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Author Topic: The Hobbit DC "set": An Unexpected Journey (The Canadian set)  (Read 23551 times)

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January 03, 2013, 03:32:26 PM
Reply #30


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set"?
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2013, 03:32:26 PM »
 Galadriel's Advice
Event • Fellowship
To play spot Gandalf or an elf ally.
Regroup: Remove a threat or heal a companion.

How does this work? Its a fellowship event, but it goes in regroup?

From what I can see you're really just spamming cards to make cards. Read your work through and through, to catch erors like this. Another example is your Radagast, whom can exert to play his sled.... but not mentioning the phase where this is possible.

January 03, 2013, 05:48:51 PM
Reply #31


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set"?
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2013, 05:48:51 PM »

I'm cancelling this project.

Please remove this thread.

January 04, 2013, 06:52:51 AM
Reply #32


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set"? CANCELLED
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2013, 06:52:51 AM »
I don't see a reason why we can't chime in with our own ideas, though. Here are some of mine:

(1) Moment of Pity [Shire]

Event - Response

If the fellowship moves in the regroup phase, spot Bilbo to return a minion to its owner's hand. If that minion is Gollum, remove 2 burdens or 2 threats.

(1) *Game of Riddles [Shire]

Condition - Support Area

Each time you play a [Shire] riddle, add a [Shire] token here. Bilbo is strength +1 for each [Shire] token here (limit +3).

(1) Golden Treasure Inside Is Hid [Shire]

Event - Skirmish

Make a Hobbit strength +1 for each Free Peoples card that has a culture token on it (or +2 if you spot Gollum).

(0) What Have I Got in My Pocket? [Shire]

Event - Maneuver

Spot Bilbo to guess a number. Reveal the top card of a Shadow player's draw deck. If the twilight cost of that card matches the number you guessed, remove a burden and play the fellowship's next site. Otherwise, exert Bilbo.
All cards do what they say, no more, no less.

January 26, 2013, 03:52:24 PM
Reply #33


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set": An Unexpected Journey (The Canadian set)
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2013, 03:52:24 PM »
Here is the full set.
It's been play-tested enough to post here.
Use, re-use or don't use as you wish..!

Constructive criticism is always welcomed.

Cheers from Canada!
LOTR TCG - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey expansion

New rules:
Ring-less rules
1) With cards of this set, you start the game with Bilbo Baggins (from the new set) as a "ring-bearer" but no One Ring (set it aside). All other starting fellowship rules applies.
2) While you have no ring, burdens go on Bilbo. If Bilbo dies or is corrupted, you lose the game.
3) Bilbo can acquire the One Ring during the game, by playing the new Riddle events.
(In this expansion, "Burdens" represent Bilbo wanting to abandon the quest and go home.)
Doom tokens
Put Doom token in the "Doom token Zone", near the dead pile.
You cannot put more Doom tokens than there are companions in the fellowship.
Shadow: The shadow player can remove a Doom token from the Doom token Zone to add a twilight token to the pool.
The site path revert to the old 1 through 9 pattern of the Movie block.
Shadow number=total number of twilight tokens added for a site.
Regions still are used on some gametext: Region 1=Site 1-3, region 2=site 4-6, region 3=site 7-9.

New cards:
•The One Ring, Gollum's precious
Strength: +1
While wearing the One Ring, each time bearer is about to take a wound, add a burden instead.
[Maneuver:] Add two burdens to wear the One Ring until the Regroup Phase, bearer is strength+2.

[2] •Gollum, Foul Minion [Gollum]
Strength: 5
Vitality: 4
Site: 3
To play, spot an underground site in the site path.
Assignment: Exert Gollum three times to assign him to Bilbo. No other minion can be assigned to that skirmish.

[zero] •Smeagol, Fun Ally [Gollum]
Ally • Home 7 • Smeagol
Strength: 3
Vitality: 4
Ring-bound To play add a burden.
The fellowship current site gains underground
Fellowship: Exert Smeagol three times to take a Riddle card from your draw deck.

[zero] This thing all things devours... [Gollum]
Event • Shadow, Maneuver or Skirmish
Shadow: Play Gollum from your discard pile.
Maneuver: Cancel a Riddle event.
Skirmish: Make Gollum strength +1.

