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Author Topic: Elf Deck Fellowship only  (Read 5679 times)

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January 15, 2009, 08:09:36 AM
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Elf Deck Fellowship only
« on: January 15, 2009, 08:09:36 AM »
This is my first deck to post and it's probably not very good so any suggestions or comments are helpful.
Starting fellowship:
Galadriel, BoW with TRoR
Glorfindel, RiW
Legolas, OtGC

Elrond, VL
Thrandronen, VP
Woodland Sentinel
Gildor Inglorion
Fereveldir, SoT
Naith Troop
3x Lorien Swordsman
Haldir, EotG
2x Arwen, SD
Naith Warband
Balgin, EW

Rumil, EP
Silinde, EoM
Orophin, Lorien Bowman

2x Nocked
4x Farewell to Lorien
2x Many Miles
Supporting Fire
2x Defiance
Final Shot
Alliance Reforged
2x Uncertain Future
Standing Tall
2x The Tale of Gilgalad
Hosts of the Last Allience
2x Elven Marksmanship

Possession Cloak:
Elven Cloak

Possession Ranged Weapon:
2x Naith Longbow
4x Elven Bow
Legolas' Bow

Possession Hand Weapon:
Legolas' Sword
Blade of Lindon
Elven Sword

Possession Mount:

2x Elven Rope
Beregond,  for the people who don't know, is from the book.
He resides in Minas Tirith, and chills with Pippin.

January 15, 2009, 09:04:43 AM
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Re: Elf Deck Fellowship only
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 09:04:43 AM »
Welcome, Beregond. Let's see if I can help you out a bit.

The first thing I want to say about Elf decks is this: Keep it archery or keep it strength. There's a way to do both (namely, [Elven] hunters) but I don't think that's the direction your deck is going in.

It's also way, way too many cards right now. I try to run my decks at 30-35 per side (for single players) or at 38-40 (for multiplayers).

One more thing - since you can only have up to 9 companions in play/dead at a time, you might want to slim down the number of guys you have in. I'm curious as to what sort of card pool you have right now - having more copies of certain cards might help you out.

Let's assume for a moment that you want to have an archery deck, since you seem to have more of that.

You'd want to change your starting fellowship to include Fereveldir, SoT or perhaps a Lorien swordsman instead of Glorfindel. The other companions would probably be 4x Lorien Swordsman and Gildor Inglorion.

Silinde, unfortunately, can't be used outside of FotR block, because of a rules issue. It'd take a little bit to explain.

Rumil and Orophin, however, are fair game and have fairly decent abilities, if you don't have many other options for wounding.

Now, if we slimmed out most of the strength stuff we'd have a deck something like this:

Galadriel, BoW w/ The One Ring, TRoR
Legolas, Of the Grey Company
Fereveldir, Son of Thranduil

Lorien Swordsman x4
Gildor Inglorion, of the House of Finrod

Rumil, EP
Orophin, LB

Nocked x2
Many Miles x2
Farewell to Lorien x4
Final Shot
Alliance Reforged

Elven Marksmanship x2
The Tale of Gil-Galad x2
Uncertain Future x2

Elven Bow x4
Legolas' Bow

And there we have 30 cards.

Conversely, if you wanted a deck that focused on strength, you'd use Naith Longbow's, Warbands and Troops, Glorfindel, and skirmish events as well as swords and Asfaloth.

If you DO want a deck that combines archery and strength, I'd suggest finding Arwen, QoEaM, Blades Drawn, and [Elven] Hunters.

I'm also wondering what cards you have at your disposal. Obviously, more Nocked and Many Miles would help an archery deck, and more skirmish events would help a deck focused on winning skirmishes. Since I assume this is a deck IRL (in real life) as opposed to online, and it's hard to find LotR cards any more...

However, if you have a limited cardpool, I'd be happy to send you some spares. I have way to many extra C/U's anyways.

