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Author Topic: Gandalf, Mithrandir (Free Peoples only)  (Read 7637 times)

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June 24, 2017, 10:14:40 PM
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Gandalf, Mithrandir (Free Peoples only)
« on: June 24, 2017, 10:14:40 PM »
Hello! I'm new to this forum. I've signed on to Gemp to play with my brother, who lives o'er the mountains cold; maybe I will branch out once I get back in the swing of things!

I played back in the day, but I was a kid with few cards and no inkling of tournaments, so I don't have a lot of solid experience to draw on when building decks. In particular, I don't know how many of different types of cards I should include. I really enjoy deckbuilding, though! So I thought I'd post this topic.

We are playing with cards from sets 1-10, though avoiding some of the more egregious cards from set 10. We are deciding on a site path to use before each game so we can experience all of them. Thus, I've put this in the Casual/Other subforum.

All that having been said, here's the deck I played tonight to a mediocre result (My fellowship survived, but it always seemed unsafe to double-move, so I lost the race):

Frodo, Hope of Free Peoples
The One Ring, The Binding Ring

1 •Aragorn, King in Exile (starting)

4 •Gandalf, Mithrandir
2 •Boromir, Lord of Gondor
2 •Faramir, Captain of Gondor

1 •Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick
1 •Narya
2 •Shadowfax
2 •Anduril, Flame of the West
2 •Faramir's Bow
3 Sword of Gondor

4 Servant of the Secret Fire
2 Threw Down My Enemy
4 Hard Choice

Ever since I received the alt-frame promos for Gandalf, Mithrandir, his staff and his sword, I've wanted to make a deck using them. Plus, Mithrandir presents that sweet mix of potential power and deck-building puzzle that's so engaging. I read on the wiki that Aragorn, King in Exile and Hard Choice would be potent cards to use with him. Based on this, I decided to build an Aragorn-signet fellowship.

The general strategy is to overpower minions with Gandalf's high strength and damage bonuses while the others pick up the slack, and heal the party's wounds with Aragorn and Hard Choice.

Specific card notes:

Aragorn and Gandalf are both essential for the deck; I chose to include one of Aragorn and start him as against four of Gandalf because I felt Gandalf would need the healing from discards more. If I'm playing with the Fellowship Block site path and win the bid, I can start Gandalf and tutor for Aragorn with The Prancing Pony instead. (If I'm playing with Towers Block sites and win the bid, I can start Aragorn and tutor for Gandalf or one of the others with Westfold.)

I included two copies of cards I wanted to get out early and reliably, namely, my other two companions, my principle strength pumps, and the apparent awesomesauce that is Faramir's Bow. Sword of Gondor is upped to three because it covers two characters. I chose to include Anduril, Flame of the West over Aragorn's Bow and another of his swords and to rely on Sword of Gondor for Boromir over his own Blade in order to save deck space, but I'd love input on these decisions!

The skirmish pumps are weighted toward Gandalf because, despite his huge strength, I was still struggling to defeat my brother's enormous Easterlings! I'd love to include way more skirmish events, but I fear this will only force me to include additional copies of my 'mains and toys' to maintain their reliability and accomplish nothing in terms of ratios. This might be a good deck for a Shadow side with strong cycling capabilities, but I have to confess I have no idea how to make one of those. I chose Threw Down My Enemy over other options because I figured it was uniquely cost-effective in this deck: between Shadowfax and Gandalf's ability, I figure I should be giving at least a -2 debuff almost all the time, and often a -3 or 4.

Hard Choice seems incredible.

Thank you very much for reading and for any advice you give, on any aspect of this deck.


June 25, 2017, 02:44:24 PM
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Re: Gandalf, Mithrandir (Free Peoples only)
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2017, 02:44:24 PM »
Welcome to the forums!

Mithrandir is a really cool card. I have a Towers Standard build on Gemp that has some similarities to this. If you're playing with set 7, Moment of Respite is a really useful tool, as it not only heals Gandalf each turn but also helps you double, since you can heal before and after the double move.

Blade of Gondor is a good card, especially with all the healing, but it would work best on the Towers site path, since Westfold can grab Boromir and Gandalf if you start with a Hard Choice.

I have never used Threw Down My Enemy, but it certainly does combo well with Mithrandir + Shadowfax. I guess the alternative is Mysterious Wizard, since you also have Narya.

Doubling can be a bit tricky with Mithrandir depending on what shadow they have. I would suggest more healing, but you seem to have quite a bit already. Minas Tirith Fifth Circle on the King site path + Anduril could work well.

Barliman Butterbur is good for [Gandalf], since he can get back whatever you need most (Or let you play more than 4 Servant of the Secret Fire)
Visit LOTR TCG wiki for strategy articles and extra card details, contributed by various community members. All set 1 cards finished.

June 25, 2017, 11:42:18 PM
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Re: Gandalf, Mithrandir (Free Peoples only)
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2017, 11:42:18 PM »
Thanks for the welcome and advice! I really want to fit Moment of Respite in now, and I did not even think about fetching two companions with Westfold and Hard Choice.

