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Author Topic: Characters from "Unsung Heroes"  (Read 6552 times)

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January 22, 2011, 10:33:40 AM
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Characters from "Unsung Heroes"
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:33:40 AM »
If the moderators don't like this thread it may vanish since there is already a LOTR RPG characters thread.

Never the less, here is a place to put the characters used in the Unsung Heroes campaign.

The campaign is set in the 3rd age and sends the PC's into Harad to stop Pallando and his newly amassed host of followers.
*All posts made by jdizzy001, regardless of the thread in which they appear, are expressions of his own opinion and as such are not representative of views shared by any third party unless expressly acknowledged as such by said party.

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January 22, 2011, 10:35:02 AM
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Re: Characters from "Unsung Heroes"
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2011, 10:35:02 AM »
Good Guy

Beowdil (The Enduring) son of Wulf (<-not the dundling)

Race: Man

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Class: Reluctant Fighter, Retired Farmer

Equipment:  Arming sword worn at hip, heavy chain, knife, leather gauntlets, cloak, rations.

History:  Beowdil was a farmer.  His crops were full, his beloved wife was fair, and his sons strong.  All that changed when the uruk-hai raiding party passed through Dale.  They destroyed everything, his barn, his home, and Beowdil was left for dead.  When the man recovered, it was night.  The sound of a smoldering fire filled his ears.  All that was left of his former life rose to the sky in plumes of smoke.  Beowdil searched all night for his family, but to no availe.  They were gone.
"I must find them!" He thought to himself.  Retreating to the remains of his barn Beowdil withdrew from below the remaining floor boards his family's heirlooms:  A arming sword, a shirt of chainmail, and leather gauntlets.
For many months now Beowdil has been searching.  His quest has awarded him a few things he views as mere nick-nacks.  However, despite his greatest efforts, he has not found a clue as to his family's whereabouts.

Personality:  Beowdil is a man on a mission.  Honest and driven.  He seems distracted at times since he is tracking his family.  Nevertheless, he has a heart of gold.  Beowdil is not a spectacular fighter, but what he lacks if formal training he makes up for in endurance.  When others faulter, Beowdil keeps moving.  When others are weary, Beowdil takes the remaining slack.  He doesn't quit, and cares for his traveling companions for however long their roads are intertwined.

Alignment:  Though Beowdil is a good free-man of middle-earth, his heart will always belong to his family
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 10:26:40 AM by jdizzy001 »
*All posts made by jdizzy001, regardless of the thread in which they appear, are expressions of his own opinion and as such are not representative of views shared by any third party unless expressly acknowledged as such by said party.

I play LOTR SBG look at my minis!

January 23, 2011, 08:41:32 PM
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Re: Characters from "Unsung Heroes"
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2011, 08:41:32 PM »

Herzog of Dorwinion

Race: Man, Easterling

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Class: Vagabond, Former Easterling Soldier

Equipment: Brass plated Staff, Scimitar Concealed on back, Light Leather Armor and Chain Mail, small knife, Composite Bow, Arrows, Large Weather Stained Cloak, Rations in knapsack, Large Purple Scarf embroidered with Gold Runes, a Blank Tome and ink to write with.

History: Herzog is a Vagabond roaming from town to town from the nation of  Dorwinion one of the more western places in Rhun. You can tell that Herzog is a traveled man and he is learned being able to communicate with every one he meets. His skill with horses and his skill with a bow suggests he may have been a Easterling Soldier at some time. Herzog left the service shortly before the Kingdoms of Rhun started to again be in service with Sauron. The only thing left to show of his Easterling war service is his Purple Scarf he keeps wrapped around his face. He is more then meets the eye.

Personality: You can tell that Herzog is still an army man at heart willing to go on long marches with out complaint and he has a certain affinity when giving out orders. He is a Man who is not out to serve himself but is also not out to serve others. Slow to anger and not one to talk much but he is is steadfast and loyal. He will not hesitate in speaking his mind when something he sees is wrong.

Alignment: A Man who serves life at the moment and never in the past or the future. Belongs to no Nation.
Never had much hope. Just a Fools Hope.

February 13, 2013, 10:32:23 AM
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Re: Characters from "Unsung Heroes"
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 10:32:23 AM »
Good Guy

Belok the Dwarf

Possessions: Dwarven beard and a sturdy axe

Captured by Southrons, Belok spent a very long time serving as a slave warrior within a Haradrim tribe. He has done many things for his masters from gladiator style battles to armor bearing. He was discovered by Beowdil and Radagast as they journeyed to Deep Harad. After being freed, he was willing to aid the adventurers in their quest to stop Pallando

Belok's skill in battle is far more formal than Beowdil's (who relies on endurance more than forum). Belok has spent countless hours fighting Haradrim for various reasons. As a slave-warrior, it was his lot to fight or die fighting. Now freed, he fights for a different reason which has yet to be revealed.
*All posts made by jdizzy001, regardless of the thread in which they appear, are expressions of his own opinion and as such are not representative of views shared by any third party unless expressly acknowledged as such by said party.

I play LOTR SBG look at my minis!

March 31, 2013, 09:12:18 AM
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Re: Characters from "Unsung Heroes"
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2013, 09:12:18 AM »
Good Guy

Radagast the Brown

Possessions: Wizard's staff, blade, spells, an assortment of spells

The master of shapes and hues, Radagast departed Valinor at the request of the Valar with the other 4 wizards to combat the evils arising in Middle-Earth. Due to his affinity and preference to nature and animals, Radagast has been accused by both Gandalf and Saruman as aloof, foolish and distant. Unknown to them, Radagast possesses none of these qualities but is focused instead on Harad.

While the Grey wizard focused his efforts on Gondor and the one ring, Radagast felt his efforts would be best used focusing on the threat of the Golden King in Harad. A wealthy Southron whose vast wealth has amassed an army so vast it would spell the doom of men if allowed to combine with Sauron's forces.

In addition to the Golden King's powers, Radagast has also heard rumors of his other two wizard companions, Alatar and Pallando. What weight have they brought to this conflict, and to whom have they given their powers?
*All posts made by jdizzy001, regardless of the thread in which they appear, are expressions of his own opinion and as such are not representative of views shared by any third party unless expressly acknowledged as such by said party.

I play LOTR SBG look at my minis!

April 16, 2013, 10:50:01 PM
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Re: Characters from "Unsung Heroes"
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 10:50:01 PM »
Raja-May and Raja-Yursaa

Two sisters from a tribe of nomadic Haradrim. Belok, Beowdil and Radagast rescued Yursaa from a hunting party of Mahud and returned her to the tribe from wince she came. Upon returning home the chieftain of the tribe honored Beowdil and Belok's bravery with a great feast. Beowdil formally meets May and Yursaa and the party, the two sisters are now a part of Beowdil's company. 
*All posts made by jdizzy001, regardless of the thread in which they appear, are expressions of his own opinion and as such are not representative of views shared by any third party unless expressly acknowledged as such by said party.

I play LOTR SBG look at my minis!