under Hill (Condition, C)
29. The Quest of Erebor (Condition, R)
30. Revenge (Event, R)
31. Roused to Fight (Event, C)
32. Seeking the Dragon (Event, R)
33. Set Down Gently (Event, U)
34. Thorin and Company (Condition, C)
35. Threshold of Winter (Condition, R)
36. Thror's Map Wrought of Runes and Riddles (Possession, R)
37. Two by Two (Event, U)
38. An Unexpected Party (Condition, C)
39. We Must Away (Event, R)

[Elven] Elven Culture (32 Cards):
40. Banner of Rivendell (Possession, R)
41. The Broken Sword (Event, R)
42. Citadel of Ancient Knowledge (Condition, R)
43. Crown of Leaves (Artifact, R)
44. Elrond, The Halfelven (Ally, U)
45. Enchantments (Condition, R)
46. Erestor, Trusted Counsellor (Ally, R)
47. Food and Provisions (Event, C)
48. Galadriel, Daughter of Finfarfin (Companion, C)
49. Galadriel, Oldest of the Noldor (Companion, R)
50. Galion, King's Butler (Ally, U)
51. Greenwood Bow (Possession, C)
52. Greenwood the Great (Condition, U)
53. Greenwood Sword (Possession, C)
54. Lamps in the Branches (Event, C)
55. The Last Homely House (Event, C)
56. Legolas, Descendant of Orophir (Companion, R)
57. Legolas, Sindaran Elf (Companion, C)
58. Lindir, Singer of the House (Ally, U)
59. Out of Gondolin (Event, R)
60. Rivendell Scout (Companion, C)
61. Scout's Spear (Possession, U)
62. A Short Rest (Event, U)
63. Steed of Rivendell (Possession, U)
64. Sure Shot (Event, C)
65. Tauriel, Head of the Guard (Companion, C)
66. Tauriel, Woodland Warrior (Companion, R)
67. Tauriel's Daggers (Possession, R)
68. Thranduil, Woodland King (Ally, R)
69. Unwelcomed (Event, C)
70. Upon Them as We May (Condition, U)
71. White Star Within Her Hand (Condition, R)

[Gandalf] Gandalf Culture (32 Cards):
72. An Adventure (Event, C)
73. Beorn, Man of the Mountains (Companion, R)
74. Beorn, Skin-changer (Companion, C)
75. The Burglar's Rune (Event, R)
76. Cheated of Their Sport (Event, C)
77. Circling Heights (Condition, R)
78. Dawn Take You All! (Event, R)
79. Espied (Condition, U)
80. Friend of Wild Creatures (Event, U)
81. Gandalf, Disturber of the Peace (Companion, R)
82. Gandalf's Pipe, Caller of Colors (Possession, U)
83. Gandalf's Staff, Weapon of the Mortal Flame (Artifact, R)
84. Glamdring, Blade of Gondolin (Possession, R)
85. Gwaihir, Lord of the Eagles (Ally, R)
86. Hidden in the Boughs (Event, C)
87. Master of Shape and Hue (Condition, C)
88. More Important Business (Event, C)
89. Older Days Will Come (Condition, R)
90. Open Pastures (Event, R)
91. Queer Lodgings (Event, R)
92. Radagast, Cousin of Gandalf (Companion, C)
93. Radagast, Fourth of the Istari (Companion, R)
94. Radagast's Cart (Possession, C)
95. Returning to the Shire (Event, C)
96. Ruins of Dol Guldur (Condition, R)
97. The Shape of a Bear (Condition, C)
98. Smoke-rings (Event, U)
99. Solitude (Condition, C)
100. Thrain's Secret (Event, R)
101. Twist of Tongues (Event, U)
102. Untold Origins (Condition, U)
103. Wizard's Robes (Possession, C)

[Gollum] Gollum Culture (25 Cards):
104. Ages and Ages (Event, U)
105. As Quick As Thinking (Event, U)
106. Crunchable (Event, U)
107. Dark Waters (Condition, U)
108. Days Beyond Darkness (Condition, R)
109. Ensnared (Condition, R)
110. Gathered for a Spring (Event, C)
111. Gollum, Nasty Underground Creature (Minion, C)
112. Gollum, Slave to the Ring (Minion, R)
113. Hatred and Despair (Event, C)
114. Holed-away (Condition, R)
115. It Mustn't Ask Us (Condition, C)
116. Nassty Little Pocketses (Event, U)
117. Nosing About (Event, R)
118. Painful Memories (Condition, U)
119. Precious is Lost! (Event, R)
120. Silent Tunnels (Condition, C)
121. Small Green Lamps (Event, C)
122. Throttled (Event, R)
123. Unnatural Long Life (Condition, R)
124. The Very Roots of the Mountain (Condition, R)
125. We Hates It Forever! (Condition, R)
126. What is a Bagginses? (Event, C)
127. The White Face (Condition, R)
128. Wriggling in the Water (Event, U)