[7] •Azog, the Defiler [Gundabad]
Minion • [Gundabad] orc
Strength: 13
Vitality: 3
Site: 4
Damage +1
Maneuver: Spot another [Gundabad] orc to make Azog fierce until the Regroup phase.
Maneuver: Spot a dwarf and exert Azog twice to add a Doom token.

[4] •Azog's Warg [Gundabad]
Bearer must be a [Gundabad] orc.
Each other warg-rider bearing a warg is Strength+1
[4] Orc Rider [Gundabad]
Minion • [Gundabad] orc
Strength: 9
Vitality: 3
Site: 4
Ambush 1
When you play this minion, spot a warg to remove a possession.
Discard this minion if he looses a skirmish and you can spot Azog.

[2] Gundabad Rider [Gundabad]
Minion • [Gundabad] orc
Strength: 7
Vitality: 2
Site: 4
Ambush 1
Each time this minion wins a skirmish, add a Doom token.

[3] Orc of Gundabad [Gundabad]
Minion • [Gundabad] orc
Strength: 8
Vitality: 3
Site: 4
Ambush 1
Shadow: Play a [Gundabad] orc, you may play a warg from your discard pile.

[3] Rider of Gundabad [Gundabad]
Minion • [Gundabad] orc
Strength: 7
Vitality: 2
Site: 4
Ambush 1
This minion is strength+1 for each Doom token you can spot.

[3] Gundabad Warg [Gundabad]
Bearer must be a [Gundabad] orc.
Maneuver: Remove two Doom tokens to exert a companion (except Bilbo/the ring-bearer).

[2] Smell of fear [Gundabad]
Condition • Support Area
Add a Doom token each time a companion is killed in a skirmish involving a [Gundabad] orc.
Maneuver: Remove two Doom tokens to add a burden.

[zero] Enmity [Gundabad]
Event • Skirmish
Skirmish: Make a [Gundabad] orc bearing a possession strength+2 until the Regroup phase.

[10] •William, Clever Troll [Gundabad]
Minion • Troll
Strength: 15
Vitality: 4
Site: 4
Spot bert or Tom to make Bert twilight cost -2, -4 if you spot both.
While you can spot Bert or Tom, William is Damage+1.

[9] •Tom, Hungry Troll [Gundabad]
Minion • Troll
Strength: 14
Vitality: 4
Site: 4
Spot Bert or William to make Tom twilight cost -2, -4 if you spot both.
Maneuver: Exert Tom twice and spot Bert or William to remove a possession.

[7] •Bert, Dumb Troll [Gundabad]
Minion • Troll
Strength: 12
Vitality: 3
Site: 4
Spot Tom or William to make Bert twilight cost -2, -4 if you spot both.
While you can spot Tom or William, Bert is strength+2.

[zero] Three Stone Trolls [Gundabad]
Event • Maneuver
Maneuver: Exert a troll to make him strength+1  (limit 2 times).

[6] •The Goblin-King, Great Goblin [Moria]
Minion • Goblin
Strength: 11
Vitality: 4
Site: 5
Each other Goblin is Strength+1.
Shadow: While you can't spot another Goblin, exert this minion to play a Goblin from your draw deck.
Shadow: Exert this minion twice to play a Goblin from your draw deck.

[4] Misty-Mountains Goblin [Moria]
Minion • Goblin
Strength: 9
Vitality: 2
Site: 5
Maneuver: Exert this minion to add a Goblin token (Goblin minion with Strength: 3 Vitality:1).

[3] Underground Goblin [Moria]
Minion • Goblin
Strength: 8
Vitality: 2
Site: 5
Maneuver: Exert this minion to add a Goblin token (Goblin minion with Strength: 3 Vitality:1).

[3] Goblin Archer [Moria]
Minion • Goblin
Strength: 6
Vitality: 2
Site: 5
Skirmish: Discard this minion to make a Goblin Strength +2 until the Regroup phase.

[2] Goblin Host [Moria]
Minion • Goblin
Strength: 6
Vitality: 1
Site: 5
When you play this minion draw a card.
Shadow: Play a Goblin and remove [1] to draw a card.

