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Author Topic: Game day!  (Read 1512 times)

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September 22, 2013, 10:45:05 PM
Read 1512 times


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Game day!
« on: September 22, 2013, 10:45:05 PM »
I just finished an evening of games. It was my lucky day too as I won all three rounds! We first played the new xwing game, I teamed up with a friend and controlled the awing. We won against some interceptors and a tie bomber. Round to was some LOTR TCG casual format (which is all we play). I fielded a hunter deck with wounding orcs. We played three players. I went up against a hobbit/isengard bomb and dwarf possession/sauron discard. I won by double shadow kill! Round 3 was song of blades and heroes the minis games. 300 points I fielded a combination of my rohan minis (gamling, eowyn, eomer, and some haradrim) along side my dark sword minis. It was a successful game night for. Which means I ran out of karma for the next  time me and my friends cross paths ;)
*All posts made by jdizzy001, regardless of the thread in which they appear, are expressions of his own opinion and as such are not representative of views shared by any third party unless expressly acknowledged as such by said party.

I play LOTR SBG look at my minis!