Welcome again to the forums.
Happy Hunting!
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January 15, 2009, 09:19:01 AM
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Re: Elf Deck Fellowship only
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2009, 09:19:01 AM »
Oh and if you post a deck, please explain how you play your deck. I agree with most Elf_Lvr says. I should go for archery and focus on a few things if a minion survives archery. Arwen, QoEaM is a very good one, and I'm almost sure I have a spare copy of her. If you want to play that Legolas, please consider the Nenya, RoA for Galadriel which makes you put an elf card on top of your deck which automatically makes you wound a minion...
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January 15, 2009, 01:06:15 PM
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Re: Elf Deck Fellowship only
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2009, 01:06:15 PM »
 PRAISE THE LORD FOR ELF_LVR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E!U and I have been telling him he has WAY TO MANY CARDS in this deck. I should mention Bergend25 has bought a Shadows and Reflections booster boxes.
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January 15, 2009, 04:41:36 PM
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Re: Elf Deck Fellowship only
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2009, 04:41:36 PM »
Hi, I think, with Galadriel it is always clever to have some skirmish extras. So I recommand you to play archery, because for fight decks, dwarves and men might be the better ones, though elves can also fight, however....

Here you go:

Galadriel, Bearer of wisdom
 The one Ring, the ring of rings
*Legolas, otgc
*Glorfindel, RiW
2xRumil, brother of haldir
Celeborn, lord of the galadhrim
Elrond, venerable Lord
2 City of trees
2 Uncertain future
2 Nenya
4 Still Needed
4 Elven Bow
2 Weapons of Lothlorien
Galadriels Silver Ewer
Glimpse of fate
Into the west
Reckless we rode
Hope comes
...you can still add some cards! Do not add to many events! Maybe things like Elvenmarksmanship, Elven Rope, Shadow between...

With Rumil, you may reveal the top card. If it is an elf card, you are lucky! (gains archer, legolas wounds, Celeborn wounds, Elrond heals, you may remove threats...)
If it is a shadow card, you can use uncertain future, theny you use Rumil again and so on...
Or you use Nenya to put an elf card on the top of your draw deck.

City of trees brings your still needed back for every skirmish. Combined with Glimpse of fate, you get pushed 4 and a minion looses eigth strength every skirmish. That is fun  :uh-huh:

Kill minions with archery direct wounding (Weapons of Lothlorien, Legolas, Celeborn...), the others get punished with a bunch of still needed (City of trees, Hope comes)

Silver Ewer reinforces tokens on Uncertain future, so you have to get an elf card on the top, if you want!

Elven rope is for nasty gollums, that swallow half of your arrows.

If your facing nazguls, Glorindel might be helpfull: just the other way round. If it is necessary, keep a high cost card on top of your draw deck (often shadow cards) -> Look with Rumil, change with UF and so on...

« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 06:23:43 PM by Elrohir »
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January 15, 2009, 06:12:19 PM
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Re: Elf Deck Fellowship only
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2009, 06:12:19 PM »
~completely random thought~ I think I should make my Elf deck fighting instead of archery...
~back to normal~ Yea, finally! This is where it really gets bad!  :twisted:
 :gp: to berry for posting his elf deck, finally getting on the site, and just cuz he needs one to start him off.
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We try to tell its quantity
yet fail to see the point
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to this eternal joint
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But only wait for it to change
Inside the soul of it we lay

January 17, 2009, 06:01:08 AM
Reply #6


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Re: Elf Deck Fellowship only
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2009, 06:01:08 AM »
funny how he didn't have a gp until I gave one to him ;)

yep , EL speaks the truth, slim it down and figure out what do switch too.  I would personally say strength, just cause its easier imho, but whatev,.
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January 18, 2009, 05:48:47 PM
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Re: Elf Deck Fellowship only
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2009, 05:48:47 PM »
funny how he didn't have a gp until I gave one to him ;)
:o When did you give him gp?
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No sign no sound no tranquil ring
We try to tell its quantity
yet fail to see the point
Only one can know of it
to this eternal joint
We have not power in Use
To hold this creature bay
But only wait for it to change
Inside the soul of it we lay