The One Ring, Isildur's Bane (1R1)

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The One Ring, Isildur's Bane (1R1) Card Image

Set: The Fellowship of the Ring
Card Type: The One Ring
Strength: +1
Vitality: +1
Game Text: Response: If bearer is about to take a wound, he wears The One Ring until the regroup phase. While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, add 2 burdens instead.
Lore: ”…the Ring slipped from his fingers as he swam….”
Rarity: R

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The One Ring, Isildur's Bane (1R1) Wiki

General Strategy

Isildur's Bane is for most situations preferable to the common Ruling Ring. Both the additional vitality and more flexible Response action allow the Ring-bearer to soak up more damage from the rest of the Fellowship. Unlike The Ruling Ring, at a cost of two burdens per wound, any wound can be turned into burdens, allowing for emergency wound or archery absorption in a pinch. However, the additional burden cost is not to be ignored and can swiftly add up against strong Shadow armies, especially Uruk-hai or other damage +1 minions.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

Weak Versus...

  • Heavy burden adding and Nazgul in general

Rules and Clarifications

From the Current Rulings Document - March 2004:

The One Ring's first paragraph is a special ability, and therefore optional. The second paragraph of game text is not
optional, so once The One Ring is “worn”, all wounds taken must be “converted” to burdens. When you are about to take a wound and wear The One Ring, you must take a burden (or burdens) for that wound.

Extra Information

Other Versions of The One Ring

The Binding Ring (P) The Ruling Ring Answer To All Riddles The Answer To All Riddles (T) The Ruling Ring The Ruling Ring Such a Weight to Carry Such A Weight To Carry (T) The Binding Ring The Ring of Rings The Ring of Rings (T) The Ruling Ring The Ring of Rings (F) The Ring of Doom The Ruling Ring The Ring of Doom (F) The Great Ring

Other Prints of The One Ring, Isildur's Bane

The Fellowship of the Ring


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