Mirkwood Culture (35 Cards):
129. Abominable Threads (Possession, U)
130. Across All Spaces (Event, R)
131. All in a Row (Condition, C)
132. Bloated Spider (Minion, U)
133. Cast a Net (Event, C)
134. Cobwebs (Possession, C)
135. Dark Enchantments (Condition, R)
136. Dense Black Shadows (Condition, R)
137. Giant Spider, Broodling of Shelob (Minion, R)
138. Good Juice (Event, C)
139. Horde of Angry Spiders (Minion, R)
140. Intricate Web-work (Condition, C)
141. Mirkwood Chaser (Minion, C)
142. Mirkwood Climber (Minion, C)
143. Mirkwood Dangler (Minion, C)
144. Mirkwood Flanker (Minion, U)
145. Mirkwood Poisoner (Minion, R)
146. Mirkwood Pursuers (Minion, C)
147. Mirkwood Racer (Minion, U)
148. Mirkwood Spinner (Minion, C)
149. Mirkwood Tangler (Minion, C)
150. Mirkwood Watcher (Minion, R)
151. Mirkwood Weaver (Minion, R)
152. Mistrust (Event, R)
153. Naught But Bones and Skin (Event, U)
154. Off of the Track (Event, U)
155. Potent Venom (Possession, C)
156. Quick as Lightning (Event, C)
157. Snares of a Woodland Feast (Condition, R)
158. Spider of the Black Wood (Minion, C)
159. Spider's Colony (Possession, R)
160. Thirsty Brute (Minion, R)
161. Tired Out (Condition, U)
162. Under the Shadows (Condition, R)
163. Waving Snares (Event, R)

Mountain Culture (44 Cards):
164. Bert, Burned and Bashed (Minion, C)
165. Bitter Cold (Condition, C)
166. Boulder (Possession, C)
167. Cauldron (Possession, R)
168. Crude Imitations (Condition, R)
169. Dangerous Caves (Event, U)
170. Down from the Mountains (Event, C)
171. Fair-sized Troll (Minion, C)
172. Giant of Far-legend (Minion, U)
173. Great Stone-giant (Minion, R)
174. Guardians of the Peaks (Condition, C)
175. Heavy Stone (Possession, C)
176. High Pass Champion (Minion, R)
177. High Pass Guardian (Minion, U)
178. High Pass Hurler (Minion, C)
179. High Pass Rager (Minion, C)
180. High Pass Sentinel (Minion, U)
181. High Pass Striker (Minion, U)
182. Hill-troll (Minion, C)
183. Landslide (Event, R)
184. Madder Than Ever (Event, R)
185. Mountain's Disciple (Minion, R)
186. Mountain's Power (Condition, U)
187. Nasty Mood (Event, C)
188. Nightfall (Condition, U)
189. No Place For Maps (Event, U)
190. Onslaught of Rocks (Event, R)
191. Plunder (Possession, C)
192. Pot of Gold (Possession, R)
193. Quarrelling (Event, U)
194. Roast Mutton (Condition, C)
195. Stash of Weapons (Possession, U)
196. Stone-giant (Minion, U)
197. Stone-troll (Minion, U)
198. Storm of Storms (Condition, U)
199. Thunder-battle (Condition, R)
200. Tom, Great and Heavy (Minion, C)
201. Troll of the Fells (Minion, U)
202. Troll of the Misty Mountains (Minion, C)
203. Troll's Row (Minion, C)
204. Untidy Litter (Possession, C)
205. A Village and a Half (Event, R)
206. William, Slow and Suspicious (Minion, R)
207. Wind and Rain (Condition, U)

