The Countdown Collection and Legends Masterworks series consisted of visually stunning alternate-template cards released by Decipher in an artistic reinterpretation of the look of each culture. Sometimes it was strictly creative, and in other cases it was a chance to explore an alternate aspect of the culture, such as how the Gondor culture went from Minas Tirith colors to Dúnedain colors.
Unfortunately, for one reason or another, Decipher never produced alternate Masterwork templates for many cultures, including Dunland, Gollum, Isengard, Raider, Sauron, or Shire.
The Player's Council is excited to announce that we will be taking steps to correct this oversight, beginning with the creation of an alternate Shire Masterwork template.
Further details here: on the lookout for one of this month's PC Weekend League prizes on Gemp using this template!