The problems of
HiDaN deck are:
- lack of logical starting fellowship,
- to have everything work, you need 45 cards, and then the deck won't work due to bad cycling.
IMO the only way to have it work is to reduce to bare minimum. Frodo, 2
guys and two
guys. Nothing more. Then you earn some space. So I'd remove:
- Sam, knight, Theoden (there is no good Theoden in TTT block, 2 vitality is simply not enough for a companion), Hama,
Sword of Gondor,
Herugrim, second
StingNow you can add two more Aragorns and one more Boromir. 1 or 2 Rohirrim Bows, 1
Rider's Mount, 1
Citadel of the Stars (best anti-Dunland card). Maybe one more
Ranger's Sword (and I'd go with FotR version uless in very Uruk-heavy meta). Playtesting should show which Boromir is better and if you can remove
Hard Choice to put something better.