In the interim, I created a variation of the deck that I think might have more raw power -- though I fret over the increased card count and setup risks. I realized I wasn't really utilizing Faramir's game text, and in this deck signet is more important than culture, so I decided to experiment with Theoden, Tall and Proud, which I think is a really cool card in its own right:

Frodo, Hope of Free Peoples
The One Ring, The Binding Ring

2 Elite Rider (starting)
1 •Theoden, Tall and Proud (starting)

4 •Gandalf, Mithrandir
4 •Aragorn, King in Exile

1 •Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick
1 •Narya
2 •Shadowfax
2 •Anduril, Flame of the West
1 •Brego
2 •Herugrim, Sword of the Mark
2 Horse of Rohan
2 Rider's Spear

2 •Hearken to Me

4 Servant of the Secret Fire
4 Hard Choice

(With Towers sites, I can start Aragorn and fetch Theoden with Throne Room off of Anduril and go down to one Aragorn and one Elite Rider.)

The companions all have high strength and health when fully outfitted, which I feel may help with my minion-beating problem and endurance for double-moves. I guess that's all there really is to say about it.

I need to fit Moment of Respite in here somehow. Should I even run Gandalf's Staff? The Wiki seemed to emphasize the peril of Grima, Wormtongue. Maybe that slot could become Barliman Butterbur.

June 26, 2017, 04:13:19 AM
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Re: Gandalf, Mithrandir (Free Peoples only)
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2017, 04:13:19 AM »
Some more food for thought:

The right card count is something you'll have to find suits you best, as it differs greatly from player to player. I tend to clean out 30/30 decks too soon because I discard a card on most reconciles. Be wary of going over 35/35 without cycling tools.

Faramir is tricky, the most versatile one here is probably Faramir, Son of Denethor, who has no Aragorn signet as you mentioned. Since you're using RotK cards, you do have Denethor as another option (All RotK Denethors are Aragorn signet). Wizened Steward can be coupled with Gondorian Merchant and an alternate Ringbearer. Lord of Minas Tirith would depend on your site path to meet his spotting requirement unless you use an alternate Ringbearer. Another advantage of an alternate Ring-bearer is to cut down on cultures (See final paragraph).

Elite Riders are strong but lack Aragorn signets. You could consider Eowyn, Sister-daughter of Theoden and/or Eomer, Skilled Tactician for such signets. Give them Eowyn's Sword/ Rohirrim Bow and Firefoot/ Eomer's Spear and they will still be strength 10 when equipped. This works best with Fellowship site path as you can start Eowyn and either Theoden or Eomer and then summon Aragorn.

If you're struggling for space (E.g. For Moment of Respite) I might suggest only having one copy of one of the lesser uniques (Hearken to Me in this build, or Faramir's Bow in the previous). The best ones are Anduril and Shadowfax, but I don't think you necessarily need 2 of everything else.

When playing online, there are several "splashed" minions (minions that go in any deck) to be aware of: Wormtongue, Southron Leader and Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul. These help keep shadows relevant by stopping Fellowships from becoming too powerful. If you're playing with a friend, then these are less of a concern, as you guys can just decide whether or not you want to use them or not. Wormtongue would be particularly dangerous for Gandalf, as he'd take him down 2 vitality. Consequently, I try to avoid having 3 cards on one unbound companion, having 4 free peoples cultures, or having 6 or more companions unless I can counter these cards in some way.
Visit LOTR TCG wiki for strategy articles and extra card details, contributed by various community members. All set 1 cards finished.

June 26, 2017, 02:28:36 PM
Reply #4


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Re: Gandalf, Mithrandir (Free Peoples only)
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2017, 02:28:36 PM »
This is all extremely helpful. I think I'd like to continue down the Rohan road with this deck, as I have plans for another, all-Gondor, deck as well with the same companions (including Faramir, Son of Denethor). Denethor seems great if I were to go back to Gondor, though.

I've revised the deck again, following your suggestions. I can't believe I disregarded Eowyn.

Frodo, Hope of Free Peoples
The One Ring, The Binding Ring

1 •Eowyn, Sister-Daughter of Theoden
1 •Theoden, Tall and Proud

4 •Gandalf, Mithrandir
4 •Aragorn, King in Exile
1 •Eomer, Skilled Tactician

1 •Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor

1 •Narya
2 •Shadowfax
2 •Anduril, Flame of the West
2 •Eowyn's Sword, Dernhelm's Blade
1 •Herugrim, Sword of the Mark

1 •Hearken to Me
1 •Moment of Respite

4 Servant of the Secret Fire
4 Hard Choice
4 An Honorable Charge

Variant: -1 •Theoden, Tall and Proud, -1 •Herugrim, Sword of the Mark, -1 •Hearken to Me, +2 •Eomer's Spear, +1 •Firefoot, starting Eomer with Eowyn.

