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Author Topic: Elrohir wants some cards  (Read 5245 times)

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September 07, 2008, 05:27:24 AM
Read 5245 times


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    • Elrohir wants some cards
Elrohir wants some cards
« on: September 07, 2008, 05:27:24 AM »
 ;D  ;D Olorin
 ;D  ;D King89
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 ;D Enola
 ;D Rktekk
 ;D NBarden
 ;D Pipeweed
 ;D GarrisonofGondor


I sell cards! Please ask!

german FOILS

1R96 Boromir, Herr von Gondor
1U112 Das Schwert des Waldläufers
1R131 Orthanc Attentäter
1R148 Uruk Leutnant
1C149 Uruk Bote
1C156 Uruk Krieger
1R167 Aufgebrachte Bewohner
1R204 Alle Schleier gelüftet
1U238 In Schatten gehüllt
1U270 Ork Spähtrupp
1C271 Ork Soldat
1R272 Ork Kriegstrupp
1C290 Frodo, Sohn des Drogo
1C299 Hobbitschwert
1C303 Merry, von jenseits des Brandywein
10C102 Urukaxt

english FOILS:

1C43 Far-Seeing Eyes
1C351 Galadriel's Glade
2U18 Hosts of the last alliance
6U13 Arwen, Evenstar of her People
6U16 Forearmed
6C21 Naith Longbow
6U22 Naith Troop

Fellowship of the Ring block Rares (german):
1R190 Moriaaxt
1R55 Galadriels Spiegel
1R93 Arwens Schicksal
1R95 Das Schwert von Gondor
1R34 Celeborn, Herrscher von Lorien
1R62 Die Pracht ihrer Banner x2
1R66 Die Geschichte von Gil-Galad x2
1R30 Arwen, Elronds Tochter
1R33 Der Bogen der Galadhrim
1R38 Zweifachschuss
1R50 Legolas, Grünblatt
1R36 Verflucht seien ihre schmutzigen Füße
1R40 Elrond, Herrscher von Bruchtal
1R47 Gwemegil
1R313 Stich
3R39 Das Banner des weißen Baumes
3P122 Boromir, Verteidiger Minas Tiriths

1R36 Curse their foul feet

Sets 7-19:

7R5 Dark Ways
7R12 Preparations
8R3 Blood Runs chill
9R5 Linnar, Dwarven Lord x2
9R9 Der Ring der Vergeltung GERMAN
9R9 Ring of Retribution
9R10 Sindri, Dwarven Lord
9R11 Uri, Zwergenkönig GERMAN
9R11 Uri, Dwarven Lord
11R9 Gimli's Battle Axe, Vicious Weapon
11R10 Grimir, Dwarven Emissary
11R11 Hall of our Fathers x2
11R14 Well-equipped
12R9 Loud and Strong
14R1 Dain Ironfoot, King Under the Moutain

7R17 Asfaloth, Elven Steed
10R6 Celeborn, Lord of the Galadhrim
10R7 Celeborn, Herr der Galadrim GERMAN
10R11 Galadriel, Erlöster Herrin GERMAN
11R24 Might of the Elf-Lords x2

9R25 Huorn GERMAN
12R26 Discoveries
12R27 Gandalf, The white Rider x2
12RF3 Gandalf the White Rider

11R51 Smeagol, Späher und Führer GERMAN

9R36 Die Schriftrolle des Isildur GERMAN
9R37 Der sehende Stein von Minas Arnor GERMAN x3
9R38 Der sehende Stein vom Orthanc GERMAN
10R25 Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar
11R54 Aragorn, Streicher GERMAN
11R54 Aragorn, Strider
11R57 Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath x2
11R60 Das Höchste Wert GERMAN
11R60 The highest Quality
12R42 Das Schwert von Gondor, Boromirs Schwert GERMAN
12R42 Blade of Gondor, Sword of Boromir
12R47 Faramir, Dunadan of Gondor
13R65 Elendil, High-King of Gondor
18RF 7 Crown of Gondor

9R40 Sack of the shire

11R68 Gerüstete Ostlinge GERMAN
11R68 Armored Easterling
11R75 Easterling Host x2
12R57 Corrupted Spy
12R75 Poisonous Words
13R93 Harmless
15R74 Chieftain of Dunland
18R69 Henchman's Dagger

12R79 The Balrog, The terror of Khazad-Dum

11R119 Embolded Orc x2
11R134 Hartnäckiger Ork GERMAN
11R134 Persistent Orc
11R141 Undisciplined
11R143 Watchful Orc
12R81 Abiding Evil
12R82 Barrage
12R86 Cave Troll's Hammer, Unwieldy Cudgel
12R100 Rallying Orc x2
17R76 Orkish Fiend
19P23 Troll of the Deep, Cave Troll

7R241 Merry's Armor
7R261 With strength to fight
11R147 Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg
11R158 Schwertständer GERMAN
11R158 Sword Rack
13R123 Eomer, Heir to Meduseld
13R137 Theoden, The Renowned x2
13R139 Wind-Swept Homestead
17R96 Eowyn, Northwoman
17R98 Throne of the Golden Hall
18R98 Fall back to Helm's Deep

7R269 Feuer wüteten ungehindert GERMAN
7R269 Fires raged unchecked
7R286 Mordor Fighter
7R311 Siege Commander
10R75 Advance Captain
10R94 Orc Ravager
10R95 Orc Slaughter
10R99 Shagrat, Captain of Cirith Ungol

12R127 Pippin, Hobbit of some intelligence
12R129 Rosie Cotton, Barmaid
13R149 Frodo, entschlossener Kämpfer GERMAN

11R177 Army of Uruk-Hai x2
11R179 Brawling Uruk x2
11R181 Determined Uruk
11R184 Force of Uruk-Hai
11R186 Furious Uruk
11R205 Vigliant Uruk x2
12R139 Verzweifelt und besiegt GERMAN
12R141 Dark Alliance
12R154 Uruk Slaughterer
12R157 Uruk-Hai Troop
13R174 Uruk Einzelgänger GERMAN
13R174 Uruk Rogue
14R14 Heiler der Uruk-Hai GERMAN
17R124 White hand Destroyer
18R119 Lurtz's Bow, Black-fletched Bow

7R182 Loathsome
7R204 Out of sight and shot
8R67 Between Nazgul and Prey
8R81 Ulaire Otsea, Thrall of the One x2
9R42 Ring of Asperity
9R+43 Ring of Ire
10R67 Ulaire Cantea, Thrall of the One
10R71 Ulaire Toldea, Thrall of the One
11R207 Dark Powers Strengthen
11R211 Keening Wail x2
11R214 Die bleiche Klinge, Flammenschwert GERMAN
11R214 The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame
11R217 Langsam näherkommende Gestalten GERMAN
11R224 Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the nine Riders
12R173 Ulaire Attea, Black Predator

and much more...

Arwen, Maiden of Rivendell :D
« Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 06:47:14 PM by Elrohir »
You gave away your life's grace. I cannot protect you anymore.

January 26, 2009, 04:16:05 AM
Reply #1


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Re: Elrohir wants some cards
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2009, 04:16:05 AM »
Hey Elhoir, what do think of:

1x Hope Comes
1x Life of the Eldar

Theoden, Ednew

December 07, 2010, 06:49:17 PM
Reply #2


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    • Elrohir wants some cards
Re: Elrohir wants some cards
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2010, 06:49:17 PM »
Good Evening!

I have edited my message above.


You gave away your life's grace. I cannot protect you anymore.