[2] Goblin Volunteer [Moria]
Minion • Goblin
Strength: 6
Vitality: 1
Site: 4
this minion must take archery wounds, if possible.
Shadow: Add [1] and spot a Goblin to play this minion from the discard pile.

[2] Strength in number [Moria]
Condition • Support Area
Skirmish: Discard three assigned Goblins, including Goblin tokens, to wound a companion (except Bilbo or the ring-bearer).

[zero] Goblin Ferocity [Moria]
Event • Skirmish
Skirmish: Make a Goblin strength +1 until the Regroup phase. At an underground site, make another Goblin strength +1 until the Regroup phase.

[zero] Goblin Hordes [Moria]
Condition • Support Area
Regroup: Remove [1] to shuffle a Goblin from your discard pile into your deck (limit 3).

[1] Depths of Misty Mountains [Moria]
Condition • Support Area
Regroup: Discard two Goblins from play to add a [Moria] token here.
Shadow: Remove [1] and remove a [Moria] token here to put a Goblin token into play (Minion with Strength:3 Vitality:1)

Goblin Token [Moria]
Minion • Goblin TOKEN
Strength: 3
Vitality: 1

[4] •Sauron, The Necromancer [Wraith]
Minion • Wraith
Strength: 12
Vitality: 3
Site Number: 6
Sauron may not take wounds during the archery and cannot be assigned.
Spot 6 companions or 4 burdens and exert Sauron twice to wound a companion twice.
Skirmish: Exert Sauron to make a minion strength+1, or a Wraith strength+2.

[8] •The Witch-King, Undead Ghost [Wraith]
Minion • Wraith
Strength: 14
Vitality: 4
Site Number: 6
Sauron is twilight cost is -2.
If the Witch-King is about to win a skirmish, you may cancel that skirmish to discard a condition or an ally instead.

[2]Morgul Blade, Not of the Living [Wraith]
Possession - Hand-Weapon
Strength: +3
Plays on the Witch-King. He is Damage +1.
If the Witch-King is about to win a skirmish, you may exert the Witch-King to add a burden.

[6] Dol Guldur's Wraith [Wraith]
Minion • Wraith
Strength: 12
Vitality: 3
Site: 6
Each time this minion wins a skirmish, add a burden.

[zero] Dol Guldur's Shadow [Wraith]
Event • Skirmish
[Skirmish:] Make a Wraith strength+1, or make a Wraith strength+3 and Damage+1 if you spot 3 burdens.

[3] Dol Guldur's Spider [Wraith]
Minion • Spider
Strength: 10
Vitality: 3
Site: 6
When this minion wins a skirmish, it deals no wound and adds a Doom token.

[4] •Gandalf, Morning Walker [Gandalf]
Companion • Wizard
Strength: 7
Vitality: 4
Resistance: 7
The twilight cost of each dwarf companion is -1.
Bilbo's resistance is +1.

[2]Glamdring, Troll's treasure [Gandalf]
Possession • Hand Weapon
Strength: +2
Bearer must be Gandalf.
Bearer is Damage +1.
At the start of the Fellowship phase you may add [2] to take a spell from your draw deck into your hand.

[2]Gandalf's Staff, Magic Lighter [Gandalf]
Artifact • Staff
Strength: +1
Bearer Must be Gandalf.
Skirmish: Exert Gandalf twice to prevent a wound.

[2] Looking behind [Gandalf]
Event • Skirmish
Skirmish: Spot Gandalf to make a companion strength+2, or strength+4 if you spot two exhausted companion.

[2] Looking ahead [Gandalf]
Event • Fellowship
Fellowship: Spot a Wizard and add a burden to discard a condition.

[2] Burning Fir Cone [Gandalf]
Event • Skirmish
To play spot Gandalf.
Skirmish: Make a companion Strength +1, Strength +3 against [Gundabad] orcs.

[2] Flight to the Carrock [Gandalf]
Condition • Support Area
Fellowship: Exert Gandalf twice to put a [Gandalf] token here. Gandalf cannot be healed this turn.
Maneuver: Spot Gandalf and Remove 5 [Gandalf] tokens here to skip the Assignment and Skirmish phases this turn (except at site 9).