[Orc] Orc Culture (43 Cards):
208. Ambush at the High Pass (Condition, U)
209. Armored Goblin (Minion, U)
210. Below the Misty Mountains (Condition, C)
211. Chained (Condition, R)
212. Cover of Darkness (Condition, C)
213. Crack in the Wall (Event, R)
214. Dungeons Deep (Event, U)
215. Gate Keeper (Minion, U)
216. Gate Warden (Minion, R)
217. Goblin Arsonist (Minion, U)
218. Goblin Blade (Possession, C)
219. Goblin Chasers (Minion, C)
220. Goblin Chieftain (Minion, C)
221. Goblin Imp (Minion, R)
222. Goblin Plunderer (Minion, C)
223. Goblin Resilience (Event, C)
224. Goblin Shaman (Minion, C)
225. Goblin Shield (Possession, C)
226. Goblin Soldier (Minion, C)
227. Goblin Spelunker (Minion, U)
228. Goblin Tracker (Minion, C)
229. Goblin Tribe (Minion, R)
230. The Great Goblin, Lord of Goblin-town (Minion, R)
231. Great Spear (Possession, R)
232. Hall of the Goblins (Condition, U)
233. He is a Liar (Condition, C)
234. In Such a Rage (Event, R)
235. Into the Field (Event, C)
236. Large Flat Stone (Possession, R)
237. Lower Gate (Event, R)
238. Mutilated Troll (Minion, R)
239. No Fear of Fire (Event, U)
240. Old Orc, Master of Implements (Minion, R)
241. One Last Trick (Event, U)
242. Outcry (Event, C)
243. Raid (Condition, R)
244. Reviled Reputation (Condition, C)
245. A Shadow By the Door (Event, R)
246. Till Beards Blaze (Condition, U)
247. Township Enraged (Event, R)
248. Tracker's Whip (Possession, C)
249. Tunnel Explorer (Minion, U)
250. Tunnel Whelp (Minion, U)

[Shire] Shire Culture (36 Cards):
251. Attercop! Attercop! (Event, R)
252. Bilbo, Baggins of Bag End (Companion, C)
253. Bilbo, Ring-winner (Companion, R)
254. Bilbo's Pipe, Precious Heirloom (Possession, U)
255. Birthday Party (Event, C)
256. Close Call (Event, R)
257. Company's Contract (Possession, R)
258. Dragonsbreath (Possession, U)
259. Drogo, Father of Frodo (Ally, R)
260. Everything There Was to Know (Condition, C)
261. A Fire Blazing (Event, C)
262. Fredegar Chubb, Proprietor of Fish (Ally, U)
263. Frodo, Young Baggins (Ally, C)
264. Good Morning (Event, R)
265. Herblore of the Shire (Condition, U)
266. Hobbit Resolve (Event, C)
267. Hobbit Sword (Possession, C)
268. Into the Blue (Event, R)
269. Light Pack (Possession, R)
270. Milo Burrows, Galling Baker (Ally, C)
271. More or Less Right (Condition, R)
272. New-found Confidence (Condition, U)
273. Odd Little Fellow (Condition, C)
274. Otho and Lobelia, The Sackville-Bagginses (Ally, R)
275. Overhill Pipe (Possession, C)
276. Ponto Longbottom, Planter of Pipeweed (Ally, U)
277. Professional Pride (Condition, R)
278. Rescued (Event, U)
279. Southern Star (Possession, C)
280. Sting, Dagger of Gondolin (Possession, R)
281. The Sun Was Shining (Event, R)
282. Sweet Galenas (Possession, C)
283. A Tale of Two to Tell (Event, R)
284. Thoughts of Home (Event, C)
285. Tosto Boffin, Hobbiton Dancer (Ally, C)
286. Wizard's Recommendation (Condition, C)