I was excited to have a second skirmish pump to use with all characters. I'm not sure what to do about Southron Leader; thanks for the heads-up. I'm dodging the other two now.

I'd be very interested to see what your Mithrandir deck looks like. I wouldn't copy it, but it would help me get a better feel for things.

June 27, 2017, 12:06:46 PM
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Re: Gandalf, Mithrandir (Free Peoples only)
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2017, 12:06:46 PM »
In a casual environment, this deck could be a lot of fun. I question its ability to survive most of what it would go up against in movie format as there is little wound prevention and the deck itself seems a bit expensive.

Fortress Never Fallen or Sleep Caradhras would be key to clear the board of enemy conditions. You'll run into problems with Moria swarm, for instance, with a weak and unprotected Frodo. You could circumvent Southron Leader (as well as strengthening your ring-bearer) if you switched Frodo to Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms. A copy of Coat of Mail or Footman's Armor would make him all the more formidable.

I find the benefits of Gandalf's Staff to be greater than the benefits of Narya. Splash a copy of Sam, Son of Hamfast to peel off burdens (particularly if you run an alternate ring-bearer) and then throw him in front of a Balrog. Scroll of Isildur might be an interesting meta-play as well.

To me, Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor is almost useless at a single copy. Just a point of interest.

Tough to see a Gandalf-centric deck without Roll of Thunder (particularly if you predict Corsairs, Trolls, or Moria will be a problem).

I would say that the deck, overall, looks like a starter deck but with better cards. Companions, possessions, and pumps will help you survive, but you'll be playing site to site based on the value of the cards in your hand.

June 27, 2017, 06:33:10 PM
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Re: Gandalf, Mithrandir (Free Peoples only)
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2017, 06:33:10 PM »
Thanks for the honest feedback, ket_the_jet! You have pointed out so many weak points and their solutions. Your final comment rings true; that was the only style of play I ever experienced as a teenager, so that is all I know how to build for.

It seems, if I start playing opponents other than my brother online, this should not be the deck I take. That is very good to know. I'll still give it a try against my brother, as I enjoy some of the thematics and mechanics of this deck.

But I think I'll change the Ringbearer first. :)

June 28, 2017, 05:52:46 AM
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Re: Gandalf, Mithrandir (Free Peoples only)
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2017, 05:52:46 AM »
I'd be very interested to see what your Mithrandir deck looks like. I wouldn't copy it, but it would help me get a better feel for things.
I'll PM it to you.

To me, Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor is almost useless at a single copy. Just a point of interest.
Do you mean it's better to have 4 than 1, or better to have 0 than 1? Or both?
Visit LOTR TCG wiki for strategy articles and extra card details, contributed by various community members. All set 1 cards finished.

July 04, 2017, 09:08:14 PM
Reply #8


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Re: Gandalf, Mithrandir (Free Peoples only)
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2017, 09:08:14 PM »
I took this deck out for its first whirl against someone other than my brother tonight. I was surprised at how well it held up for what it is.

This is the list I used:

Ring-bearer: Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms
Ring: The One Ring, Isildur's Bane

Adventure deck:
Steps of Edoras
Rohirrim Camp
Hall of the Kings
Anduin Banks
Crashed Gate
Minas Tirith Fifth Circle
Osgiliath Crossing
Watchers of Cirith Ungol
Haunted Pass

Free Peoples Draw Deck:
4x Gandalf, Mithrandir
4x Aragorn, King in Exile
1x Théoden, Tall and Proud
1x Éomer, Skilled Tactician
1x Éowyn, Sister-daughter of Theoden
1x Sam, Son of Hamfast
4x Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor
2x Shadowfax
1x Coat of Mail
1x Herugrim, Sword of the Mark
1x Éowyn's Sword, Dernhelm's Blade
1x Narya
2x Anduril, Flame of the West
2x Roll of Thunder
4x Servant of the Secret Fire
4x Hard Choice
1x Hearken to Me
1x Moment of Respite

Shadow Draw Deck:
4x Orthanc Warrior
2x Uruk Captain
4x Uruk Savage
4x Goblin Runner
4x Goblin Scavengers
4x Moria Scout
4x Goblin Scimitar
4x Hate and Anger
4x Host of Thousands
2x Goblin Swarms

I was playing against an Elf/Roaming Sauron deck. My Shadow side accomplished absolutely nothing, but I was able to double-move confidently with the Free Peoples until Site 8, where I was forced to do so or he would double-move through my minions for the win. I had lost Gandalf due to poor play:

I should have assigned the Advance Regular to Gandalf and killed it, saving me the fierce skirmishes. Instead, I assigned Orc Slaughterer to him and lost Gandalf to the move due to his wounds. Unfortunately, after the move, my opponent would have still had the exact number of minions and exact strength necessary to overwhelm Isildur even with Gandalf around. The Coat of Mail would have saved me.

I loved recurring Servant of the Secret Fire with Barliman Butterbur. He had no possessions to remove with Roll of Thunder, but I assume that was just his particular deck.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 09:15:05 PM by TheHumanHydra »