[1] Turn to Stone [Gandalf]
Condition • Support Area
Skirmish: Spot two trolls and exert Gandalf twice to cancel a skirmish with a troll not involving Gandalf.

[4]Radagast, Addled Wizard [Gandalf]
Companion • Wizard
Strength: 8
Vitality: 4
Resistance: 7
When you play Radagast you may heal a companion.
Regroup: Exert Radagast and discard two cards at random from hand to draw a card.

[2]Radagast's Sled [Gandalf]
Vitality +1
Bearer must be Radagast.
The move limit is +1.
Skirmish: Exert Radagast two times to cancel a skirmish involving him.

[2]Radagast's Staff [Gandalf]
Artifact • Staff
Vitality: +1
Fellowship: Exert Radagast to play Radagast's Sled from your draw deck.
At the start of the Regroup phase, you may add a Doom token to heal a companion.

[4] •Elrond, Wise Elf [Elven]
Ally • Home 6 • Elf
Strength: 8
Vitality: 4
Skirmish: Exert Elrond to make him strength+1.
Regroup: Exert Elrond to heal an elf ally.

[2] •Elf of Rivendell [Elven]
Ally • Home 6 • Elf
Strength: 5
Vitality: 2
This ally can participate in the archery and skirmish phases at site 5.
Archery: Exert this ally to make the Fellowship archery total+1.

[2] Galadriel's Advice [Elven]
Event • Regroup
To play spot Gandalf or an elf ally.
Regroup: Remove a Doom token or heal a companion.

[3] •Thorin, Oakenshield [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 8
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
Each other Dwarf you spot is strength +1.
At the start of each skirmish involving Thorin, you may spot Gandalf or 3 dwarves to reinforce a Dwarven token.

[2] •Balin, Son Fundin [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 7
At the start of the Fellowship phase you may discard a card to play a [Dwarven] Tale from your draw deck.
Skirmish: Exert Balin to make him strength+1 for each tale in play (limit +3)

[2] •Kili, Brother of Fili [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
Fellowship: Exert Kili to play Fili from your draw deck.

[2] •Fili, Brother of Kili [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
Fellowship: Exert Fili to play Kili from your draw deck.
Regroup: Exert Fili to heal Kili.

[3] •Dwalin, Bald Dwarf [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
Each time Dwalin wins a skirmish, exert him to remove a Doom token.

[2] •Dori, Gentle Dwarf [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
Fellowship: If you cannot spot Dori, discard Dori from hand to heal a dwarf.

[2] •Gloin, Father of Gimli [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
Exert Gloin to make him Strength+2.

[2] •Bombur, Fat Dwarf [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 4
Resistance: 6
Skirmish: If Bombur is not assigned to a skirmish, add [2] to make a dwarf+2 (limit 1).
Each time the Fellowship move during the Regroup phase add [1].

[2] •Bofur, Dwarf with a Tuque [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
At the start of the Maneuver phase you may remove 2 [Dwarven] cards from your discard pile to make each dwarf strength+1 until the Regroup phase.

[2] •Oin, Deaf Dwarf [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
At the start of the Fellowship phase, you may add a Doom token to reinforce a [Dwarven] token or to play a [Dwarven] possession from your draw deck.

[1] •Ori, Young Dwarf [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
At the start of the archery phase, reveal the top card of your deck, if it's a free people card you may discard it to make the Fellowship archery+1.

[2] •Nori, Musician Dwarf [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
At the start of the Maneuver phase discard one [Dwarven] possession from play to discard a possession from play.

[2] •Bifur, Dwarf Fighter [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
Bifur is +2 against Goblins.
When Bifur wins a skirmish, make another dwarf strength+2 until the Regroup phase.

[3] • Orcrist, Biter [Dwarven]
Artifact • Hand Weapon
Bearer must be Thorin.
Bearer is Damage +1.
Assignment: Assign two Goblins to Thorin.

[1] Erebor Axe [Dwarven]
Possession • Hand Weapon
Bearer must be a dwarf.
Skirmish: Exert bearer to exert minion he is skirmishing.