Warg Culture (39 Cards):
287. All Around Them Now (Event, R)
288. Downwind (Condition, R)
289. Dreadfully Afraid (Condition, U)
290. Evil Hound (Minion, U)
291. Evil Pack (Minion, R)
292. Feral Sentries (Condition, R)
293. Forests of Wilderland (Condition, R)
294. Great Gathering (Event, C)
295. Havoc (Event, C)
296. Hunting Party (Minion, C)
297. Language of the Evil Wilds (Condition, U)
298. Moon Was Up (Condition, R)
299. No Escape (Condition, U)
300. Old Grey-wolf, The Black Maw (Minion, R)
301. Over the Edge of the Wild (Event, C)
302. The Plains Beyond (Event, U)
303. Red and Fierce as Flames (Event, R)
304. Rhovanion Circlers (Minion, C)
305. Rhovanion Follower (Minion, C)
306. Rhovanion Howler (Minion, R)
307. Rhovanion Hunter (Minion, R)
308. Rhovanion Pack (Minion, U)
309. Rhovanion Stalker (Minion, R)
310. Rhovanion Tracker (Minion, C)
311. Shuddering Howl (Event, C)
312. Their Eyes Blazing (Condition, C)
313. Trapped in a Tree (Condition, R)
314. Warg of the Lone-lands (Minion, C)
315. Warg of Rhovanion (Minion, C)
316. Warg of Wilderland (Minion, C)
317. Well-guarded (Condition, U)
318. White Wolves (Event, R)
319. Wicked Deeds (Event, U)
320. Wolfen Ambusher (Minion, U)
321. Wolfen Devourer (Minion, R)
322. Wolfen Leaper (Minion, U)
323. Wolfen Predator (Minion, C)
324. Wolfen Snapper (Minion, C)
325. Wolfen Yelper (Minion, R)

(W) Adventure Path (38 Cards):
326. Bagshot Row (Region 1 Site, U)
327. Bilbo's Study (Region 1 Site, U)
328. Dining Room (Region 1 Site, U)
329. The Eastern Road (Region 1 Site, U)
330. Elrond's Chambers (Region 1 Site, U)
331. Empty Lands (Region 1 Site, U)
332. Ered Luin (Region 1 Site, U)
333. Gardens of Bag End (Region 1 Site, U)
334. Party Fields (Region 1 Site, U)
335. Rivendell Library (Region 1 Site, U)
336. Troll-den (Region 1 Site, U)
337. Trollshaw Mound (Region 1 Site, U)
338. Valley of the Mountains (Region 1 Site, U)
339. Abandoned Tunnel (Region 2 Site, U)
340. Back Door (Region 2 Site, U)
341. Cavernous Hall (Region 2 Site, U)
342. Eagle's Eyrie (Region 2 Site, U)
343. Goblin Tunnels (Region 2 Site, U)
344. Gollum's Cave (Region 2 Site, U)
345. Great Shelf (Region 2 Site, U)
346. The High Pass (Region 2 Site, U)
347. Narrow Passage (Region 2 Site, U)
348. Rhovanion (Region 2 Site, U)
349. Subterranean Lake (Region 2 Site, U)
350. Vales of Anduin (Region 2 Site, U)
351. Withering Woods (Region 2 Site, U)
352. Bee-fields (Region 3 Site, U)
353. Beorn's House (Region 3 Site, U)
354. Dry Watercourse (Region 3 Site, U)
355. Eaves of Greenwood (Region 3 Site, U)
356. Emyn Fuin (Region 3 Site, U)
357. Forest Path (Region 3 Site, U)
358. Frigid Peaks (Region 3 Site, U)
359. Mirkwood Channel (Region 3 Site, U)
360. Rhosgobel (Region 3 Site, U)
361. Ring of Trees (Region 3 Site, U)
362. Silvan Kingdom (Region 3 Site, U)
363. Woodland Glade (Region 3 Site, U)

Premium Starter Deck Companions (2 Cards):
364. Thorin, Oakenshield (Companion, P)
365. Gandalf, Wise Wizard (Companion, P)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 08:35:56 PM by menace64 »

May 10, 2012, 05:11:02 PM
Reply #1


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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2012, 05:11:02 PM »
Woo! Excited. :)

May 11, 2012, 08:18:29 AM
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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2012, 08:18:29 AM »
Wait, wait, wait... so The Hobbit will be a 2-movie split? #$&*@!! :(

Excited about the DCs, at least...

May 11, 2012, 08:47:10 AM
Reply #3


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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2012, 08:47:10 AM »
Wait, wait, wait... so The Hobbit will be a 2-movie split? #$&*@!! :(

Haha that rock you've been hiding under has got to be comfy for you to have missed that.  :mrgreen:

May 11, 2012, 11:28:39 AM
Reply #4


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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2012, 11:28:39 AM »
An Unexpected Journey - Menace64's Likely-to-be-Way-Off Synopsis!

The movie will open with Bilbo beginning to recount the events to a pre-Fellowship Frodo. Most of the beginning of the story will be similar to the progression of the book. The fact that there are still no confirmed (or rumored) voice actors for trolls leads me to believe that there aren't any, and that these trolls will be smarter-than-a-Cave-Troll-but-still-pretty-dumb. Certainly no talking purses or sacks for the Dwarves!

