Easterling Captain (4R225)

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Easterling Captain (4R225) Card Image

Set: The Two Towers
Kind: Shadow
Culture: Raider
Twilight: 5
Card Type: Minion • Man
Strength: 11
Vitality: 3
Site: 4
Game Text: Easterling. Fierce. Skirmish: Spot 2 burdens and remove (2) to make an Easterling strength +2. Skirmish: Spot 4 burdens and remove (2) to make an Easterling strength +3. Skirmish: Spot 6 burdens and remove (2) to make an Easterling strength +4.
Rarity: R

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Easterling Captain (4R225) Wiki

General Strategy

One of the most ferocious minions at the Easterlings' disposal, Easterling Captain uses burdens to turn twilight into skirmish power. Though similar to Easterling Army, Easterling Captain gets a bigger bonus and does not have to exert, which makes his ability much more flexible, as he may use it as long there is twilight to use. With just 2 easily gained burdens and a decent amount of twilight, the Free Peoples player may be forced to play events to keep companions from being overwhelmed, adding again to the twilight pool for Easterling Captain to use. With many burdens, his ability skyrockets, allowing for the very easy overwhelming of companions.

Easterling Captain was decent enough when first released, but truly shines upon the advent of set 7, where Small Hope and Easterling Footman can almost guarantee having 2 burdens at most sites. Combine that with Raider Bow (or Raider Halberd to a lesser extent) and the Captain will have plenty of twilight to work with. Since he is Fierce, Raider Bow generates an impressive 10 twilight when played on him.

Easterling Polearm fits very well with Easterling Captain, as making him unable to take wounds protects him from many Free Peoples strategies that would attempt to eliminate him before skirmishes have resolved. If there are at least 5 burdens, Easterling Polearm will make him an indestructible Damage +1 minion capable of overwhelming companions which might survive the extra wound.

The later released Ships of Great Draught also works well with Easterling Captain, as it helps to play him multiple times and set him up with equipment.

The fact that Easterling Captain can buff any Easterling also gives him a great amount of versatility, and works well with Easterling Skirmisher, who can generate twilight when played.

Easterling Captain is effective against various cards that add post-shadow phase twilight, such as Shoulder to Shoulder, Still Needed or Deep in Thought. In Expanded format he also counters Followers somewhat, since many of these add twilight to transfer.

Easterling Captain can also be used with some of the later Men cards (Detachment of Haradrim, Invading Haradrim) to generate twilight based on resistance.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

Weak Versus...

Extra Information

Other Prints of Easterling Captain

The Two Towers (T)


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