[1] Small Axe [Dwarven]
Possession • Hand Weapon
Bearer must be a dwarf.
This weapon van be borne in addition to one other hand weapon.
Skirmish: Exert bearer to exert a minion in another skirmish.

[2] •The Lonely Mountain Calls [Dwarven]
Condition - Support Area
When you play this condition, place two [Dwarven] tokens on this card.
Skirmish: Remove a [Dwarven] token from this condition to make a Dwarf strength +1.

[1] One I could follow [Dwarven]
Play on a dwarf other than Thorin.
While you can spot Thorin and that dwarf and neither are exhausted, Thorin is strength+1.

[2] •Thorin's Company [Dwarven]
Condition • Support Area
Skirmish: Discard a [Dwarven] card from hand to play a [Dwarven] event from the discard pile.

[zero] Erebor's Pride [Dwarven]
Event • Skirmish
Skirmish: Make a dwarf strength+2, and Damage+1 if you spot 4 dwarves, until the Regroup phase.

[zero] •Bilbo Baggins, Burglar [Shire]
Companion • Hobbit
Strength: 3
Vitality: 4
Resistance: 9
While Bilbo do not possess the One Ring he is Resistance -2.
Fellowship: Exert Bilbo to take a Riddle from your draw deck or discard pile into your hand.

[1] Sting [Shire]
Bearer must be a hobbit.
Fellowship: Exert bearer to look at opponent's hand, you may discard Sting to remove a shadow card from that hand. If you do the shadow player draws two cards.

[1]•Pipe's Smoke [Shire]
Possession - Support Area
When you play this possession, you may add two [Shire] tokens here.
Fellowship: Add [1] and remove a [Shire] token here to heal Bilbo.

[1] Good Morning [Shire]
Event • Fellowship
[Fellowship:] Exert Bilbo to play a Wizard from your draw deck.

[1] •Pumpkin Hobbit [Shire]
Ally • Home 1 • Hobbit
Strength: 2
Vitality: 2
Skirmish: Exert this ally to prevent Bilbo from being overwhelmed unless Bilbo's strength is tripled.

[zero] Have you smelled them? [Shire]
Event • Skirmish
To play spot a hobbit.
Skirmish: Make a minion strength-1 or a troll strength-3.

[1] Thirty white horses on a red hill... [Shire]
Event • Maneuver
Play at an underground site.
To play in Region 1, spot Gollum or Smeagol.
Maneuver:Put this riddle under Bilbo.

[1] What have I got in my pocket? [Shire]
Event • Maneuver
Play at an underground site.
To play discard a Riddle from under Bilbo.
To play in Region 1 or 2, spot Gollum or Smeagol.
Maneuver: Play The One Ring on Bilbo. If you spot Smeagol, discard him.

Bilbo's Door
Site 1 • Region 1
Shadow Number: 0
Fellowship: Exert a dwarf to play a dwarf from your draw deck.

East of Bree
Site 2 • Region 1
Shadow Number: 2
Shadow: The first [Gundabad] orc played here has no roaming penalty.

Camp on the Great East Road
Site 3 • Region 1
Shadow Number: 0
Sanctuary Forest
Fellowship: Add [2] to draw a card (limit 2).

Troll's Forest
Site 4 • Region 2
Shadow Number: 2
Shadow: The twilight cost of the first [Gundabad] troll you play is -2.

Troll's Camp
Site 4 • Region 2
Shadow Number: 3
Shadow: If you cannot spot a troll, you may play a [Gundabad] troll from your draw deck.

Rhudaur Plains
Site 5 • Region 2
Shadow Number: 6
Shadow: Exert a [Gundabad] orc to play a warg from your draw deck.

Site 6 • Region 2
Shadow Number: 3
Dwarves cannot heal more than one wound at this sanctuary

Misty Mountains Cave
Site 7 • Region 3
Shadow Number: 6
Underground Mountain
At the start of the Maneuver phase, spot three Goblin to exert every companion, except dwarves.

Realm of the Goblin-King
Site 8 • Region 3
Shadow Number: 8
Shadow: Exert a goblin to play a goblin from your draw deck.