We've already seen footage for the first five chapters of the book, as well as snippets from Barrels Out of Bond and A Warm Welcome (although we didn't get to see what Lake-town actually looks like!). Evangeline Lilly - who plays a new Elf character called Tauriel - revealed a while back that she appears in this first film along with Legolas but wont really see any action until film two.

Combine those pieces of information together and I arrive at the conclusion that the cliffhanger will land right in the thick of Mirkwood. We'll see Beorn, Radagast, the Eagles, plenty of Orcs and Wargs and Trolls and even Gollum. And, what's more, the spiders of Mirkwood are probably going to feature as the last major action piece of film one (there are several clips and stills involving the Dwarves wrapped in webs).

What I'm not too sure about is where and when the White Council will really appear. My inkling is that we'll be introduced to the characters (Galadriel, Elrond, Gandalf for sure, Saruman and maybe even Cirdan) but their fight against Dol Guldur wont get screentime until film two. For the purposes of these dream sets, however, I'm going to pretend otherwise  :mrgreen:


So there's all that. I'd like to talk about the 3 new cultures for a bit before I have to go fill out paperwork for my new job...

The Mirkwood Culture
In the opening set, this culture will revolve primarily around the Spiders of the forest. They're going to have weaker stats for their cost, but I'm rolling around an idea for a kind of site-centric roaming mechanic that will make them roaming at sites that aren't forests. From there, these guys will pull a lot of flavor from Shelob's cards in the [Gollum] culture, such as gaining strength boosts from tokens on conditions (look at Larder), and various forms of poisoning members of the fellowship (in ways similar to Spider Poison and Sting of Shelob). Not too sure which phase they'll favor, but my inclination is to stick these in the Assignment phase... simply because not much tends to happen there.

In later sets, the culture will expand to include elements of Dol Guldur (and perhaps even the Necromancer himself, in some form). However, since we already know about the presence of Nazgul Tombs in the films, the [Wraith] culture is bound to show up somewhere down the line.

The Mountain Culture
This culture will start off with Trolls, Giants, weather cards, and a sprinkling of other things I haven't quite figured out yet. In the fifth set of these blocks (The Lonely Mountain), Smaug the Dragon will finally show up here, as will the Orcs of the Battle of Five Armies who have arrived from the Grey Mountains. This culture will be all about smashing companions into dust: its few minions will be strong, damage-dealing brutes with little worry for arrows or tricks.

One idea, which came to me in a review of Thranduil's sites for his re-emerging set, is to introduce the keyword Ruins for sites. Given how the Trolls and Smaug wreak havoc with villages and camp out in their own desolation, Ruins will be a major source of capabilities for this culture.

The Warg Culture
The Warg Culture is going to get a bit of the old [Dunland]-treatment, in that a whole culture will be born from very few moments of genuine screentime. No longer simply mounts, Wargs will become a minion of its own race. I'm leaning towards a flavor of cultural strength: Wargs will be weak, for instance, to Gandalf and his fire-play, yet more-than-enough-power against poor old Hobbits and ill-equipped Dwarves. There's probably going to be wound-spotting bonuses for Wargs, who slip into feral modes of attack once they've caught a scent of fallen blood!

Later on, the Warg culture will absorb the bats who arrived at the Battle of Five Armies. No real reason there, I just think it would be neat.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 11:31:52 AM by menace64 »

May 12, 2012, 06:07:14 PM
Reply #5


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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2012, 06:07:14 PM »
Looks like a good idea. Making DCs with actually footage is a good idea.

May 13, 2012, 09:17:24 AM
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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2012, 09:17:24 AM »
Also very dangerous legalitywise. It could shut this website down if such images are used on a grand scale.

May 13, 2012, 10:50:29 AM
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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2012, 10:50:29 AM »
Incorrect.  It could shut down the site that hosted such images, but not one linking to them (although they could probably demand that the links be removed), and even then the company who owned the rights are likely to only pursue legal action should they feel it infringes, not on some abstract copyright claim, but on some sort of avenue of profit.   As it stands, google points out that there does seem to be a pair of trading card games tying into the movie, so it would probably not be advised to do anything using the actual movie images, 'least, not until a few years have passed and everyone goes back to not caring again.
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May 16, 2012, 02:40:51 PM
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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2012, 02:40:51 PM »
I never intended to provide links to images pulled from trailers or even the film itself. What I've seen so far is just a starting point for creating the sets, and as we learn more I'll do my best to alter the card accordingly.

