This Saturday (US time) Gemp will be down for an hour or two as its files are transferred to a new server that is ran by the Player's Council. Downtime should be minimal as the transfer has already been tested once behind the scenes.
The new server has somewhat better specs than the old one, but stability should be otherwise unchanged.
MarcinS is himself a member of the Player's Council, so there won't be any major shifts in how things have been ran on a day to day basis. There will however be an increase to the number of developers that will have access to the server, so you can expect to see more frequent server deployments as we fix bugs and add new features (as usual, there will be advance notice and deployments will continue to be done off-hours when possible to avoid interrupting games).
The Player's Council commits to keeping and supporting all the old ways to play that Gemp currently has, but we do have some exciting plans for additional features, so stay tuned!
(Do you have any wishlist items of things you'd like to see the PC work on in the coming months and years? Let us know below!)