Cliff beyond the Mountains
Site 9 • Region 2
Shadow Number: 9
[Gundabad] orcs are Strength+1.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 09:57:54 AM by sheriffharry »

January 27, 2013, 04:12:16 AM
Reply #34


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set": An Unexpected Journey (The Canadian set)
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2013, 04:12:16 AM »
At first glance this looks nice. Just work on the wording a little bit, to make it more consistent with current wording.
Also, it can be a bit confusing to have the Moria orcs suddenly side numebr 5, as they have always been site number 4.
props for the use of tokens tho, but dont forget to make a rules line how tokens work. Do they go to the discard, are they removed, can they stack upon Goblin Swarms?

January 27, 2013, 09:48:42 AM
Reply #35


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set": An Unexpected Journey (The Canadian set)
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2013, 09:48:42 AM »
Thanks for looking!

First things first: we develop the new cards to be played as a stand-alone game. I'm not sure what would result from mix and matching with older LOTR TCG cards. This is almost a new game using the same rules (except for ring-less bearer and Doom tokens).

Misty Mountains Goblins use the Moria culture, but they're basically a whole new thing.
(Honestly it was simply easier to use the Moria template to photoshop the physical cards..)
We played them at site 6 for a while, as they appear later in the actual movie, but that wasn't perilous enough, so we made them site 5. Orcs of Gundabad and Trolls are at site 4 and Wraiths of Dol Guldur are at site 6 (even if only Radagast encounters them..).
All those numbers mainly results from lot of play-testing and trying to develop a fun game and that is also thematically linked to the story of the first Hobbit movie.

Goblin Tokens are minions for every purpose during all phases, but they are removed from the game at the end of the turn and cannot be put in/on any other pile, hand, card or deck. Nonetheless, you can discard them to put [Moria] tokens on the condition "Depths of Misty Mountains". That mechanic works fine and is a whole new swarm flavor.

One more thing: Doom tokens are limited exactly as Threats: you cannot put more Doom tokens than there are companions in the Doom token zone.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 11:32:49 AM by sheriffharry »

January 27, 2013, 10:01:31 AM
Reply #36


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set": An Unexpected Journey (The Canadian set)
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2013, 10:01:31 AM »
Can you rearrange cards by putting all cards of the same culture together? It would make easier to read and understand potential combinations.

January 27, 2013, 11:29:30 AM
Reply #37


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set": An Unexpected Journey (The Canadian set)
« Reply #37 on: January 27, 2013, 11:29:30 AM »
Can you rearrange cards by putting all cards of the same culture together? It would make easier to read and understand potential combinations.


January 27, 2013, 07:58:38 PM
Reply #38


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set": An Unexpected Journey (The Canadian set)
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2013, 07:58:38 PM »
To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the Doom tokens... LOTR TCG already have wounds, burdens, threats, twilight tokens.... add Doom tokens to that and it sounds like too much tokens to me.

January 28, 2013, 07:33:23 AM
Reply #39


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set": An Unexpected Journey (The Canadian set)
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2013, 07:33:23 AM »
To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the Doom tokens... LOTR TCG already have wounds, burdens, threats, twilight tokens.... add Doom tokens to that and it sounds like too much tokens to me.

Of course mileage may vary. In the realm of DC anything goes really, and I guess that's why there will never be a consensus "committee" that decides what is good and what's not for this game for everybody.

Personally I'm not a big fan of the "Shadows" site rules, the new shadow cultures, Followers and "Hunter". In fact I never use any of those when I play.

However there are two things that are a must: new mechanics must come with new expansions (re-using the same old things again and again will not work with the new movie...) and those new mechanics should be balanced and don't create NPE.
After a lot of play-testing, Doom tokens and Goblin tokens work on both counts. Since there are no threats with these cards and that Goblin tokens are physical cards, you don't really need to materially "add" anything to the game to play (You may even use the Dead Pile as the Doom token zone).

But then again, I doubt there will ever be a "LOTR TCG" DC expansion that rally more than its creators and very close friends..
It's fun to play with DC anyway!

« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 09:55:44 AM by sheriffharry »

March 14, 2013, 06:25:10 AM
Reply #40


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set": An Unexpected Journey (The Canadian set)
« Reply #40 on: March 14, 2013, 06:25:10 AM »
LOTR TCG - The Hobbit "Canadian set": "Out of the frying pan... and into the fire" expansion
(35 new cards)

New cards:
[5] Orc Captain [Gundabad]
Minion • [Gundabad] orc
Strength: 10
Vitality: 3
Site: 4
Ambush 1
Skirmish: Spot 1 Doom token and remove [2] to make Orc Captain Strength+1.
Skirmish: Spot 2 Doom token and remove [2] to make Orc Captain Strength+2.
Skirmish: Spot 3 Doom token and remove [2] to make Orc Captain Strength+3.

[1] Old Enemies [Gundabad]
To play on a dwarf exert Azog (or 2 Gundabad orcs).
Bearer is strength -1 (or -2 versus Gundabad orcs).
Skirmish: Remove this condition and spot X wargs to add X Doom tokens.

[4] Big Fat Goblin [Moria]
Minion • Goblin
Strength: 10
Vitality: 3
Site: 5
Skirmish: Exert this minion to make him strength+1.

[4] •Stone Giant [Moria]
Vitality: 5
The current site gains Mountains.
Archery: Exert Stone Giant to make the Free people player exert a companion. The Free people player may discard a possession from play or make the fellowship archery-1 (minimum 0) to cancel this.

[3] High Fells Morc [Wraith]
Minion • Orc
Strength: 8
Vitality: 2
Site: 6
While you can spot a Wraith, this minion is strength+2.
While you spot 3 burdens, the minion archery is +2.
If this minion kills a companion, add a burden.

[4] •Gandalf, Helper in time of need [Gandalf]
Companion • Wizard
Strength: 7
Vitality: 4
Resistance: 7
You can play Gandalf at any time you could play a Skirmish event if you can spot an exhausted companion. If you do, make another companion Strength+1.

[2]Gandalf's pipe [Gandalf]
Possession • Pipe
Bearer must be Gandalf.
Response: If Gandalf killed a minion, remove a burden (limit once).

[2] •Gwahir, Lord of the Eagles [Gandalf]
Aid - [2]
Each time you transfer this to an exhausted companion you may heal him/her.
While you can spot a Wizard, bearer is strength+1.

[2] •Saruman, Lord of Isengard [Gandalf]
Aid - Add a burden (cannot be transfered to Bilbo or the ring-bearer)
Add as many Doom tokens as you can (or at site 9 add 2 burdens).
Bearer wins first skirmish involving him this turn.

[2] •Elrond, Lord of the Elves [Elven]
Aid - [3]
While you can spot 2 elves or 3 [Gandalf] cards in play, bearer is strength+2 and at the start of the Assignement phase you can discard two Gandalf or Elf cards from play to discard the minion with the lowest strength.

[2] •Galadriel, Lady of Lothlorien [Elven]
Aid - [2]
Each time you transfer this to a companion, if you cannot spot a wizard or an elf exert bearer.
At the end of the Fellowship phase, look at the top 6 cards of your draw deck, put one aside. Shuffle your deck, put that card on top of it.
Minions skirmishing bearer are strength-1.

[2] •Elf Cavalier Captain [Elven]
Ally • Home 6 • Elf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 2
At the start of the Archery phase you may exert this ally to wound a minion. If you do Elf Cavalier Captain does not add to the fellowship archery total.

[1] •Elrond's bow [Elven]
Possession • Ranged Weapon
Bearer must be Elrond.
Bearer is an archer.
At the start of the Regroup phase, you may make the shadow player wound a wounded minion.

[2] Help from Rivendell [Elven]
Event • Maneuver
Maneuver: Exert an elf ally. Until the Regroup phase, that ally is strength+1 and participates in archery, assignement and skirmish phases.

[2] •Moon Runes [Elven]
Condition - Support Area
To play spot Gandalf or an elf.
Fellowship: Discard this condition to play the fellowship next site.
Response: When the fellowship moves to the next site, you may discard this condition and exert 3 dwarves to cancel the current site's gametext until the Regroup phase.

