@Phallen: I cannot see your fixes as Pull Requests on Github. I use that to know which bugs' fixes are already coded, in order to list them
in blue in the Bugs List.
Are you certain about Underground Lake?
Creator sent me the replay link, and
there is no such bug. He just was confused: in discard pile there was a Great Goblin's Power, AND in draw deck there was only 1 condition he could play (due to remaining twilight): another Great Goblin's Power. So he thought he was replaying the discarded one.
But the game log says it was played from deck, and the copy in discard didn't disappear (to return to support area).http://www.gempukku.com/gemp-lotr/game.html?replayId=Creator$rb04ufgvdzgt1hqmYou were close - Bofur isn't listed as 1 twilight, Dori is listed as 2. Corrected the code for the next round of fixes!
I'm just realizing that using this method (Gemp's deckbuilder, all Hobbit: The Short Rest cards, sorted by twilight) we could have found each and every base twilight bug from the very start! So besides Dori, found only these 2: Dwarven Song
(should be
), and Great Barricade
(should be
Thanks daisukeman!
@Enola: I see an immediate fail in allowing only 1x of each each Sup pack card, versus 4x of all Shadow cards (except Smaug and the Sup packs). With so much Shadow power and multicultural combos,
having 2x of those additional FP cards will be not an option, but a need!So starting with 2x will be a much safer bet for the next server restart... here's the detailed explanation:
Moria swarm will easily lose all its conditions.
Yes, Moria Swarm depends on conditions and 2x Acorn + Ancestral Knowledge (+2x Thrush to repeat) will be very strong. But remember that there will be 4x Not At Home to recover them, and 2x Riddles in the Dark to punish Bilbo if exerts to use the Thrush/Dori. Also, 2x Riddles and 2x Caught in a Sack will create a greater need of discard than those
conditions, and thus will take their bullets a la Kevin Costner!
Finally, Bert can be splashed.
Gandalf The Grey + a lot of events....
I don't see that being so perilous, Beorn and The Eagles Are Coming wear down Gandalf's vitality (and so does Dawn Take You All). Also, he will already have 4x He Gives Me Courage, 4x Dawn Take You All and 4x Take Up Arms, so 2 more
events (4 instead of 2) won't add so much.
To rely on The Grey's skill, you need to assure you'll be having enough
post-fellowship events in the critical moments when will be needed. And the only FP cycling cards to do so are
Gandalf Friend of Thorin (negated by The Grey) and "Ori + Balin" (which needs you to pack a great % of
cards, competing with the
events). Now, compare that to 4x Spider Nest, or 4x of each of the Three Stooges + 4x Troll Knife... or even worse, 4x Gollum + 4x If He Loses! And don't forget about the 2 basic sites 5 discarding Gandalf (you cannot bid too high to go 2nd AND also use The Grey's artifact/companion fetching comfortably)...
About R-listing allies... extra copies of the same unique card have only 2 uses: discard-to-heal (if is a character) and play sooner. Elrond doesn't need more healing, and Bard will then have
The Master and Bain. To play sooner,
AWINL is much better. Also, there's no discard decks here to worry about (and anyway
AWINL plays from discard too). So 1x Elrond and 1x Bard plus 3x or 4x
AWINL will be much better even with the Esgaroth/Rivendell pack.
There's no need to R-list them.R-listing each Dwarf companion is a need. But
perhaps the Dwarf followers may be left outside that, since each of those 6 plays an important role to both create your own strategy, and counter your opponent's Shadow one, so that creates a natural pressure to include everyone (except perhaps Ori) in the deck... which often means 1x only to not bloat the deck too much (at most 2x).
That'd leave the R-list with only
- 6
- Gandalf and Bilbo,
- The One Ring and the 3 artifact weapons.
That's much simpler to read and remember, and restrains players much less.
We might even remove from that list the 3 Gondolin weapons (leaving only The One Ring), since 1 is played by site 2 and Orcrist's extra copies will be better as copies of
Dwarven Axe. That'll reduce The Grey's power over the other Gandalfs (and anyway that's not so bad with so many