But even if I did use images here, let's be honest: dangerous is a completely overblown word. No one would complain, and no one would even know. I've always thought it strange that these forums derided the use of graphics on DCs, when so many other websites (large and small) do so without consequence. If I sound angry or bitter let me also say that I'm definitely not: this isn't my forum, and frankly I thoroughly enjoy making text-based DCs.

Anyways, I've been sick and training for the new job. Progress here is slow but steady, and I find myself in need of a bit of help. the Warg culture's cardlist is nearly finished, but the selection of minions is rather bland. Old Grey-wolf is the Big Baddy of the culture in the opening set, and the generic minions are Wilderland This or Wilderland That. I need to get another good minion pre-title thingamajig... and so far all I can really think of is Rhovanion or Forest, neither of which I really like.

May 16, 2012, 02:53:25 PM
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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2012, 02:53:25 PM »
to be honest I think it's a holdover from all the community migrations...the decipher forums outright banned it, so CC outright banned it, so TLHH outright banned it.  With the status quo comes justification, and here we are.
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May 16, 2012, 11:23:32 PM
Reply #10


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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2012, 11:23:32 PM »
Conceivably, you could give the Warg minions a bit of that Dunlending Treatment themselves. Why not let them be Warg Howler, or Warg Throatripper, and then use the image of a group of Wargs working together to create larger minions minions using something like Wilderland Blood-pack (in the style of Hill Clan, Hillman Mob, etc.).

May 16, 2012, 11:52:44 PM
Reply #11


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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2012, 11:52:44 PM »
For obsessive reasons, I can't use Warg and Wilderland in the same culture. Doing so would bunch up the minions at the end of the cardlist, thereby relegating all the events and conditions to the front and creating a mess of accidental organization. Since my goal (my dream!) here is to create the ideal sets based on what we know of the upcoming films, this sort of minute detail matters to me.

But I'm glad you chimed in, because otherwise I might not have updated this particular dilemma: I'm slowly honing in on the perfect word, and it needs to be either a less-bland word for Forest, or a regional word describing the kind of landscape one might encounter at the low-end or bottom of a mountain (but not Valley, for the same reason I can't use Warg). Despite all the times I've read Lord of the Rings, I still have a fairly pathetic vocabulary when it comes to terrain.  :whistle:

May 17, 2012, 12:11:38 AM
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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2012, 12:11:38 AM »
I can think of several excellent synonyms, but none that I'd fancy as a prefix word. In that case, another possibility... I suppose you could break with the more traditional naming conventions. After all, some of the latter day cultures (and, helpfully, the more 'generic' ones) like Orc use some more haphazard names.

Scavenging Warg
Ravening Warg
Foul Tracker

The problem is, there isn't really a unifying theme to the terrain aside from 'forest'... and there just isn't a good word for forest-dwellers that would serve you well here. Couple that with the lack of a master or other affiliation for the beasts, and you've got a real dilemma. I can see why this has been a hang-up for you!

May 17, 2012, 12:32:04 AM
Reply #13


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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2012, 12:32:04 AM »
Hang up for sure, man. And yeah I toyed around initially with the no-real-prefix idea that debuted in Shadows, but - and call me old here - I always preferred the clumps of minions from earlier sets. 'Devouring Hunter' or 'Devouring Leaper' sounds too word-heavy.

It's just about my bedtime, but I started the search for a good terrain word, and so far have Gully and Dell. Although both describe the sort of terrain used in this part of The Hobbit, I don't like either very much.

But it's just occurred to me that I could use Rhovanion instead of Wilderland (both names refer to the exact same region) and then I could include either Warg or Wild. That will be something to sleep on, and if you think Rhovanion looks better, let me know. Initially I picked Wilderland to give the culture a touch of wildness, but since it appears I can only have one of those prefixes, it doesn't really matter.

May 17, 2012, 01:19:35 AM
Reply #14


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Re: An Unexpected Journey: The Official Speculative Cardlist!
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2012, 01:19:35 AM »
I'm right there with you on the more traditional names to be honest with you.

Rhovanion actually doesn't sound too bad. I said it out loud a couple of times, and it actually kind of flows off the tongue. :)

It's a little bulky printed; I'd consider digging out the shorter titles for the 'Rhovanion' group. But otherwise, it's really not too bad.