[3] •Thorin, Oakenshield [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 8
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
Each other Dwarf you spot is strength +1.
Skirmish: Discard a unassigned dwarf from play to prevent two wounds in a skirmish (Except for a skirmish involving Bilbo or the ring-bearer).

[2] •Kili, Brother of Fili [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
As long as you can spot Fili not exhausted, Kili is strength+1.

[2] •Fili, Brother of Kili [Dwarven]
Companion • Dwarf
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Resistance: 6
As long as you can spot Kili not exhausted, Fili is strength+2. 

[1] Kili's bow [Dwarven]
Possession • Ranged Weapon
Bearer must be Kili.
At the start of the first Assignement phase, you may exert Kili to exert a wounded minion.

[3] •Thror's Heirlooms [Dwarven]
Possession - Support Area
At the beginning of the first Assignement phase, you may heal an exhausted dwarf.

[zero] Erebor's rage [Dwarven]
Event • Skirmish
Skirmish: Make a dwarf strength+2 and Damage+1. Make a minion skirmishing the same dwarf Damage+1.

[2] Hobbit Matron [Shire]
Aid - add a burden
Bearer is strength+1 for each Hobbit in play  (limit: 2).

[1] •Bilbo's pony [Shire]
Possession - Mount
Bearer must be Bilbo.
At the start of the Maneuver phase you may exert bearer to remove a Doom token,
At the start of the Regroup phase you may add two burdens to make a Shadow player discard a minion or a possession or a condition from play.

[1] •Bilbo's new handkerchief [Shire]
Bearer must be Bilbo.
Response: When you're about to exert Bilbo and he is exhausted, you may heal him (limit once per turn).
Skirmish: Discard Bilbo's handkerchief to make him strength+1.

[1] A box without hinges...[Shire]
Event • Skirmish
Play at an underground site.
To play discard a Riddle from under Bilbo.
To play in Region 1 or 2, spot Gollum or Smeagol.
Skirmish: Play The One Ring on Bilbo. If you spot Smeagol, discard him.
Make Bilbo strength+1 (or +2 if skirmishing a Goblin).

Bilbo's Bench
Site 1 • Region 1
Shadow Number: 0
Fellowship: At the start of the fellowship phase you may play a Shire or Gandalf card from your draw deck.

Dark Road
Site 2 • Region 1
Shadow Number: 2
Shadow: The first [Wraith] minion played here has no roaming penalty and comes in play with a wound.

Night Campfire
Site 3 • Region 1
Shadow Number: 1
Sanctuary Forest
Dwarves are strength+1 versus [Gundabad] orcs.

Troll's Hoard
Site 4 • Region 2
Shadow Number: 4
Forest Underground
Fellowship: Exert a companion to play a possession from draw deck (limit: 2).

Plains of Wilderlands
Site 5 • Region 2
Shadow Number: 6
Skirmish: Make a minion Strength-3 and Damage+1 (limit once per turn).

White Council Rotunda
Site 6 • Region 2
Shadow Number: 3
Fellowship: Exert a companion to play a follower from the draw deck (limit twice).

Site 6 • Region 2
Shadow Number: 3
Sanctuary - Heal 6 wounds here
Shadow: The first [Wraith] minion is twilight cost -2.

Misty Mountains Trail
Site 7 • Region 3
Shadow Number: 7
Underground Mountain
At the start of the Maneuver phase, spot three [Gundabad] orcs to discard a possession.

Gollum's Island
Site 8 • Region 3
Shadow Number: 8
Shadow: Remove [2] to play Gollum from your draw deck.

Misty Mountains Forest
Site 9 • Region 2
Shadow Number: 9
Maneuver: Remove 3 goblins from play to make all Goblins fierce.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 06:30:05 PM by sheriffharry »

January 17, 2014, 10:29:25 AM
Reply #41


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Re: The Hobbit DC "set": An Unexpected Journey (The Canadian set)
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2014, 10:29:25 AM »
what about the arkenstone?

the arkenstone, heart of the mountain
artifact, +1 vitality
to play, spot a dwarf. bearer must be bilbo, the elven king, or a dwarf
wound bearer twice to play a possession from your draw deck
If we're gonna play games, I'm gonna need a cup of coffee.